Dear Hearwave,
GO THE HECK AWAY!! This is the Northwest. It isn't suppose to be in the 90s. I don't like you. I thought I left you in Nevada and California. Go way!
Sweating in Washington
Dear AC in the office
PLEASE COME BACK! I love you, why did you go away? Without you here my coworkers and I get hot and cranky. Please come back.
Sweating in Washington
Dear People who fix our AC,
DIAF Then we can get a company that will fix the problem and we won't have to keep doing this. Also where the hell are you?
Grabbing the stupid stick to hit you with
GO THE HECK AWAY!! This is the Northwest. It isn't suppose to be in the 90s. I don't like you. I thought I left you in Nevada and California. Go way!
Sweating in Washington
Dear AC in the office
PLEASE COME BACK! I love you, why did you go away? Without you here my coworkers and I get hot and cranky. Please come back.
Sweating in Washington
Dear People who fix our AC,
DIAF Then we can get a company that will fix the problem and we won't have to keep doing this. Also where the hell are you?
Grabbing the stupid stick to hit you with