Dear Becks,
For the sake of your little unnamed balls of love, please don't declaw them. Declawed cats can't defend themselves, clean themselves properly, stretch their back and legs properly, walk properly, and you are essentially cutting off parts of their little kitty fingers. There are lots of alternatives out there to declawing. I implore you to research it a bit before you make your final decision.
-Foster mom to more than 30 strays and feral cats in the last 2 years who have all kept their claws
For the sake of your little unnamed balls of love, please don't declaw them. Declawed cats can't defend themselves, clean themselves properly, stretch their back and legs properly, walk properly, and you are essentially cutting off parts of their little kitty fingers. There are lots of alternatives out there to declawing. I implore you to research it a bit before you make your final decision.
-Foster mom to more than 30 strays and feral cats in the last 2 years who have all kept their claws