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  • Becks--

    Only because they didn't realize how much awesomer you are.

    I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

    Oh, and your tool box got out again.


    • Dear Lizziebeff,


      Thanks, too, for spending YOUR money on getting me some new stuff.

      I owe you.


      Your favoritist sister
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • Dear Becks--

        3 words for you:


        I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

        Oh, and your tool box got out again.


        • Dear Bella,

          You have me intrigued. Now I want frozen hot chocolate!



          • Dear Rummy--

            Come visit. Becks lives above a coffee shop, and that is one of their specialties. Once I dig out my blender, I'm going to see if I can make it.

            I'll share.

            I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

            Oh, and your tool box got out again.


            • Quoth Evil Queen View Post
              Dear The SO,

              Please can we go? Please? Please? Please? Please?!? I promise to be a good girl the rest of the *mumbles*, please?!!?

              Still wanting a doggie,
              -the sad queen
              Dear EQ,

              TAKE ME TOO!

              -Daz Mel
              Now a member of that alien race called Management.

              Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


              • Dear BoyThing,

                I really really hope this works out. I'm feeling a little twitterpated.

                "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                • Dear Judge in Alabama,

                  Please understand that I am a good mother, that I love my son with all my heart, and that the best best best Christmas present you could ever Ever EVER give anyone, you'd give this year by giving me custody of my little prince when I come down there in December. Please know I would have brought him with me, if only I'd known that I could. Please know I think about him non stop, and the only thing I want in the world is to have him back!

                  Thank you for understanding all this, and, hopefully, thank you for giving him back!


                  PS Please don't be biased because I'm not from/do not live in Alabama....


                  • Dear Idiot By The Pump,

                    I asked you to turn your motor off for a reason. I promise I'm not out to annoy you, I can do it without trying. You could get us all killed. It's not rocket science. Either turn it off or I stop your pump. If you don't like it then come back inside for your refund.

                    ~That Bitch At The Register


                    • Dear morons doing yard work,

                      I'm so not a morning person and you waking me up at 8:30 AM to do what ever the hell you guys are doing out there with the loudest machines you could find, is really starting to piss me the hell off.

                      When you first woke me up I had very evil thoughts about you guys and a wood chipper.

                      I know my neighbors can't be happy either, do you really want to piss off a large number of people who are not morning people?

                      Dear husband,

                      I'm not trying to nag you about not taking a second job in retail. I'm trying to warn you! I love you and don't want to see you have to put up with the dumb shit that goes along with working with the public.

                      You have never worked with the general public and have no idea just how evil they can be. You will see that I was right when I told you that you will end up hating mankind worse than I do, if you work with the general public.

                      I know I can never go to where they have hired you on, because I would go medieval on the first person I saw that insulted you or tried to throw something at you.

                      Please reconsider! I worry!

                      Dear big guy,

                      Thank you for not getting upset when I borrow your shirts. They are big and roomy. Perfect for bumming around or sleeping in.

                      Also, thank you for taking over most of the cooking. I hate cooking and it helps when you want you to do it.

                      Dear computer monitor,

                      Stop freaking out! I can't afford to replace you right now! GRR!
                      Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                      If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                      Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                      • Dear Mis,

                        I think I'll definitely start stalking (your threads) now.


                        Dear Darwin (my boy cat),

                        For the love of all fluffiness, stop being so darn cute, and lovable and pettable! I can't get no housework done!

                        Your Human Mommy


                        • Dear RPHG:

                          Hugs, positive thoughts and kitty-purrs still coming your way.



                          Dear Job Market/Economy:

                          Get better, please? I really want to get a job by New Years and be paid what I'm actually worth as a tech.


                          Dear MBTA:

                          Please get a better lost-and-found system. Having it located in a brick building in the C Line train yard is a bit dangerous (drivers are not watching for non-safety-vest-clad foot traffic as they have no reason to), also by your own rules non-employees aren't even supposed to be in there.
                          "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                          "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                          • Yes, I'm Fuming Right Now!

                            Dear Shit-Stirrer:

                            You have your own apartment so stay in it. No matter how puffed up you are with your own sense of self-worth, you're still nothing more than a fucking tenant.

                            Don't think I don't know why I bother you. I won't come to your fang and claw kaffee klatsches to spread dirt. Gossip is toxic and YOU are the chief poisoner.

                            Every narc has to be perfectly circumspect in their own behavior. It isn't within your nature to follow the same rules as everyone else does and it certainly isn't characteristic of you to avoid situations that might suck you into a vortex of trouble. You've just been very lucky thus far because you certainly don't have the intellect to figure out the logistics of it all.

                            Stay the fuck away from me.
                            "It's not me that you hate; it's those nasty truths I serve up. Hey, man, I'm just honesty's vessel!" --Me


                            • Dear Drunken dipshit:
                              Yes, putting your goddamn Huffy in the middle of the stoe's doorway is going to trip someone, don't aregue about move you POS bike before I throw it in the river., and don't pay for booze with seven dollars worth of pennies

                              Dear WM2041:
                              Bite me you bastards. Wanna wonder why you have no stockmen, you treated us with NO RESPECT. You wanna let customers nearly hit us and then admonish us because the cell-phone talking, subway sandwich eating, child seat belt fastening twit, said she never shop here again. She'll be back, i however will never set foot in your store again.
                              Much Love-

                              Dear Crazy Black Friday Loving Aunt:
                              No I don't care about the goddamn retail sales wherein you can get a years supply of socks, I am NOT going to get up at 5AM to deal with the nutjobs who want to get a knock-off DVD player for $20, it was bad enough when i got paid to deal with that idiocy, if I ain't gettin' paid , honey, i ain't goin'. Oh, and stop b-tching about how fat you have to drive to get to our house, stop trying to endanger our house because you want a pretty fire in our fireplace. Know what? I don't care how much better it is at R's house, and how i should stop cooking because it makes me "look gay" and no woman would want me, you certainly don't complain when you eat my cakes. And you are not my godmother.
                              Your nephew,

                              Dear overanalyzing political people on TV:
                              THE ELECTION IS OVER SHUT UP!!!
                              Thank you

                              Dear alma mater:
                              I am not giving you a dime, you want to employ 'teachers" who said they laughed when white people died, and kick any dissenting voices out of their class then you can do without my money. My parents already gave you $100,000 when I was enrolled at your shitty school, so f-ck off. And don't tell me who to vote for, it ain't none of your damn business.
                              Aggrevated alumnus

                              Wow that felt good.

                              To my peeps at CS:
                              I hope you all have a great holiday, if you need positive thoughts I'll send them your way. I'm sorry if i act like an asshole sometimes, so thanks for being there and making thi site one of the beat on the internet.
                              Your in CS-dom


                              • dear CTR,

                                tell your aunt that cooking ability has nothing to do with sexuality... one of the best cooks I know is straight and one of the worst is gay.


                                dear EQ
                                Fenrus says you are corrupting me


                                dear Mom,
                                you have redeemed yourself from last week. Thank you. Even if you did vote for the wrong candidate

                                dear coworkers
                                Please stop being sick... I do appreciate being able to sleep once in a while which is really hard to do when I am always having to cover your shifts. And yes the new guy needs hours too... but he too enjoys sleep.

                                dear managers
                                please hire another person so we aren't so short staffed and overworked to the point where there quite literally is no one to cover a shift when someone gets sick (if I were to get sick right now likely the hotel would have to close until either I or one of my sick coworkers were to get better).

                                really tired smiley

                                Dear Fenrus,
                                You suck. You know why.

                                If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

