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A Scottsman joke that doesn't involve really it *is* possible!

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  • A Scottsman joke that doesn't involve really it *is* possible!

    A man walks into a pub carrying a bucket of water. He heads over to the bar and plunks the bucket on the counter and proclaims...

    "I have an octopus in this bucket that is unbelievably talented in music. If there is anyone here with an instrument that my pet can't play, I'll buy everyone in here a pint."

    Now everyone is excited and is bringing in every instrument they can think of. The put the octopus in front of the drum set and he goes off, wailing away on them like a man possessed, pulling off complex beats and solos.

    They give him a guitar and he starts making it howl out some classic Hendrix.

    Someone puts a trumpet in its tentacles and he starts playing to make the angels weep.

    After a while a Scottsman puts a set of bagpipes down in front of the octopus and stands back to watch. The little guy slowly turns it over, looks at it from all angles, pulls on the fabric randomly...etc.

    After about a half hour the scottsman says to the owner "I think ye owe everyone a pint laddie, it seems that your pet can't play me bagpipes."

    Hearing that the octopus turns bright beet red and says "Bagpipes? No wonder I couldn't get her panties off."

    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?