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Dude Ain't a Bro.

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  • Dude Ain't a Bro.

    This is still really rankling me.

    Last night I'm sitting at one of my usual spots, having a cold one after I've gotten off my Friday shift, which is almost always my longest shift of the week.

    Start talking to the guy sitting to my right. Seems like a nice enough guy, and we discuss beer for a bit. No biggie....just some friendly banter here and there.

    Shortly thereafter, at a point when he and I are not talking, a lovely brunette sits down to my left. We start discussing beer, life and other things. And I am having a great time with her. Even recommend a beer to her, which she loves. And we talk for quite a while....even recommend a second beer to her, which she loves even more. Things are going great, we're having a nice time just chatting,

    Miss Brunette goes to the bathroom, and I remember the dude to my right. Not wanting to be rude, I turn to him and apologize for ignoring him, but "let's face it, she's a lot cuter than you." We both chuckle at this, because, well, DUH. And it's fairly obvious to him that I'm at least somewhat interested in her, right?

    Cue Miss Brunette's return. Cue more scintillating conversation. Cue me finishing my really messy wings, and heading to the restroom to wash up. Cue me returning to my seat, to discover the guy I'd been chatting with engaged in conversation with Miss Brunette. And he'd strategically positioned himself to her left, effectively cutting off my conversation with her. And he goes out of his way to monopolize her time.

    Now, since she'd just met each of us last night, I don't really blame her for this. She was just being social. But dude, REALLY? You are such an ass that you have to jump right in there? Clearly he is not a believer in the so-called Bro Code. Because that was just weak. Lame and weak.

    For those of you that think I may be assigning too much malice to the guy, after Miss Brunette and her friends left (without him) and he was in another part of the bar, my bartender and I started talking, and when I asked her about the guy, she said she's dealt with him before, and he always creeps her out. And this is one of the friendliest, most social bartenders I know. She gives me hugs all the time, but she finds him creepy when he asks her for hugs, or stares at her for long periods of time, etc. (His only defense is that she IS really attractive.) So apparently annoyance is not only his habit, but his pastime as well.

    Hope to run into Miss Brunette again, as she and I frequent the same bar, well, frequently. Because there definitely seemed to be a spark of some sort there.

    Meh. Just venting more than anything. Thanks for listening. Gonna go enjoy my weekend off.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Next time just suck that chicken juice off your fingers like a man and don't leave the lady for vultures!

    Or wipe them off using the dudes shirt.


    • #3
      Don't think the licking of fingers would have gone over well with the lady.

      Also, at some point, I would have had to use the bathroom anyway, and he would have moved in then.

      And besides, I had no idea he was a culture till he pounced.

      Fuck it. Dude's a dick.

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #4
        Yeah I know man. Nice guys finish last. Especially in the bars. One move I used in those situations was to write down my number, go back to said lady and say "oh, you forgot this. Have yourself a great night" flash a smile.

        Got a call 9/10 times lol


        • #5
          Quoth Pimento View Post
          Yeah I know man. Nice guys finish last. Especially in the bars. One move I used in those situations was to write down my number, go back to said lady and say "oh, you forgot this. Have yourself a great night" flash a smile.

          Got a call 9/10 times lol
          Thanks for the tip.

          Sincerely, a guy that can't get a date to save his life.
          If anyone breaks the three pint rule, they'll be running all night to the pisser and back.


          • #6
            Meh, it's a gray area. On the one hand, he doesn't know you thus he doesn't have any requirement to not move in on someone you were talking to. On the other hand, you were just running to the head making it kind of ridiculous to steal her attention. It's not a competition.
            "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


            • #7
              Greenday, you are correct. He had zero obligation to not be a dick to me, since we weren't buddies, friends, or even acquaintances. He was, however, still a dick.

              Quoth Pimento View Post
              Nice guys finish last.

              This might be right if she left with him. And I was one to bemoan the whole thing based on that assumption. I am a nice guy, and I finish ahead of assholes like this fairly often. Why? Because I'm not an asshole.

              Also, nice guys like me happen to have bar staffs in their side, and creepazoids like this....don't. Yet another staffer at that bar confirmed for me today that the dude's a creepy scuzzbucket. And they LOVE me at this bar.

              So, if I run into her again, a decently likely proposition, I'll pick up where she and I left off.

              And if I run into this guy again, and he pulls anything like this again, I'll politely remind him that such behavior is kinda uncool, helpfully suggest he get some better bar manners, and calmly pull his vocal cords out through his nose.

              Because that's the kind of nice guy I am.

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                Nice guys don't always finish last.

                Sort of reminds me of the time I was hanging out drinking at a bar that a BF managed - I was sitting at one end talking with he and a friend who waited tables there. We were planning on going back to a diner we all liked for breakfast as soon as the place closed. Near closing, a couple guys come in, older guy and what looked like his son. So Tom went over to get drink orders, and a little conversation ensued while he was serving them.

                He was sort of snickering to himself when he came back over and told me the older guy paid him $5 to ask me how much I would charge to do his son, he wanted to get his cherry popped. So I sent Tom back to say he asked me and I turned him down. Tom Eddy and I thought it was hysterical - as there are better bars in the Rochester NY area [or at least back in the early 80s] for getting a hooker at.
                EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                • #9
                  Nice guys don't always finish last, and besides that, if the lovely brunette can't see what a catch you are, she's an idiot. I hope you see her again soon and that she only left because the douche bucket creeped her out.
                  At the conclusion of an Irish wedding, the priest said "Everybody please hug the person who has made your life worth living. The bartender was nearly crushed to death.


                  • #10
                    I don't know her opinion of Creepazoid. I do know she left because her friends were leaving, and she went with them.

                    Frankly, I really don't give a shit what her opinion of Creepazoid is. I am far more interested in her opinion of ME.

                    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                    Still A Customer."


                    • #11
                      Quoth Jester View Post
                      I don't know her opinion of Creepazoid.

                      Super skeeve extraordinaire
                      Creepazoid. Creepazoid.
                      Eyeing women's underwear
                      Creepazoid. Creepazoid.

                      Please rescue girls from his P.O.V.
                      Creepazoid! Creepazoid!
                      He's creepin' all throughout the Key
                      Creepazoid. Creepazoid.

                      His brain's got sleazeball loaded
                      It's got a greasy coating
                      Textbook case for Sigmund Freud
                      Creepazoid! Creepazoid!
                      By popular request....I am now officially the Enemy of Normalcy.

                      "What is unobtainium? To Seraph, it's a normal client. :P" -- Observant Friend


                      • #12
                        Quoth Seraph View Post
                        Super skeeve extraordinaire
                        Creepazoid. Creepazoid.
                        Eyeing women's underwear
                        Creepazoid. Creepazoid.

                        Please rescue girls from his P.O.V.
                        Creepazoid! Creepazoid!
                        He's creepin' all throughout the Key
                        Creepazoid. Creepazoid.

                        His brain's got sleazeball loaded
                        It's got a greasy coating
                        Textbook case for Sigmund Freud
                        Creepazoid! Creepazoid!

                        PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                        There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                        • #13
                          Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post

                          So does "Freakazoid"...

                          Skilled programmers aren't cheap. Cheap programmers aren't skilled.


                          • #14
                            I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I will quite firmly agree with the call of BS on the phrase "Nice guys finish last".

                            Not to toot my own horn, but I have/had a close female friend was in a relationship with a guy for an extended period of time, myself plus a few others could tell from anecdotes that we had heard about his behaviours, mannerisms, etc that something wasn't right about him.

                            Sure enough, my/our hunch was spot on, as late during last year the relationship turned quite volatile and pretty much abusive. After a lot of listening and a bit of prodding, she finally did the right thing and contacted her parents who drove clear across a couple of states and helped her pack up her stuff.

                            Long story short, the reason I say she "was" close is because she was particularly appreciative towards my support and admitted she has liked me for a long time and is now my girlfriend (incidentally we've been together for a little over 7 months now, though it IS a long distance relationship) so at this point we're pretty much a LOT more than just 'close'.

                            Granted it has nothing to do with the original topic, but it just goes to show that nice guys DO get their dues in the long run. We just need to be patient and persistent (but not to the point of creepiness)
                            Last edited by Kagato; 07-24-2013, 10:59 AM. Reason: reworded some stuff, fixed grammar.
                            Violets are blue,
                            Roses are red,
                            I bequeath to thee...
                            A boot to the head >_>

