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Lousy day off.

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  • Lousy day off.

    It started yesterday when I got home to realize my bedroom door was broken, as it had somehow come off the top hinge. Fantastic.

    Actually, it started Monday, when I woke up with a hangover and a sunburn (expected after a day of drinking beer on the water at the first ever Key West Floatilla on Sunday), but also with my nose feeling like someone had punched it. Which, no one had. Nor did I fall or crash into anything. Figuring it was some random ache or pain, didn't think much of it, though it continued through Tuesday, giving me more headaches than I'm used to. And this morning I woke up to discover the left side of my nose had started to swell. Well, fuck.

    So I went to the doctor, and had the pleasure of paying the office fee to be told a highly educated "I dunno." Doc said it could be an infection, though it didn't look like it, it could be a broken nose, though how that would have happened would be anyone's guess, or it could be something else completely. After lecturing me on unrelated issues (I like Doc, but lately he is annoying the piss out of me), he advised me to take ibuprofen, ice down my nose, and get X-rays at a local radiological place. Which will, of course, cost more money I don't have. And I could not go there today since, by the time I saw the doctor after waiting an hour and a half, the place was closed. (Partly my fault for sitting on my ass so much of the day.) I'm gonna ice it down tonight, and if the swelling's down in the morning, bypass the X-rays and treat it as a freak event. If it's the same or worse, I'll probably get the X-rays.

    But wait....there's more! While at the grocery store, I completely spaced getting more ibuprofen, and I am almost out. And, while cooking dinner, managed to dump a metric shit ton of red pepper into the pasta sauce, since I had opened jar to the fully open lid, not the shaker lid. So, even after adding more sauce, which completely ratio of pasta to sauce out the window, my dinner was rather spicy.

    Which made my red wine a bit hard to taste. But, now that my taste buds have come back from dunking their heads in the pool to cool off, I can tell that this is an unusually boring, bland, and generic Spanish red. Which is odd, since most Spanish reds I get are awesome. Of course, I have two bottles of this one, since it was 2-for-1 at the store a few weeks ago. Figured I'd try something new. Oops.

    Well, at least it's wine, it's not dreadful, and the best dessert after a pasta dinner is, in fact, wine. So, yeah, gonna be drinking it. (The first's not awful, but I'm not drinking two of these bottles in one night.)

    Also, while there is a chili cookoff coming up on Saturday, I've decided not to compete in it, due to considerations of time and money. But I will probably still show up and taste the other chilis. But I'd really rather compete. Meh.

    On the positive side:

    I fixed the fucking door.
    My roommate told me he finally got our shared scooter fixed. (Though of course now I owe him half the repair bill.)
    For the price of takeout pasta, I was smart and bought stuff at the grocery store that should last me a good four meals or so. And I didn't have to tip.
    The dishes are done.
    I remembered to water the cacti.

    So now I'm gonna go watch some stuff on my DVR while attempting to ice down my nose, deal with an annoyingly itchy sunburn, and drink wine, which admittedly does not sound like a recipe for success. Hopefully I can pull it off.

    Yes, I know things can be far worse. I don't consider the day to be an "OMIGOD! DISASTER!", and I know many people have it far worse than me.

    I just needed to vent.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Well, even though things could be worse they were still sucky and you deserve a few hugs, so here are some from me.
    At the conclusion of an Irish wedding, the priest said "Everybody please hug the person who has made your life worth living. The bartender was nearly crushed to death.


    • #3
      Oi, Jester, if things get too annoying down there, you're always welcome over at my place for a chilling out, and some good Southern cooking.
      By popular request....I am now officially the Enemy of Normalcy.

      "What is unobtainium? To Seraph, it's a normal client. :P" -- Observant Friend


      • #4
        Damn, and I was just bummed because while I took our roomie to Pennsic, thanks to some difficult to get radiological appointments I didn't get to actually *stay* at Pennsic ...

        Hm, you fugued out, bashed your face into your door, hence the broken nose and broken door?
        EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


        • #5
          Hope you're feeling better by now.
          Don't wanna; not gonna.


          • #6
            Quoth 42_42_42 View Post
            Hope you're feeling better by now.
            I'll echo that and ask if you ever figured out wtf happened.

            Also, I have a little nook of the fridge where I put 'less-than-stellar' wines to use for cooking. Bet that Spanish would work well in strogonoff if you haven't drank it all yet.


            • #7
              Still a tad bit sore in the upper left nose area, where this all happened, but Thursday the swelling had gone down somewhat, and yesterday it is was just about gone. Ad my nose is down to being its normally large self, rather than having even more baggage to tote around.

              So I won't be going for (nor paying for) X-rays. Whatever happened happened, and while I have no idea what it was or why it happened, I'll put it in my rear view mirror and move on.

              As for the wine, it's red. Do you use red wine in stroganoff? I dunno. I've never made stroganoff. In any case, I killed that bottle, but still have another bottle of it. It's drinkable, don't get me wrong, it's just not at the same exquisite level as most Spanish reds I've had.

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                Quoth Jester View Post
                I have no idea what it was or why it happened...

                Quoth Jester View Post
                As for the wine, it's red. Do you use red wine in stroganoff?
                I use lower grades of beef for mine, so I marinate it in wine first, but the classic recipe doesn't call for it afaik. So many people buy cooking wine, but I hold to the philosophy that if I wouldn't drink it, I won't cook with it. Of course, "will drink" and "savor every drop are two different things, so lesser wines get moved to that nook.

                Totally concur w/ the Spanish Reds. My father-in-law was from there, and we have lots of family connections, so we have them pretty often. I find them more robust (and occasionally more acidic) than many other regions, but love 'em.

                Glad you're deswollen.


                • #9
                  Re Spanish reds: since my ex-fiancée introduced them to me some 11 years ago, this was only the second one I'd had that wasn't spectacular.

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."

