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Why would I vote for you?

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  • #16
    Quoth taxguykarl View Post
    hinakiba, You elaborated on my electoral dilemma: Who to vote against. It's been some time since I voted for a candidate.
    In a three party election it's not easy to just vote against someone. I don't want jerkface to win, good I vote for someone else, but there are still to candidates. Plus the whole issue that in Canadian politics you vote for a regional representative, and then if their party gets enough votes overall and the leader doesn't lose his campaign, that's how the leader is chose. So I might LOVE Party 2, but I prefer the Party 3 candidate for my riding. it's tough
    Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

    Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
    Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


    • #17
      Quoth hinakiba777 View Post
      In a three party election it's not easy to just vote against someone. I don't want jerkface to win, good I vote for someone else, but there are still to candidates. Plus the whole issue that in Canadian politics you vote for a regional representative, and then if their party gets enough votes overall and the leader doesn't lose his campaign, that's how the leader is chose. So I might LOVE Party 2, but I prefer the Party 3 candidate for my riding. it's tough
      Sounds a little bit like Aussie politics. (except we usually have 4 parties plus 1 or 2 indepedents)
      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

      Now queen of USSR-Land...


      • #18
        Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
        I wouldn't call you horrible.

        Brutally honest, perhaps, and mean-spirited.

        But these are not the same thing as "horrible."
        Heh. The "horrible" tag is one that Lupo and I use for me when I'm being particularly cruel. Which seems to happen more often, lately. Either I'm growing more cynical, or adulthood doesn't agree with me. Or both.

        I've also developed an intolerance for stupidity that is starting to rear its head at the worst times. Apparently I get that from mom - she nearly told off a volunteer (she's a church office manager) last month because said volunteer was being a PITA.


        • #19
          Quoth fireheart View Post
          Sounds a little bit like Aussie politics. (except we usually have 4 parties plus 1 or 2 indepedents)
          It's very similar to Aussie politics. Depending on the riding, you could have 4 parties + 2-3 smaller (joke) parties and 1-2 dependents.

          The difference though, is in Canada we have a single vote system. You vote for 1 person in your riding, and whoever gets the most votes win, even if they only get 20% of the total votes.

          At least down in Australia, you guys have a ranked voting system, where you vote for the candidates in order of preference, and the lowest candidate gets dropped until 1 gets to 50%+1 or something like that. I'd love for Canada to get a system like that, but it's not likely; whenever alternative voting methods are brought up, they don't seem to get much traction.

          That leads to awkward situations where you may really like Candidate C, but really hate Candidate B's party, but Candidate A and C's parties are similar enough that they may split votes, letting B win; making you have to decide between voting for who you want, or holding your nose and voting for A because A has a better chance of winning overall.

          And the party leader of the party with the most seats becomes the Premier (or Prime Minister) even if they didn't win their seat themselves (which does make Parliament a bit awkward; you'll often see a safe candidate step aside to let the leader 'run' and get in)

          Back to the OP, as soon as the guy started going on about banning degrees, I'd have flatly said "Nope, no vote for you" and sent him on his way.


          • #20
            Quoth Raveni View Post
            Honestly, my thought is that people should think long and hard about the degree that they will be pursuing, especially if the field has very limited JOBS available. Obviously, you did that, otherwise you wouldn't be working so hard to line up the money to pay for it yourself.

            There are some who use student loans to get degrees that will not help them earn a job and cost so much that it is very hard for them to pay back when they end up getting a job in another field.
            We discussed it, as much as I would love to use whatever inheritence I got from Mom and Dad's estate [mom is 90, fell a few weeks ago and now is in a nursing home permanently and we figure she doesn't have long realistically speaking] to just sell off the house and move, we decided to stay here and do the nursing degree here since he already has state residence status. Then we can move to either Fresno or Key West. It would cost less to live here and do it than try to move, find a place, establish residency and get the degree.
            EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.

