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Bravely Default

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  • Bravely Default

    Or why I need to find more people to Streetpass with

    Downloaded the demo last night and I can't believe how much fun it is. I love how old school it feels while having neat graphics. I also like the background quest of developing the town.

    I just hate that I have to wait another month for the full version

    Anybody else playing? Full version, demo, live nearby so I can get more villagers??
    My NaNo page

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  • #2
    Being in Europe, I've had this since Christmas It's a great game.
    Final Fantasy XIV - Acorna Starfall - Ragnarok (EU Legacy)


    • #3
      You suck

      How big's your Norende?
      My NaNo page

      My author blog


      • #4
        I just downloaded the demo last night.
        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


        • #5
          What's this all about then? Website? Phone/tablet app?


          • #6
            It's a new Square-Enix game for the 3DS. You play an adventuring party who's called to help with a side quest: rebuilding one of the character's hometown. You then get other side quests to help that goal.

            It's got a job system like FFV, a new fight mechanic, and uses StreetPass to get you more villagers. I'd provide a website but am on phone right now.
            My NaNo page

            My author blog


            • #7
              Thank you.

              Sadly, no 3DS here - I'm still using my DS (although I tend to use my Galaxy S2 and Asus Nexus 7 more for my handheld gaming needs these days).


              • #8
                Quoth Kheldarson View Post
                You suck

                How big's your Norende?
                I've unlocked all the areas and have 49 people (but I've been distracted lately and haven't played it much)
                Final Fantasy XIV - Acorna Starfall - Ragnarok (EU Legacy)


                • #9
                  ok is this similar to Dragon Quest 9? I played the demo but I wasn't sure what was going on. It looks cool though
                  Coffee should be strong, black and chewy! It should strip paint and frighten small children.

                  My blog Darkwynd's Musings


                  • #10
                    Quoth Bardmaiden View Post

                    I've unlocked all the areas and have 49 people (but I've been distracted lately and haven't played it much)
                    Neat! You've developed all the things then?

                    Quoth Elspeth View Post
                    ok is this similar to Dragon Quest 9? I played the demo but I wasn't sure what was going on. It looks cool though
                    Never played DQ9 so can't compare, buy if you've played any old school Final Fantasy, it plays like that.
                    My NaNo page

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                    • #11
                      For anybody else with the demo who also has issues with getting StreetPass, here's a trick to getting more villagers:

                      My NaNo page

                      My author blog

