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This should be interesting

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  • This should be interesting

    Tonight, because I'm a family member, I'm going to Ivy Bottini's one woman show.

    Here's about Ivy:

    This could be interesting or it could be really boring. I give her mad props for what she's done with her life.

    I'm wearing my only dress, put on make up, and put my hair in a side braid.(This is my first attempt at a side braid. I sent a pic to StepMIL so she could tell me if it looked good or if I should change it. She said keep it.)

    Here's a link to a pic of my hair.

  • #2
    The braid is cute!

    And OMG Ivy sounds like a national treasure!!
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


    • #3
      Ivy really has done a lot with her life, doing a lot of work towards equal rights.

      I'm back from the show. Ivy was very funny.
      Apparently it's her birthday and it's her birthday tradition to do these one woman shows on her birthday for a couple nights at the theater that is part of the LGBT complex to raise funds for senior activities in the LGBT community.

      I had called her today and told her to brake a leg. No one told me that it was her birthday until we arrived at the theater, but according to her daughter Ivy gave me credit for telling her happy birthday when I called.

