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Crazy dogs

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  • Crazy dogs

    So I've been dogsitting this dog...for a friend. Despite it being scaredy cat at anything that moves, it constantly wants to go outside. It doesn't seem like it's ever been to obedience class. Kind of wild. And once it jumped on my blanket and rolled around on it like a chinchilla in sand, with me still under it!
    I used to have a dog, and it would only roll on a dead carcass. So is this dog telling my I smell like a dead carcass?!
    Anyway I'll be glad when it has to go back. :\ It's cute, but it's too much a handful.
    Does anyone else's dog act weird? Is it because it's homesick?
    Can't reason with the unreasonable.
    The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.

  • #2
    The rolling on you is it trying to be close to you. its a good sign means its excepted you. The Scared of everything is just nerves, could be because its owners are gone and its freaked out, or it could just be a nervous breed. Going outside is it looking for its owners.

    Dogs have the mental capacity of about a 2 or 3 year old human. As for the training I train my dogs myself but I have been doing it since I was a kid. I use a combination of commands in 4 Languages, positive feed back, treats, and when they are bad i shun them. Dogs hate that they are pack animals they want to be excepted by the pack. If you are Alpha they will do their best to please you.


    • #3
      Quoth Crai View Post
      The rolling on you is it trying to be close to you. its a good sign means its excepted you. The Scared of everything is just nerves, could be because its owners are gone and its freaked out, or it could just be a nervous breed. Going outside is it looking for its owners.

      Dogs have the mental capacity of about a 2 or 3 year old human. As for the training I train my dogs myself but I have been doing it since I was a kid. I use a combination of commands in 4 Languages, positive feed back, treats, and when they are bad i shun them. Dogs hate that they are pack animals they want to be excepted by the pack. If you are Alpha they will do their best to please you.
      Yeah I figured that about the blankets. But usually dogs wait till after the human gets out of bed, I figured? It was weird waking up to feeling a dog roll around like a burrito on top of you. Good thing he isn't huge or he would've squished me flat.
      Yesterday I came home from work and found that he had gotten out of his crate somehow and chewed my expensive blinds! Mess everywhere! So he's unhappily in the crate most of the time and hates it. I'm going tell my friend to take him to obdience classes, she's gonna be surprised, since her dog is an angel when she's around. She spoiled him too much IMHO. :\
      Can't reason with the unreasonable.
      The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.


      • #4
        I have Boxer. He hates the Crate so much he ate his way through it tearing up his face... it was a wire crate. He also has destroyed blinds. The way around this is open the blinds. they want to see out side, they want to see whats going on. You can put him back in the create just make sure its looking out a window so they can see the world. I have a lead in the house that keeps him confined to the living room he lays on the couch has a window to look out his water and food is there. I make sure to walk him for at least 45 min in the morning and an hour when I get home. Then I spend another hour playing and talking to / with him. he has adjusted and the destructive issues have gone away.

        I also ditched the crate lol.

