The other day a regular customer and I were talking (he is in the 70s, for reference) and he was going on and on about how his room didn't have a view of the woods. He went on about how it makes him sad to see buildings instead of the woods because he doesn't like buildings or construction or industrialism I guess. Then he asked me if I felt the same. Usually I agree with the customer because to oppose the customer means to have your ears chewed off, but instead I blurted out what I really felt. Which was that I'd rather have building than woods because woods were full of creepy things like: serial killers, bushes with bugs, wild animals with fangs, bugs, birds that peck out your eyes and snakes that bite, and bugs. Oh brother! He went off like a fire siren.
Then I felt really douchey because when I was a kid we lived next to the woods and I played in them all the time! This was before we had Internet
and I remember the ground being full of leaves, not dirt. I would pretend that I was an explorer like Steve Irwin and Jack Hanna and just have a grand ol time. But now as an adult, I prefer buildings instead because it drives up my property value. :\
So was I a douche for feeling woods are creepy now? And do you think they are creepy or no? Just CURIOUS!
Then I felt really douchey because when I was a kid we lived next to the woods and I played in them all the time! This was before we had Internet

So was I a douche for feeling woods are creepy now? And do you think they are creepy or no? Just CURIOUS!
