I few people like to see some of the side work I do so I'd though I'd post what I've been working on last couple of months. (I did WIMG to shrink them so they look goofy; click them to see full size)
My latest project is done. This one got a name. "el veredicto"
The guy wanted something one of a kind.
So it's a Smith and Wesson model 686 .357 mag that had a reg Houge grip (rubber) and was kind of dingy and scratched.

1st pass with Fritz and Dremal.

I went over several times got it nice and shiney

He wanted one of a kind grips- So I got some direct from Thailand

For some reason he wanted it scoped, but being it was a first run I had to do the machine work.

So did I say I'm not a gunsmith? This one will give anyone with a clue shivers. I used the guys car shop to work on it.
What a shitty set up. I was in a corner of the shop. with only a drop light and uneven floor. The stand flexed like hell.
After fucking with it for an hour I said fuck it and got it stable and did my best to make sure the gun and stand had the same bubble and somehow I drilled them straight.

So I used this to give more options in ring sets than the $10 Wearer mount but I just couldn't make myself like the extra with the over hang on the bbl and solution on the set screw.

So I lopped it off and cleaned it up.

It needed a case so it's amazing what a trip to Hobby Lobby can inspire. Now I won't say what the pistol work cost but for $80 I can make a case for you.

This is one sexy bitch

Not bad at the range-

ok till one of the reloads provided ended the day, but I should have it cloverleafing soon.
My latest project is done. This one got a name. "el veredicto"
The guy wanted something one of a kind.
So it's a Smith and Wesson model 686 .357 mag that had a reg Houge grip (rubber) and was kind of dingy and scratched.

1st pass with Fritz and Dremal.

I went over several times got it nice and shiney

He wanted one of a kind grips- So I got some direct from Thailand

For some reason he wanted it scoped, but being it was a first run I had to do the machine work.

So did I say I'm not a gunsmith? This one will give anyone with a clue shivers. I used the guys car shop to work on it.
What a shitty set up. I was in a corner of the shop. with only a drop light and uneven floor. The stand flexed like hell.
After fucking with it for an hour I said fuck it and got it stable and did my best to make sure the gun and stand had the same bubble and somehow I drilled them straight.

So I used this to give more options in ring sets than the $10 Wearer mount but I just couldn't make myself like the extra with the over hang on the bbl and solution on the set screw.

So I lopped it off and cleaned it up.

It needed a case so it's amazing what a trip to Hobby Lobby can inspire. Now I won't say what the pistol work cost but for $80 I can make a case for you.

This is one sexy bitch

Not bad at the range-

ok till one of the reloads provided ended the day, but I should have it cloverleafing soon.
