I've now started watching it and I may be slightly addicted... I could do without the Dramatic Music (TM) but that seems to be an American vs British thing. The slow-mo is quite fun, though.
I do like the commitment to safety over drama and the teamwork between rivals; the episode I watched last night from season 4 had them in the dry moat of an old fort cold-forging seax knives from broken swords. One of the contestants grabbed a solid pommel sphere and couldn't hammer it out. Another contestant gave him the remains of his own broken sword so that he wouldn't have to go up the other end of the moat and start rummaging around.
I do like the commitment to safety over drama and the teamwork between rivals; the episode I watched last night from season 4 had them in the dry moat of an old fort cold-forging seax knives from broken swords. One of the contestants grabbed a solid pommel sphere and couldn't hammer it out. Another contestant gave him the remains of his own broken sword so that he wouldn't have to go up the other end of the moat and start rummaging around.