So in light of the Steam sale, I have a whole slew of games that I was introduced to by friends and some that I've also picked up on Switch and/or 3DS, so I thought I'd plug em here and see if anyone else plays em.
Town of Salem: if you've ever played Werewolf or Mafia, it's basically this with a Puritan America theme (hence the name). You join a lobby with 15 other people and get randomly assigned a role. depending on that role, you either need to kill everyone, survive or similar and then the following day, you vote to lynch someone - ideally it should be one of the evil players. I love the variety of roles, the avatars are cute and it's actually great fun with friends (if you put a group together and there's not enough to run it on your own, it'll match you up with several other people). Only main downside is that people in the chat during the game can get a bit well...immature. (And I have been mistaken for male and/or gay several times)
Crypt of the Necrodancer: Also its sister game, Cadence of Hyrule (former is on PC, Switch etc. latter is Switch-only AFAIK). I don't normally like roguelike games, but this one is surprisingly addictive and the soundtrack is kickass. It is a roguelike game mixed with a rhythm game, but you're moving to a beat (represented at the bottom of the screen by a pulsing heart [or triforce in CoH]) and the monsters also have a pattern based on that beat which you need to work out in order to stay alive. Yes, it's frustrating at times when you don't know the rhythms, but it's very unique and strangely addictive. Cadence of Hyrule is based off of the Zelda franchise and on the Switch, it handles quite nicely.
Rez: An oldie but a goldie, I was so happy when I found it was on PC (originally on PS2). It's a rail shooter with very simple graphics. The twist however, is that there's a dance track pulsing in the background and as you shoot the enemies, each enemy has their own sound, so you're building the soundtrack as you go. It can get very chaotic, very fast and your wrists do hurt, but it's definitely worth a shot. It's also somewhat notorious for the fact that when it was released in Japan, it came with a "trance vibrator" that you plugged into the PS2's USB port and the idea was to sit on it or put it in your pocket so you could feel the shots when they hit. Yeah....they basically sold a sex toy with the game.
West of Loathing: Based off of Kingdom of Loathing, West of Loathing is a Western-themed RPG with stick figures and a very entertaining story. You play as one of three classes (physical attacker, ranged attacker or mage essentially) and there's quite an elaborate plot within the story involving a cow apocalypse, a mysterious device called El Vibrato, a weird-ass king and a cult that sounds a little bit like Mexican-American cooking. There's multiple endings, the combat and mechanics are fairly easy to pick up and the writing is glorious. Definitely worth a crack.
What else do people like?
Town of Salem: if you've ever played Werewolf or Mafia, it's basically this with a Puritan America theme (hence the name). You join a lobby with 15 other people and get randomly assigned a role. depending on that role, you either need to kill everyone, survive or similar and then the following day, you vote to lynch someone - ideally it should be one of the evil players. I love the variety of roles, the avatars are cute and it's actually great fun with friends (if you put a group together and there's not enough to run it on your own, it'll match you up with several other people). Only main downside is that people in the chat during the game can get a bit well...immature. (And I have been mistaken for male and/or gay several times)
Crypt of the Necrodancer: Also its sister game, Cadence of Hyrule (former is on PC, Switch etc. latter is Switch-only AFAIK). I don't normally like roguelike games, but this one is surprisingly addictive and the soundtrack is kickass. It is a roguelike game mixed with a rhythm game, but you're moving to a beat (represented at the bottom of the screen by a pulsing heart [or triforce in CoH]) and the monsters also have a pattern based on that beat which you need to work out in order to stay alive. Yes, it's frustrating at times when you don't know the rhythms, but it's very unique and strangely addictive. Cadence of Hyrule is based off of the Zelda franchise and on the Switch, it handles quite nicely.
Rez: An oldie but a goldie, I was so happy when I found it was on PC (originally on PS2). It's a rail shooter with very simple graphics. The twist however, is that there's a dance track pulsing in the background and as you shoot the enemies, each enemy has their own sound, so you're building the soundtrack as you go. It can get very chaotic, very fast and your wrists do hurt, but it's definitely worth a shot. It's also somewhat notorious for the fact that when it was released in Japan, it came with a "trance vibrator" that you plugged into the PS2's USB port and the idea was to sit on it or put it in your pocket so you could feel the shots when they hit. Yeah....they basically sold a sex toy with the game.

West of Loathing: Based off of Kingdom of Loathing, West of Loathing is a Western-themed RPG with stick figures and a very entertaining story. You play as one of three classes (physical attacker, ranged attacker or mage essentially) and there's quite an elaborate plot within the story involving a cow apocalypse, a mysterious device called El Vibrato, a weird-ass king and a cult that sounds a little bit like Mexican-American cooking. There's multiple endings, the combat and mechanics are fairly easy to pick up and the writing is glorious. Definitely worth a crack.
What else do people like?