I was just watching a clip from Star Trek: Wrath of Khan. Spock is allowing Lt. Saavik to pilot the Enterprise out of space dock. He says "Take her out, Mr. Saavik."

Saavik is clearly not a "mister." Somebody responded to my question about that by saying she's an officer aboard the Enterprise and thus "in this universe" the "Mister" is correct.
It makes no sense to me, not least because Uhura has always been an officer on the Enterprise and I'm sure she was referred to as "Miss Uhura" on several occasions in TOS.

Saavik is clearly not a "mister." Somebody responded to my question about that by saying she's an officer aboard the Enterprise and thus "in this universe" the "Mister" is correct.
It makes no sense to me, not least because Uhura has always been an officer on the Enterprise and I'm sure she was referred to as "Miss Uhura" on several occasions in TOS.