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Just need to vent.

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  • Just need to vent.

    Lots of tension in this house because I'm not included in family things, well, stuff to do with the house anyway. Things are done to it or new furniture/appliances brought in and no one asks my opinion. It will be Brother's and my house and he likes to control stuff like how the basement is organized (just puts my stuff wherever and organizes it his way without even telling me), persuades Mom to buy expensive things like a ginormous TV none of us needs, etc. In fact, he's taken up literally half the basement.
    They bought a Christmas tree last year. It's much larger than the one I previously had and so the small amount of ornaments I brought to the household don't fill it up so they've taken the florals and put them in there. Every year I decorate the rest of the house with the florals. I bought ribbon to fill up the space on the tree but they refuse to use it. Yes, it's a group effort, but it's my stuff that I purchased for specific uses. I leave the stuff they bought to them. It's a small thing, but I feel like BUY MORE ORNAMENTS, THEN. They can purchase a 55" TV; they can buy some ornaments. The thing that's really annoying is I'm the only one working so they did it without me. Didn't ask "Are you using any of this for off the tree?" Could have asked me. Just started doing it while the Fall stuff was still up and I spent a couple of hours Tuesday night taking that down since my hand was forced and they won't do it; that, I guess, is my thing--Autumn. Christmas is theirs? I'm not really included. If I offer input, I'm jumped on. It's like, "Sit there in the corner while we take care of the house stuff. You're not needed but we do need your stuff." It's by no means intentional nor is it conscious. Still hurts. And yes, I've addressed it. I've said that If feel no one cares what I think. They know on some level but it's gonna be slow to change. Humans get entrenched in their ways.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably

  • #2
    Nothing is more destructive to families than the holidays.
    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


    • #3
      Hey, Food Lady, how ya doing? I get what you're saying here! My sister and I live together and there've been times over the years that she just takes a thing of mine and uses it for whatever, without even asking. If I say anything she'll get offended

      One year, when all three of us sisters still lived in our mom's house, I used some shiny red metallic plastic ribbon to make a huge bow at the top of the tree (our last lighted star had stopped working). I thought it looked pretty nice. Along comes my youngest sister a few days later with something that she made "to use instead of the bow." I didn't care that she made something, what hurt was her insistence that the bow looked stupid, after I'd spent some time and care to make it look as nice as possible. What is it with family? They're supposed to consider your feelings as well as their own!

      I hope you can get through to your brother and your mom one of these days <3
      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


      • #4

        Thank you, dear. It just seems to be the way with siblings. I'm sorry she doesn't respect your things. I don't get people. I've had roomies who were like that too.

        Had another incident tonight--minor but very annoying--in which someone was portrayed as never being wrong and I was told I did something I didn't. My family are sometimes not even grounded in reality. I just hate being accused when I'm not wrong, but that's their issue, not mine.
        Last edited by Food Lady; 12-04-2022, 07:21 AM.
        "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably

