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So I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed...

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  • So I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed...

    Most college students spend their spring breaks at the beach, working, or sleeping. I get to spend mine getting my wisdom teeth removed. Fortunately, I only have three to be removed and none of them are impacted. I’m still a bit worried about it though. I can deal with pain - unfortunately I deal with ankle pain on a daily basis - but I’m mainly worried about what I can and cannot eat. I looked up some articles online to get some ideas, but I’d thought I would also turn to the nice people here at for advice.

    So for those of you who have had this procedure, what foods do you recommend? I’m not a really picky eater so I’m open to all suggestions (except hummus - I just can't stand the stuff ).


  • #2
    I just drank those energy shakes for the first 2 days, then moved on to things like soup for another couple. Around the 5th day I was back to eating regular food, as long as it wasn't too tough.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      I too spent a Spring Break with ice paks on my cheeks.

      1. ICE. It is your friend. Keep it on your face the entire first day. They may even give you the little baggy things at the doctors.

      2. Don't expect to do anything the rest of that day - maybe the next.

      3. Do what the doctor tells you to! He/She'll give you a list of things, probably.

      No straws. Dry sockets suck, apparently.

      You want soft, mushy food - and realize that you'll be recovering from some kind of anaesthesia and be on pain meds so....baked potatoes, mac'n'cheese, things that are easy on the stomach. Little Debbies are awesome - oatmeal cream pies and fudge rounds!! You won't have a full range of motion with your mouth - so you want things that can be eaten in tiny bites. I always get a craving for Sprite whenever I'm not feeling well. Soup would probably be OK, but you'll have to be careful not to slurp it off the spoon. Suction = BAD

      They will probably put in stiches that will work themselves out after a week or so. It's kind of icky but perfectly normal.
      "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

      Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
      Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


      • #4
        Well, about an hour or two after getting my wisdom tooth pulled (only had to have one pulled at the time), my girlfriend and I went out to lunch and I ate matzahball soup and chicken fingers. I managed to eat the matzahball soup no problem, but I could only eat one chicken finger. My mouth was too sore to open wide enough to take bites.

        So my suggestion would be soups, preferably a nice easy broth to drink since it's full of protein. Matzahball soup was easy to eat. The balls are very soft and easy to ingest, letting you fill your stomach.

        Also, gargle warm saltwater. That helps a lot too, helping keeping it clean. Doesn't have to be long. Don't even really have to gargle it. Just swish it around a lil.

        And vicodin. That helps A LOT.
        "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


        • #5
          Ice cream, yogurt and pudding were my friends(along with little bro and sister). We all travelled out of town on the day of my surgery(the looks my mom got...evil. I looked like a total junkie and she's helping me to stand and walk). Basically soft foods. and NO chips,pretzels or crunchies for like two weeks. That's what I was told anyways
          "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


          • #6
            I was bad when I got my wisdom tooth taken out.

            First thing I did when I left the dentist was have a smokey treat.

            Later in the day I tried eating rice, but it doesn't taste too yummy mixed with blood.

            I don't remember what I managed to eat later, though.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              When I had all 4 of my impacted wisdom teeth removed at once (made for about 1 crappy week after the pain meds ran out -- I was given some pill that made me see my brain float in my skull, first week was great, could open mouth completely/etc with no problems... week after.... not so much). Anyway, I basically lived on "finely chopped vegetables in potato soup" (thick soup or runny mashed potatoes depending on how you looked at it).

              Basically I just did something simple: follow what the dentist said, and then eat whatever I could fit into my mouth.

              Although they did have to cut my gum area open, cut up the teeth and extract them through the hole.... so I may of had a worst-case thing. And I do recall my first words when I was woken up "you had better of taken all 4 out"
              Last edited by JLRodgers; 03-05-2009, 05:23 AM.


              • #8
                Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
                I too spent a Spring Break with ice paks on my cheeks.
                Seems to be a common thing to do on Spring Break - I got to do it too.

                It's been so long now, I don't have any specific suggestions. Milkshake with a spoon was very tasty. Beyond that, my only specific memory is the horse pills they gave me to take. There was no way my mouth would open that far. I think we cut them in half - made it easier to get them down.

                Good luck, before too long, it will be just a memory.
                That is so full of suck Dyson doesn't know how they did it - shankyknitter


                • #9
                  Sleep sitting up for the first day - otherwise you have swelling in the face which doesn't help with pain. And keep the icepack on as long as you can. I did that when I had all 4 wisdoms removed and I had little to no swelling.

                  Luke warm soup is good, as is yoghurt and icecream.
                  The report button - not just for decoration


                  • #10
                    my dentest told me this and it is the truth, DAIRY!!!!
                    Ice cream, milk, cream cheese, cottage chese, sour cream all good, first few day stay away from hot (makes you bleed more) and stick to warmish... ok cold food. soft but not crumbly so no bread but pita and tortias are ok.


                    • #11
                      Whatever you do, keep those sockets clean. From what I understand, if they get's rather painful!

                      I got all of mine taken out before I left for college. At the time, I'd had hernia surgery the month before, and since the hospital screwed up by giving me too much of the knockout meds...I couldn't get knocked totally out this time. My mouth was numb, but let me tell you. You *don't* want to be awake during this surgery. Trust me--I saw everything going in and out, plus I felt most of it

                      That wasn't the worst of it though. Since I was a bit sleepy, my father would come in so often to change the gauze in my mouth. One time, one of the stitches got caught in Dad was trying to change it I couldn't I did the next best thing--I punched him. Hard, and in the face...enough to knock him across the room

                      Seriously though, I found that soup and milkshakes were awesome. Well, that and Jello
                      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                      • #12
                        Saltwater is great - but be careful when you swish! You have to tilt your head back and to the side and just let gravity handle it.
                        "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                        Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                        Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                        • #13
                          I was a dumb dumb when I got mine pulled and went to lunch at Logan's with the family afterwards. Couldn't chew worth crap and I had to physically place my lips on my Sprite glass to keep from dumping it all over myself. I think I ended up eating soup, but I didn't have much of an appeitite the first day or so. I also didn't get knocked out for the procedure; just numbed up real good and they put me on nitrous oxide (laughing gas). That was good times. My face was pretty swollen for about a week or so, but luckily I wasn't in too much pain after the first day. I only took the Percocet at night to sleep maybe three times. Of course, I was an easy case. None of mine were impacted and only the bottom ones had broken through the gum.
                          I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                          • #14
                            Quoth protege View Post
                            My mouth was numb, but let me tell you. You *don't* want to be awake during this surgery. Trust me--I saw everything going in and out, plus I felt most of it
                            I dunno. I wasn't knocked out. I had the local injection, nitrous, plus a sedative (I wanna say Halcyon, but I don't think that's right...), and I spent most of the time laughing. I remember the surgery pretty well, actually. I remember about 20 minutes collective of the 24 hours after that, but the surgery itself I still have. I guess mine were impacted, though they didn't hurt. And the only thing I really felt was the pressure they had to use to crack the teeth in to bits before pulling the pieces out. I tell yas, my doc was *awesome.*
                            Last edited by protege; 03-05-2009, 03:29 PM. Reason: Quote tag :)
                            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                            • #15
                              Awake during it? Hmm... maybe it was the type I had but the dentist said (when I asked) "oh, no, we knock you out" in a way that made me think "oh, my god.... what are you going to be doing to me that you apparently made sound all nice and fluffy?!?"

                              And knock me out they did.... when they tried to wake me the first time (I say first as I was sitting in a chair, they woke me and I fell out of it and had to be helped up).

