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And it all started off with a joke..

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  • And it all started off with a joke..

    I work for one of the major wireless communications providers in the US. I spent over 7 years in retail stores as a phone tech and the past year and a half in their IT department - you can say I have a good understanding at how the networks work.

    At my house, my wife and I drop calls. Not enough for me to complain, but enough to be noticed, more than the average area.

    I have a really good relationship with our RF engineering department (along with others). I'm always there to help them when they need it (I know who is important with retention).

    Today I was working on some computers for one of them and I joked that I drop a lot of calls at my house. He asked if i was serious. Well, kinda. We drop more calls in our house than we do elsewhere but it's not at the point that we are going to complain. I know it's not the phone because being a product tester I'm using a new phone every 1-2 months.

    We looked at the maps, I am .8 miles from one tower, 1.1 miles from anther and 1.5 miles from a third. I should have good coverage. I just wrote it off as "inside coverage" since I live in a brick building but he said he'd take a look at the towers anyway.

    A few hours later I was working on another one of their computers and the person I was helping out before came over. He found a problem. The two closest towers are not talking to each other properly so handoffs between these two (when you go from one tower's coverage to another) would quite often drop but also when one gets used a lot, the coverage will shrink (normal) and the other one doesn't know to pick up the slack. He said he would see if he could get it fixed - he also doesn't even know how long it's been going on for but could have been a while.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    Woot just think Draggar you could be one of those people now who have full bars indoors.


    • #3
      He asked me to get the signal strength (in dBm) from my phone but I didn't realize I need the service code for that..
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

