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Just need to let some things out.

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  • Just need to let some things out.

    Now the preface, I say now because I'm writing this last, this all started because I took a walk outside, while I was outside a heavy mist rolled in making it one of the most serene and surreal nights I've ever experienced, I ended up sitting in the middle of a paddock surrounded by mist and moonlight with a sense of being the only being in existence, it was an almost magical moment, and the first thing that came into my head was this was a moment I wish someone was here to share with me, which started me down a long and winding path of thinking which lead me to write this. Which leads me to why I'm posting this, something that is written is meant to be read if it is not meant to be read, why write it, save the time and energy and think it, to write something is to immortalise it for others, you already know what it is, you write it so you hope others can understand. I would also ask you to forgive the rambling nature of this, I started writing and it all just came out, from mind to keyboard to notepad, and not much filter anywhere in there.

    On this night more than any other I felt alone, I know I'm not really alone, I have friends and family, but at the same time I am, I have few friends and even less family. I only have a few friends I see once a week, and only one I sometimes see more than once a week, and the only family I have that I see more than a couple of times a year is my mother. On this particular night I realise that I've been more or less alone for most of my life, all through school I was a loner how never really had more than one or two friends, I never had kids over and never went to other kids places, I never got invited to parties. When I left school I had pretty much no friends, the only time I would even see other people sometimes was when I went to work, I could and did go for days, even at times weeks without any human contact except for a conversation or two with my mother. Then my sister was born, there was this person in the world that I had to meet, so I went to the US (Haruka, if this somehow survives and you ever read it, you were the first motivation for your big brother to ever do something kiddo, pretty impressive thing to manage at only a couple of months old) Suddenly I find myself for the first time with more friends than I can count on one hand, good friends, but I still think that maybe they don't really like me that much, that they're just putting up with me, that really I'm just the guy that can't take the hint to fuck off, I guess not because they seemed happy to hang out with me all summer. And then I came home, and nothing happened, for 9 months nothing happened except I got nine months older. Then I went back to the US, as you could expect after nine months with almost no contact, I had grown apart from my friends, friendships were renewed, although not as close as we had been, except for one, where we were closer than we had been before, I made new friends too, but again, or still, there was the feeling that I was "that guy" again, then I got fired, to be fair, I did some stupid things, but I won't get into it unless someone really wants me to (that is if someone reads this). Then I bought a car and came back, maybe not the brightest thing to do, but there were people I wanted to say goodbye to and I'd left stuff behind that I hadn't had a chance to get before I left, the only thing I can offer in my defense was the recent death of my grandmother had left me with a not entirely rational though pattern, while there I'm pretty sure I did become "that guy", my firends did seem to me to be avoiding me somewhat at least. Now jump forward a bit, I'm back home and back to the same routine, same few friends, although now I don't have a job, so I do go for days without seeing anyone but my mother, a bit further forward and nothing much has changed, I joined a medieval recreation group but of the people there I would only consider one of them to be my friend.

    This whole feeling of being alone has shaped my life a fair bit, out of fear of ruining a friendship and being even more alone I've not taken chances I've kept feelings to myself and not said things I've wanted to say, which in and of itself has probably left me more alone, "well then do something about it stupid" I hear the cry in the background, but at alsmost 26 a lot of behaviours and such are ingrained, and I'm not sure I know how to chance them or do something about it, which leaves me felling I will be alone for the rest of my life and that scares me, because being alone is strangely enough, damn lonely.

    Now the reason I wrote this, one of the problems of being alone is you have no one to talk to, but keeping this shit bottled up inside isn't really healthy, having been dealing with depression for years one way or another I thought I'd try something different and let it out, we'll see how that works.
    If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate

  • #2
    You sound a lot like me, doing okay without real contact. Drives my much more sociable mother nuts, as she thinks I'm "Dropping out." I'm not one of those people who make friends with all kinds of people, but I do have a small group of "core" good friends that I can joke with, poke fun at, and accept jibes from.

    In fact, I understood pretty well you right up to the bit about not knowing if your friends are really your friends bit. As I read the rest, I can see one major issue: You are sabotaging your friendships. I don't know why you might be doing this, as it is obviously not intentional from your writting. But you are so afraid of what they think of you that you assume they dislike you.

    REALITY ANNOUNCEMENT: If people don't like you, they really won't keep you around. Trust me, outside of Hollywood movies, the pity friend is not something a group will put up with. Maybe in a single, unique relationship, but not very often.

    Now, we all wonder about our friends sometimes (especially after doing something really dumb), but you obsessing over it isn't good. My base advice is trite, but the best for this situation: Be yourself. Your real self, not what you think others want you to be. Friends will take you at face value, good and bad. The ones that don't can go screw.

    Now, if you just can't get rid of these thoughts when you've really tried, you need to talk to someone--be it a therapist, a pastor, or whatever works for you. Talk to someone outside your group dynamic. You're throwing a pity party for yourself, and you may need help to dig your way out of the rut. For me, when I went to college I realized that no one there knew me as the nerd everybody looked down on in high school, so I could be a lot more confident. I claimed my triumphs and defeats, and to my surprise, found people that wanted to hang out with me. For you, it may be something different. You need to find your own way, and you may need someone to help you find it.

    But the first step is with you. Decide that you want it to change, then go do something about it. Simple sounding, but that can be the hardest step.
    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
    Hoc spatio locantur.


    • #3
      Quoth Nyoibo View Post
      Now the reason I wrote this, one of the problems of being alone is you have no one to talk to, but keeping this shit bottled up inside isn't really healthy, having been dealing with depression for years one way or another I thought I'd try something different and let it out, we'll see how that works.
      If you could get THIS PART shoved through my Dad's head, that would be great.
      Now a member of that alien race called Management.

      Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


      • #4
        I've got some family that needs it shoved in there too, RW. Sometimes it's so hard to talk to family.

        I'm glad you wrote that, Nyoibo. I have a lot of the same feelings. Things do get ingrained, but they can be changed. I have to do it myself, and it's really hard. Sometimes I really don't want to go and tangle with those complicated humans. I hear that in the end, it's a good thing, though.
        1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
        ----- (A blog about everything and nothing)


        • #5
          You know how there's one kid in school that everyone picks on? Well, I was that kid. I took lots of shit from people in school, including the teachers. All through grade school, high school...mainly because I refused to fit into the mold of what was "normal."

          "Normal?" Fuck that. Normal is boring, and for those with no imagination. No, I'd rather be "naturally goofy." Why did I have to be like everyone else... I'm proud to be my goofy self. Don't like it? Tough shit Not afraid of who I am, nor do I need to pretend I'm something I'm not.

          Didn't help that I was supposedly a "genius" either. Never felt that I was a genius, even though I taught myself how to read. Don't ask, I don't know either Seriously though, while everyone else was reading about Dick, Jane, and Spot... I was too busy reading about sports cars, and other things. Only isolated me further

          My parents couldn't understand why I really didn't (and still don't) want to meet people. After going through all that crap, I'm really not in any hurry. If people want to meet me, it's up to them. Until then, I'll stay in my bubble, thanks.

          Of course I got the last laugh--quite a few of those fools...didn't do so well after school. At least one of my former classmates, is now in jail after embezzling money from his law clients. Not only is he in jail, but it made the newspapers, he lost his law license, got heavily fined, etc. Couldn't help but laugh at that, especially since he always claimed he was a "super genius" and that I was an idiot...

          But, it sure surprises most people that I'm either doing better than they are...or actually *made* it through in the first place
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #6
            Quoth Geek King View Post
            But you are so afraid of what they think of you that you assume they dislike you.

            REALITY ANNOUNCEMENT: If people don't like you, they really won't keep you around. Trust me, outside of Hollywood movies, the pity friend is not something a group will put up with. Maybe in a single, unique relationship, but not very often.
            Most of it stems from trust issues of mine, the one thing I can't seem to loose.

            Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
            If you could get THIS PART shoved through my Dad's head, that would be great.
            Good luck, it's taking me years to get to this.
            If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


            • #7
              Quoth Nyoibo View Post
              Suddenly I find myself for the first time with more friends than I can count on one hand, good friends, but I still think that maybe they don't really like me that much, that they're just putting up with me,
              I've often felt like this...must not be true, though. 12 years after college and my friends still contact me to get together (just had a little "reunion" last weekend because one of my friends was going to be in the area near school). So I guess they must actually like me... (cue Sally Field? ). I never had that feeling in elementary school. I wasn't part of the "popular" group but I had my little group of friends and I never questioned that. When we got to middle school, things changed, and I withdrew. I got a bit better through high school, and got to college and again developed my little group of friends, though again, I wasn't the most well-known of people. But the ability to just be a part of the group without questioning my friends' true feelings about me was gone.

              "well then do something about it stupid" I hear the cry in the background, but at alsmost 26 a lot of behaviours and such are ingrained, and I'm not sure I know how to change them or do something about it, which leaves me felling I will be alone for the rest of my life and that scares me, because being alone is strangely enough, damn lonely.
              I know that feeling too. I'm working on changing some things. It's hard to do. And unfortunately I haven't gotten far enough along in my work to give anyone any advice.

              Now the reason I wrote this, one of the problems of being alone is you have no one to talk to, but keeping this shit bottled up inside isn't really healthy, having been dealing with depression for years one way or another I thought I'd try something different and let it out, we'll see how that works.
              This is true. One of my goals in changing some things about myself is to get off my antidepressants. I've been on them for 6 years now, mostly because it just became a part of my life. I don't want to have to take drugs if I don't have to, though. I know that some people need them, and if I were to turn out to be one of those people, I would learn to accept it, and continue living my life, but I haven't tried living without them since I started, and there's only one way to find out if I can. Before I do that, though, I want to develop some healthier habits (food, exercise, etc.) and those things can be difficult to establish. It's very hard, and can even be uncomfortable and/or scary, to change habits that have been a part of you for so long.

              By the way, you wrote something implying that you weren't sure anyone would read this...I saw it last night, and skimmed it a bit, and decided I couldn't read it right then. I opened up a new tab in my browser to do other stuff, so I could leave this open and not forget to come back to it. Just know you're not alone.
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

