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How one of my best friends cured my insomnia and my ailing heart

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  • How one of my best friends cured my insomnia and my ailing heart

    This week was my spring break. I wasn't sure what I'd be doing, mostly planned on spending a couple nights with my brother and maybe seeing some friends at the beach an hour away. I kind of expected a measure of same-old and being bored. I broke up with my boyfriend the thursday before, feeling kind of shitty, things weren't working out there for a while and I was having other feelings that were interfering. So I got out of class on friday and prepared myself for mediocrity.

    It played out, however, like a fucking movie scene.

    I rode down with a good friend of mine. We share the same tastes in movies and TV shows so we watch a lot together, and we're also both history majors and are taking our senior seminar together. We got out of class at the same time so we decided to let everyone go on ahead.

    We drove by his place to get his stuff and he comes back with 3 CDs. "I made these for you." They were perfect.

    We got to the midway point, settled in with everyone else, and went to bed. The next morning, same guy and another friend of ours went and shot shotguns (SO MUCH FUN) and then went to eat before moving on to the beach, since everyone else had left earlier since no one else wanted to shoot. I was supposed to go a day later but something was telling me to leave then. We got there and everyone started drinking except him--striking us as quite odd considering he's usually the first one to start and finish.

    So of course at one in the morning we all stumble onto the beach and eventually I'm surrounded by him and our shooting buddy. Shooting buddy asks, "So, you still dating ___?" No. "Okay well...see you guys later!" And shooting buddy left, leaving us alone.

    And so I had been set up...devious bastards. He laid down and I laid down next to him and we talked about the meaning of life. An hour later he leaned over and kissed me, under the full moon on the beach, explaining later in the week that he'd stayed sober because he thought it would mean a little more, to show it wasn't just drunken feelings. It was a movie moment. I never realized that sometimes those actually happen.

    And despite having insomnia for the past month, drunk or not, I actually slept that night and the couple of nights afterwards. I guess, sometimes you never realize how perfect someone is for you until they stumble soberly back into your life.
    Would you like a Stummies?

  • #2
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3

      Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.


      • #4
        ....forget the red pandas. THIS gave me tooth decay.

        Seriously, though. Isn't it nice when you have a blue funk snapped by a nice dose of

        I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


        • #5

          Like it hasnt been said enough.


          • #6
            Awww. That's great. When a friendship turns romantic it can be the closest bond ever. (My parents always say they each married their best friend. They celebrated their 38th anniversary last fall. And my grandparents had nearly fifty years together). Even if things don't last as long as that, you still have a wonderful opportunity to grow together. Plus, all the awkward stupid stuff is probably out of the way anyhow (telling the same joke a bazillion times, getting drunk, witnessing the pre-coffee incoherent mumbling... )

            Also, shotguns ARE fun, aren't they? And I'm a total pacifist.


            • #7
              Awwwww! This got me in a diabetic coma quicker than the red panda cub!
              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


              • #8
                I was friends with my wife for years before we started dating. She had been interested in me for a while but I was too busy looking elsewhere to notice. Ironically in my case it was after having some drinks that I realized maybe what I was looking for was right in front of me. I proposed to her two years later and this july we'll celebrate our 2 year aniversery.
                Losing faith in humanity, one customer at a time


                • #9
                  EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee SOOOO CUTE. (Sorry had to change up the Awww's )

