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Rant on: Accredo Pharmacy Making Me Crazy

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  • Rant on: Accredo Pharmacy Making Me Crazy

    Okay, so this is probably more fitting for PlanetFleabag but I have to rant somewhere and I'm not going for giftcard gold.

    I have a weird rare lung illness that I've been under treatment for years now. I've tried it all, from standard lung drugs through chemo and the only thing that gives me real relief is a drug made and carried by exactly one pharmacy in the US, Accredo mail order pharmacy. I get shots of human DNA recombinant therapy every two weeks and I feel almost normal again. I cannot run down to the Aid of Rite to get this stuff. It's strictly controlled, it is uber expensive.

    Accredo is driving me crazy cakes constantly over my drug. I have great medical insurance, I have pre-authorization for this rare drug and I have a prescription from my doctor. What's supposed to happen is when I need my monthly supply is my doctor's office calls Accredo and requests a months worth of the powdered drug, the suspension solution and the needles. Accredo is supposed to process the insurance billing, charge my credit card on file for the copay and ship it out. All i's dotted all t's crossed.

    What ends up happening is that they will do this very well for a couple of months and then suddenly I'll get a flood of phone calls from Accredo saying that they cannot possibly ship my drugs to my doctor without verbal approval from me. And this is after I have a signed statement given to them authorizing shipment to my doctor without calling me each and every time. They dick around, leave vague garbled messages on my answering machine mere days before my next injection. When I call right back they hemm and haw and say that it cannot possibly get there in time for my injection unless I pay overnight shipping. This stuff had been ordered three weeks ago and the delay on shipping is not on my end so I usually end up going off on them and they over night for free.

    I get tired of this dance and I cannot miss, skip or delay my doses because it would significantly impacting my ability to live and function.

    I thought I had this straightened out, the last three months the shipments have gone smoothly and quickly without them trying to get verbal permission from me. They bill my card, they shipped immediately to my doctor and they honored my written request

    Two weeks ago my doctor called up Accredo and ordered my monthly shots, which were supposed to arrive before this Wednesday. Accredo didn't ship my meds, they instead called up the doctors office and said that they couldn't ship without talking to me and that I'd requested a three month supply and said I also stated that the doctor was impossible to get ahold of. Both of those are lies. Then they left a series of garbled messages on my answering machine about their need for approval for the shipment.

    I spent two hours on the phone straightening this shit out this afternoon. Upshot? Someone at Accredo decided to switch me to a three month shipment, put down that I requested it and then set about trying to get my permission. Why? No one seems to be able to tell me the why. I suspect it has to do with them being able to bill more in one time.

    It's Friday afternoon, they still haven't shipped and I get my shot in 5 short days, so they wanted to bill me for a two day shipping on their mistake.

    And people wonder why the quality of medical care in the US has slipped so much. I have the best freaking medical insurance you can get in the USA!

    Is it going to be easier to treat me in the mental ward?
    "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh

  • #2
    Quoth calulu View Post
    Is it going to be easier to treat me in the mental ward?
    Nope! *Passes the Rum*
    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


    • #3
      There actually is a new letter on PFB about Walmart pharmacy ... yours is worse, though. At least that lady was able to go to Target and get her meds.

      I assume you have spoken to supervisors/managers/etc...? I don't know what to tell you, but that really sucks. I wonder if some sort of lawyerly attention might help sort things out...that is utterly ridiculous and if that's the way they do business with everyone I predict dire consequences for someone out there...
      Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 03-14-2009, 03:47 AM.
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        That sucks.

        Is there any way at all this can be done so that your doctor has it in-hand a month before you need it? This would at least allow some extra time for this dicking around every few months so that you're not panicking whether you're going to get your very necessary shot in time.

        If not, I suspect a call to Accredo's head office and speaking with management about it might be due.


        • #5
          I don't know what to say. Acting as the coordinator between insurance, multiple providers and billing agencies is a nightmare of paperwork, phone calls and deadlines.

          And getting to do all that when either you are sick or a family member is sick on top of it? Yeah.

          It would be so much easier if everyone would just do their job but there are so many hands these things go though that all it takes in ONE screwup in the bureaucratic chain and the whole thing falls apart and it falls on *you* to straighten it out. Because even though the screwup wasn't *your *fault, *you'd* be the one to suffer the consequences of not straightening it out.

          I know how it is. I've been there and I haven't figured out the secret to making it easier either.

          All I can offer is a hug and my good wishes that they get your meds to you in time.
          The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

          The stupid is strong with this one.


          • #6
            Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
            Nope! *Passes the Rum*
            *pokes RW*
            Hey! Why am I being passed around? And if you're going to pass me around, please be careful. I get motion sickness really easy.

            Sorry to hear about the pharmacy sending you to crazy land. Good luck though! Hopefully this will be the last time you'll have to deal with this stuff! *crosses fingers for you*

