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Can I just lock my youngest in a padded room for a month? I hate the ER!

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  • Can I just lock my youngest in a padded room for a month? I hate the ER!

    No, she's not having issues or anything, she's only 7. I'm just not looking to go 3-for-3 on injuries with my girls.

    Monday while I was at work, my middle dd was outside riding her bike and being silly swerving back and forth. Well, she fell, and tried to break her fall with her face. She's still got a swollen cheek, and a scraped up elbow, and I let her stay home from school yesterday. She'll be ok, it just looked a lot worse than it was.

    Last night while she was washing the dishes, my oldest broke a glass, while it was on her hand as she was washing it. She came flying out of the kitchen screaming about her hand, I looked at it, and it was off to the ER, after I helped her get dressed, because she was already in her jammies. Six stitches and several hours later, we finally got to leave there at 1:30am. The worst part is, it's on her right hand just above the knuckles which makes it hard for her to bend the hand, and she's right handed. She'll probably have to get her friends to take notes for her in class for the next few days. The stitches don't come out for 12 days, but at least we can go to the pediatrician for that and not all the way back to the ER.

    I'm just wondering what kind of craziness the youngest is going to get up to in the next few days.

  • #2
    Im sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, the ER come with having kids. lol. Hopefully the hospital you go to is a nice one. Some ERs can be horrendous.

    My 9 yr old son did something similar at school. He was spinning around in a circle, and tried to stop by smacking his face on a brick wall. I got a call from the school nurse about that one. He came home with a HUGE knot on the top of his head and some brush burn to his cheek.


    • #3
      the first 5 years of my brothers life he was in the hopsital alot for falling off the bed, falling down stairs, falling.... breaking stuff, drink amonia.
      me? rom5 on i became the clumsiest person on earth.
      i feel sorry for my mom


      • #4
        My kids usually aren't too bad, it's more the fact that it was 2 out of 3 and on back to back days no less.

        M, the middle one that fell on her face, is fine. She went to school today. She has a big bruise and a black eye, and her cheek is still a little swollen, but she's much better. Last night, I told her that when her friends started asking her what happened she should tell the that some big 6'4",250 lb biker dud jumped out at her, but she kicked his butt. That would be an even funnier story when you consider that she is barely bigger than her 7 year old sister. She's very small for her age. When I told her that, she just looked at me like "yeah right mom". I asked her this afternoon if she did it, but she said no.

        The oldest's, S, hand actually bled through the wrapping between last night and this afternoon, which worries me a bit. She doesn't seem to get that she cannot do all the things she normally does with that hand without risking messing it up even more. It is driving me nuts! Last night when the doc came in to see her, he looked at me and asked how she did it, I looked him straight in the face and said "She was out drinking for St. Paddy's day and fell down and cut her hand on a beer bottle." I got a laugh but he didn't believe me, it's not as if she's only 14 or anything.

        Can you tell I'm a bit of a smartass? I tried to tell the oldest that she should tell her friends that she got into a knife fight over a twinkie, but she didn't go for that. Geez, my children have no sense of humor.


        • #5
          Quoth sportsmom View Post
          I tried to tell the oldest that she should tell her friends that she got into a knife fight over a twinkie, but she didn't go for that. Geez, my children have no sense of humor.
          I'm sad your children evidently don't believe that Twinkies are worth armed combat for.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            My daughter sent me a text with a before and after pic of one of her friends before and after a go-cart accident. His poor chin swelled badly. First I thought "lost child of Jay Leno's" then I was all "ow!! my chin hurts looking at it." Kids are not graceful creatures. Poor things.
            "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


            • #7
              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
              I'm sad your children evidently don't believe that Twinkies are worth armed combat for.
              Nope, not Twinkies, but if you're talking about a piece of my lasagna, they would go into battle for that. None of my girls are big on sweets. As far as junk food goes, they would rather have chips than candy most of the time.


              • #8
                Ah well, such is life. My sisters have a particular innate fear of me in a cast.

                Why? I had one when I was little and they teased me about it. Then I found out I could hit things with it and I wouldn't feel any pain...
                I AM the evil bastard!
                A+ Certified IT Technician


                • #9
                  Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                  I'm sad your children evidently don't believe that Twinkies are worth armed combat for.
                  Not if it was a Hostess chocolate cupcake there could be some fightin' goin' on...

                  Though I am also rather fond of a good cheesy lasagna...

                  I managed to stay out of the ER until I was 17...I was in a car accident and I had hit my face on the steering wheel...since the ambulance was there anyway my mom decided she wanted me to get my nose x-rayed just in case (it was not broken but I did have a bruise on the bridge of my nose and a small cut on my eyebrow; also my friend Pete called me "Crash" for the rest of the school year). I've been in the ER twice as an very first panic attack (that was fun ) and another car accident that had me carted in on a backboard and c-collar and I had to get my neck x-rayed (I was fine but extremely sore for several days).
                  I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                  I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                  It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

