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DiGiornio's can kiss my ass!

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  • #31
    Frozen pizza is miles away from what fresh made pizza is like. Haven't had frozen pizza in years & I'm not about to buy one now.
    Stick with the fresh made stuff.


    • #32
      Quoth Seshat View Post
      If you're going to do that, just grab yourself some pita bread or foccacia, pre-sliced pepperoni, pre-shredded mozarella, pizza-sauce-in-a-jar and do the whole thing.
      I don't like pita bread, and nobody sells foccacia near me, and if I'm going to that much effort, I'm just gonna make it from scratch.

      I already have the feta, etc.
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      You may as well just take the whole pizza, walk up to the back of a camel, lift his tail and just RAM the whole thing against his puckered forbidden gates and vigorous massage it in with circular motions till you lose all the cheese.
      Have I mentioned recently how much I love you?
      The High Priest is an Illusion!


      • #33
        Quoth Ree View Post
        I like DiGiorno's pizza.

        The only pizza that I ever cook in the microwave is the stuff that comes with a special microwave tray, but even then, I don't expect it to taste as good as one from a pizzeria.
        Me too, Ree.

        I'm dirt poor and work all the time. Sometimes the microwave is the only way I'm going to get a hot meal. And I love pizza. Heck, I love frozen pizza. It's cheap and convenient. Sometimes I don't want to drive out to a pizzeria, and unless the weather is bad, I'm not going to pay someone extra to bring it to me. Making from scratch? pffft. No time, no money. If I'm going to spend that much time making something, I'll just make a big baked spaghetti or something.

        I like DiGiorno's because it has a nice, thick, chewy crust. Even the microwave single serve ones. Red Baron's okay, but Tony's is just about as good, to me, and cheaper. I like the South Beach Diet pizzas, too. I don't care for Totino's or Tombstone - Tombstone has a weird crust that I don't like. Pizza is not meant to come on french bread, and that's all there is to that.
        "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

        Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
        Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


        • #34
          My favorite frozen pizza is Cranky Pat's.

          They're a pizzeria that has locations around Green Bay, Appleton and Oshkosh and they also sell frozen pizzas at local grocery stores. There's a pissed off-looking Dick Cheney-ish guy on the label.

          They're expensive--$7.69 a pop so I can only get one or two of them when I go grocery shopping. But they're bigger that your average frozen pizza and just loaded with pepperonis, and is that Parmesan cheese sprinkled over the top...

          I better stop now, before I start touching myself over pizza.

          Otherwise, it's Jack's or Orv's for cheaper pizzas, or Roma if I don't feel like eating so much.
          Last edited by Irving Patrick Freleigh; 04-12-2009, 05:05 PM.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #35
            Quoth Ree View Post
            I like DiGiorno's pizza.

            The only pizza that I ever cook in the microwave is the stuff that comes with a special microwave tray...
            The DiGiornio's I bought DID come with a special microwave tray, actually.

            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
            If you actually know anyone that would seriously engage in a lengthy argument over the origin of the crap ass pizza you're serving them than do me a favour: Call them, right now, and invite them over. When they arrive, invite them in and HIT them as hard as you bloody can upside the back of the head.
            With the DiGiornio's pizza?

            Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
            I like DiGiorno's because it has a nice, thick, chewy crust. Even the microwave single serve ones.
            Umm, that's the one I got. The single serve one. With the microwave tray. And it came

            In related news, being a bit under the weather, I ventured out yesterday to the grocery store to buy some food so I could just hibernate in my apartment over my weekend off and try to get well. On a whim, I picked up a full-sized frozen Tombstone Supreme Pizza. They were on sale for only $3! Before anyone says anything, yes, I do plan on cooking it in the oven, not the nuke!

            In unrelated news, something irritating happened at said grocery store (but not irritating enough to warrant its own thread). Being mid-afternoon on a Saturday, the store was jammed, and I often found myself allowing other people with carts to go by or in front of me, as I felt like ass, didn't have much energy, and am rather polite. But at one point, tooling down one aisle, I came to a bit of a jam. Another cart was coming one way, and in my way were three store employees, standing around chatting. It seemed like the one guy was chatting up the attractive young female employee. He also happened to be the one most in my path. So, being the ever polite man that I try to be, I said, "Excuse me" to try to get by.

            Now, I could understand if the guy didn't hear me and thus did not move. But the fucker heard me, turned his head, looked right at me, clearly trying to get by him, and then turned his head back to the cute young thang and kept talking, without moving. All the while all three of them were in full uniform.

            I'm sorry, is it too much to ask that on a busy Saturday when you are at work if someone politely tries to get by you while you are not doing any work you get the fuck out of their way, you rude fucking asshole? I swear, I wanted to hit the guy with a frozen DiGiornio's. Better yet, force feed a nuked one to him. Take THAT, you fuck!

            Thank you. I'm done venting now.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #36
              I only buy RB or the other frozen pizzas if I'm planning to use the microwave, actually.

              If I want to cook pizza in the oven, there's a great place - I don't know how widespread it is - called Papa Murphy's Take 'n Bake. Very good pizzas, lots of toppings, and they bake up nicely.

              The cooked pizza doesn't refrigerate as well as I'd like, but it's still good.
              The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


              • #37
                The greatest pizza I have ever had was created purely by accident out of 3 ingredients which I randomly forged from my fridge:

                1) A single uncooked deli pizza from the local grocery store that had merely sun dried tomatoes, artichokes and mozza/Parmesan on it. More of a base than a whole pizza.

                2) A single Lean Cuisine Chicken, Spinach and Mushroom Panini. Scrap all contents off bread ( Grilled chicken, roasted red peppers, spinach, shrooms, asiago, romano, cheddar and parmesan ) onto pizza.

                3) Fresh basil.

                Toss it in the oven and oh hell yes. ><


                • #38
                  The only frozen Pizza I like is California Pizza kitchen.... yummy yummy goodness. And they have single serve microwaveable pizza that turn out pretty darn good. BBQ chicken is my current addiction. Plus now they have the large size with a rising crust! Pardon me as I wipe the drool off my keyboard.
                  It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. -Office space


                  • #39
                    I currently don't have a microwave. I have one in storage and my boyfriend has one too, so eventually when we get our households combined we'll have two...

                    so for now i just use the oven, stovetop, foreman grill or the toaster oven.

                    For pizza... Frankly most of those brand name ones are not very good. I however found a cheap solution...

                    I pick up the local store brand cheese pizza (wegmans 4 cheese) cos it's the cheapest there. Then I buy mushrooms and an onion and make mushroom onion pizza.

