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Wal-Mart Haters

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  • #61
    Quoth Akasa View Post
    I have a BIG problem with WM.
    My best friend is blind. We ALWAYS get shit about her seeing eye dog....Being CHASED out into the parking lot by the door person DEMANDING to know if the dog is a service animal in a hostile tone after being asked ON EVERY ISLE by yet another WM employee is harrassment.
    The dog wears gear that indicates that it's a seeing eye dog, right? Every seeing eye dog I've seen has a noticeable harness specifically for guide dogs, and most wear some sort of vest or ID tag stating that they are seeing eye dogs.

    I'd say a complaint to corporate would be in order. They need to train their employees on how to recognize a helper animal.
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #62
      Oh walmart. I go there sometimes but I hate it.

      First of all, parking sucks. People constantly cut though the empty parking spaces, and if you're coming up an aisle, they won't slow down and just keep going.

      Once inside, it's soo hard to get around the food aisles. They have things full of food going down the middle main aisle, leaving little room for the carts.
      And people make it worse by just STOPPING to look around or to see what's down an aisle.

      The workers aren't too great. Though there was a lady stocking the meats last night who was very nice and helpful. A rare breed at my walmart.
      The cashiers never seem happy or rarely SAY anything at all.

      When I was visiting my friend in Georgia some teenage girl was at the register. Didn't say a thing to me. Didn't greet me, tell me my total, didn't tell me what my change was. I hate cashiers like that.

      They redid my walmart within the last year or two, so it does look nicer, but I still don't know where everything is.


      • #63
        Quoth depechemodefan View Post
        She inputed the plu and the no. of items and they came out that way.
        Oh, I don't mean her. I mean the department head or whoever is in charge of programming the PLU/UPC numbers. Sounds like they put the price into the system incorrectly, which is why merchandise shows up as the wrong price at the registers. (Well, that or putting the merchandise in the wrong spot on the shelf or on the wrong peg. ::shakes fist at coworkers:: )
        "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
        - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


        • #64
          Quoth depechemodefan View Post
          There are 10 items of less lanes now, besides the 20 items. And yeah, I was surprised she had a stool.
          Sometimes there are injuries, and people can't stand for long periods of time while they recover. I had to do that when I was on crutches and working as a cashier.

          Not that what she said wasn't kind of ditzy. You still ought to know what lane you're on.
          1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
 (A blog about everything and nothing)


          • #65
            At our old apartment we did grocery shopping at Wal-Mart every two weeks and we always tried to schedule our trips for an "off time." I never really liked shopping there but it was cheaper than the other stores around and we were expecting a baby and you can only stretch your dollar so far. Their grocery section was great and we could stock up cheap and get everything in one trip. Like a lot of other people mentioned the lines were long, poorly staffed, a lot of rude, and nasty customers and the parking lot was a nightmare.

            We got all of our son's big ticket items there. We bought a crib, matress, bedding set, car seat, stroller, bouncy seat and swing from there. What I really liked is the Site to Store feature where you order something online and they deliver it to the store free.

            We did have a problem with that once. We went to pick up our item and no one was in the site to store area. So we talked to multiple employees and it still took over an hour for someone to get back there and get our item for us. It was beyond ridiculous and I was pregnant, very hungry and throwing up at the time. After that I vowed never to use Site to Store again and I'd either find it in the store or find it somewhere else.

            All of our son's baby items have held up great though, and he's still using them all with no signs of them breaking or anything. Plus they were $20-$30 cheaper than places like Target and Babies R Us. We didn't have such good luck with their clothes, they shrunk, lost shape and form and were impossible to get stains out of, plus some of their clothes are just ugly so we shop elsewhere now.

            Now the area we live in doesn't have a Supercenter, so we go to Meijers instead. Very similar to Wal-Mart not a national chain though. It does appear cleaner, with a larger variety of some stuff other stuff is often limited, but their prices are roughly the same. The only Wal-Mart we have near us is small and doesn't have a good selection so we moved awy from Wal-Mart and what we can't fin at Meijer's we pick up at Target. They have great clearance deals but you have to look around a bit to fin them.


            • #66
              My personal love reasons for WM:

              -Prepackaged computers that are easily modifiable
              -$1 clothing sales
              -Pays several of my friends' wages
              -Ghiradelli, pistachios, and 98 cent lettuce bags

              My personal disdain for WM:

              -The local stores had cheaper items, better quality produce, and more interesting HANDMADE clothing for $3, in my size.
              -The local stores kept the money spent in the town, and not corporate.
              -Local stores DIED after one year, see: Taco Bell, two Ma n Pa food places, FIVE farmer's stations, that nice handmade clothes place, the other place that would take up the legs of a size 10 for a 5'4'' person.
              -The hordes of woman workers (at all hours of the day) just STANDING there talking about nonsense LOUDLY.
              -Stinky man cashier whose nose is dripping ALL the time!
              -I miss the nice people in the other, cleaner stores.
              -The factory that was SUPPOSED to be made where Wally World moved in, and all of the better-paying jobs that entailed.
              -The hateful electronics employees who always blow you off to play GH: Aerosmith, when they could just pause and open the effing game case.

              And, as a side note, $8 an hour isn't slave wages where your minimum wage is only $6.55. You are a blessed individual to make such an amount.

              AND! Way way way waaaaaayyy back when, I was denied a job there because my personality test (supposedly) told the manager that, and I am quoting verbatim,"It says you are a danger to other workers, and I should make sure you leave happy. Are you a sociopath? *shuffles readout papers*"


              • #67
                Quoth unholypet View Post
                AND! Way way way waaaaaayyy back when, I was denied a job there because my personality test (supposedly) told the manager that, and I am quoting verbatim,"It says you are a danger to other workers, and I should make sure you leave happy. Are you a sociopath? *shuffles readout papers*"

                Poorly Unholypet! It's ok, we still love you even if you are a sociopath!


                • #68
                  Haha, no worries, I failed the personality test, too. Must mean I have no personality.

                  Oh, and not just Wal-Mart's. I have a huge laundry list of stores whose personality tests I epically failed. Oh least in manufacturing I don't have to pretend to like my job and care.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #69
                    Quoth blas87 View Post
                    Oh, and not just Wal-Mart's. I have a huge laundry list of stores whose personality tests I epically failed. .
                    Have you ever heard the "you're too honest" excuse?


                    • #70
                      Nope. Most of them were pretty honest and said that I failed the test and therefore was not desirable for hire, a couple of them I assume I failed because they never called me back...and one place even sent me a POSTCARD telling me my results. *cough* Vanity clothing stores *cough*
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                      • #71
                        Quoth unholypet View Post
                        Have you ever heard the "you're too honest" excuse?
                        I've heard about it. So ridiculous. They want to be lied to...but they tell you in the instructions not to lie. So stupid.
                        1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
               (A blog about everything and nothing)

