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History Buffs and Ghost Hunters, I need help!

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  • #31
    Quoth TOLady View Post
    Check with PowerBoy - his sig. has him as a real Ghost Hunter and to PM if you have any problems and need help.
    Thank you for the little plug. Yes, I am willing to help anyone that needs it.
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #32
      Quoth Luna Baby View Post
      RHPG, Are you by chance in an area of Louisville that is currently undergoing 'renovations' of sorts?
      Actually there are some renovations (well a new building being built) about 2 blocks down towards the North. Other than that, not really. I'm in Old Louisville, one of the most haunted neighbourhoods in America.

      ETA: Just a quick update about some new activity tonight. Was in paltalk on a weekly chat I'm in. Paltalk allows you to use your microphone so others can hear you talk. Well I was talking, and all my friends heard was laughter, very male laughter. Sir was not home, I the only person on my entire store of the building, let alone in my apartment. They did not hear anything I'd said until three minutes after I'd finished talking.
      Last edited by SengaKitty; 04-14-2009, 03:58 AM.


      • #33

        I received a very cool email today! It had a copy of the building's original owner's death certificate, as well as a page from a book with information on Mr. Loving. How freaking cool is that? It also confirmed my research was good.


        • #34
          Just a couple updates:

          This morning I got an email from the same person who sent the death certificates, only this time, it's probably almost cooler than that. I've now got a PICTURE of the original owner!

          Also, Louisville Ghost Hunters Society called me last night (well, their case worker did) and they want to come investigate! These are the same people who helped TAPS with the investigation of Waverly Hills. How freaking cool is that?!


          • #35
            Quoth RedHeadPhoneGirl View Post
            Just a couple updates:

            This morning I got an email from the same person who sent the death certificates, only this time, it's probably almost cooler than that. I've now got a PICTURE of the original owner!

            Also, Louisville Ghost Hunters Society called me last night (well, their case worker did) and they want to come investigate! These are the same people who helped TAPS with the investigation of Waverly Hills. How freaking cool is that?!
            Extremely freaking cool!
            Labor boards have info on local laws for free
            HR believes the first person in the door
            Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
            Document everything
            CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


            • #36
              Talked to the landlord today and he gave the okay! Told me to give them his address so he can sign the papers WOOHOO we're gonna have a ghost hunt!


              • #37
                SWEET!!! Get audio, video, PICTURES!

                *gets all giggly and hopping like it's Christmas*


                • #38
                  It's gonna be awesome I just sent all the historical information I have on the building/owners to the LGHS, as well as the land lord's info so they can contact him and get permission GAH I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! Keith AGE is going to be at MY HOUSE investigating MY GHOSTS -girly fan squeals-

                  It'll be something to keep me busy while Sir's gone in any case...


                  • #39
                    Quoth RedHeadPhoneGirl View Post
                    Just a couple updates:

                    This morning I got an email from the same person who sent the death certificates, only this time, it's probably almost cooler than that. I've now got a PICTURE of the original owner!

                    Also, Louisville Ghost Hunters Society called me last night (well, their case worker did) and they want to come investigate! These are the same people who helped TAPS with the investigation of Waverly Hills. How freaking cool is that?!
                    sweet, I saw the Waverly Hills San episode.

                    Wonder if it turns out promising if they will call TAPS ... if it ends up onTV that would be way cool!
                    EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                    • #40
                      Quoth AccountingDrone View Post
                      Wonder if it turns out promising if they will call TAPS ... if it ends up onTV that would be way cool!

                      I know! It'd be so cool And LGHS is often on the Sci-Fi (Sy-Fy?) channel with their documentaries and their shows.


                      • #41
                        Ooookay... apparently our ghost is being active again. Sir had a butter knife laid across the top of a mug, in the center of the mug, parallel to the edge of the counter top, but not in a way that it could have just fallen. No windows open, no breeze. He was in the living room and I was in the bedroom when the knife came off the cup and fell about 2 feet away from the counter onto the kitchen floor... Guess the ghost didn't like the knife there.

                        By the way, I put the knife back to see what would happen.


                        • #42
                          Quoth RedHeadPhoneGirl View Post
                          Guess the ghost didn't like the knife there. By the way, I put the knife back to see what would happen.
                          Sure, piss it off.
                          ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


                          • #43
                            The county in the UK I live in has the distinction of being one of the most haunted counties in the UK. Nearly every house I've lived in (4 out of 6) has been haunted, and there are thousands of 'recorded' ghosts each year. We also have the most complete medieval castle in the UK and some of the most complete city walls, dating from 1337 and built by a private citizen. It cost him several thousand pounds, which was a LOT of money in 1337.. Which are both haunted, funnily enough.

                            Goddamn americans, you don't KNOW haunted... ;P

                            But yes, you MUST let us know what happens... I am very interested and will be watching this like a hawk.
                            Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


                            • #44
                              Quoth GingerBiscuit View Post
                              Goddamn americans, you don't KNOW haunted... ;P
                              I've been told thats because your older then us. My ancestry would disagree with that but thats what the general thought was on another forum.


                              • #45
                                Just another update: Ghosty did not move the knife again after I put it back. Guess he just wanted us to know he was still around.

                                To further feed my pipe dream of buying this building and restoring it to it's formor grandeur, I looked up the realtor selling it. It was NOT built in the 1860's like I suspected, but rather 1881. I do not know when Hector's wife died. I do know Hector and his father died here. I do know that the house was passed to Hector's son in law Robert George (which seemed to shock my land lord) in 1913 after Hector died. I do know that in 1916, Robert George is no longer recorded as living here, but rather several adults at one time. I do know that in the 1920s, the house numbers changed when they reconfigured the layout of the area. I do know that in 1933, the house is listed as owned by a lady named Rosa, who ran it as a boarding house. In 1938, Rosa still owned the building but listed it as furnished apartments. To my knowledge, it's been furnished apartments ever since.

                                Just as a note, my pipe dream was thoroughly cracked, if not shattered, when I saw the price on the building... $360,000

                                ETA: I will be keeping you guys updated every step of the way, as it's been one hell of an experience. I've had 2 sensitive friends in the building since this saga started. I actually took one to the basement last night. (Yes I went to the basement -shudder-). Brought her back up here. She felt the Lady of the House and described exactly what she was wearing each time I saw her. I'd never told her what the Lady of the House was wearing, let alone the exact colour of the dress. She also said she felt that someone had been stabbed in the building.

                                There's more accountings that Sir hadn't told me before, because it happened around the time of me going south for the custody hearing and he didn't want to upset me. I believe I mentioned I've heard a baby crying and that we have no children in the house, never have been any since we've been here. He said he found baby BOY clothes in the basement, socks, older shirts, and some cloth diapers, waiting to be washed. Were the ghosts waiting for a new child in the house? Getting ready perhaps?
                                Last edited by SengaKitty; 04-20-2009, 03:44 PM.

