So, I've taking a payroll class... we have to make a payroll register... now most people are doing theirs by hand.... I decided to program excel to do it for me... one formula in particular I take pride in... the one for federal income tax withholding
=IF(B5="single",IF(J5<=102,0,IF(J5<=329,J5*0.1,IF( J5<=1140,22.7+J5*0.15,IF(J5<=2493,144.35+J5*0.27,I F(J5<=5498,552.27+J5*0.3,IF(J5<=11875,1411.16+J5*0 .35,3643.11+J5*0.386))))
elegant in it's simplicity... I'm taking pride in not only writing it, but getting it to actually work
=IF(B5="single",IF(J5<=102,0,IF(J5<=329,J5*0.1,IF( J5<=1140,22.7+J5*0.15,IF(J5<=2493,144.35+J5*0.27,I F(J5<=5498,552.27+J5*0.3,IF(J5<=11875,1411.16+J5*0 .35,3643.11+J5*0.386))))
elegant in it's simplicity... I'm taking pride in not only writing it, but getting it to actually work