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What to do about her... (

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  • #16
    Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
    If he cowtows to his mommy with this, that's probably a pretty good indication that he will cowtow to her while you all are married. Pay attention to the warning signs. You don't want to play second chair to his mom all your life. And you sure don't want a man who can't cut the cord.
    This is so very true. I speak from experience.

    It's your wedding, it's your party, if someone wants to be a party pooper, to hell with them. They don't have to come if they can't play nice.
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #17
      This is exactly why me and the hubby eloped.

      After we amounced out engagement, the comments of disaproval started.

      We said "the heck with it" and got married in Denmark.

      It was us, the local mayor (officiating), the secretary and the cleaning lady (I think) for witnesses.

      Next year it'll be 25 years.

      Yikes I'm getting old. Didn't realize it till I put it in writing.


      • #18
        Your fiance realizes that he cannot get through this without hurting someone. So, he needs to sack up and do what needs to be done, even if it involves hurting someone (his mom), which seems inevitable.

        But it comes down to this: it's your wedding, and you are paying for it. Anyone who has an issue with anything about it can go piss up a rope and fuck off. You may want to phrase it more diplomatically than that....or you may not. I know that if I was getting married right now and my older sister The Witch (the family's token pain in the ass control freak) said something like, "Oh, you can't have it in Arizona, it's too hot, you should have it in blah blah" (something I could see coming out of her mouth), I would pretty much tell her to piss off. If she dared make a comment about one of our guests (she's not racist, but she is elitist) or, the gods help her, my bride, she would be lucky to get merely a "fuck off" from me. Fortunately for me, The Witch is the only real familial thorn in my side. Everyone else is pretty fucking cool. I wish the same were true for you, but you and your fiance need to deal with the hand you've been dealt, in this case, his idiot relatives.

        Good luck! Remember, what is necessary is not always easy.

        Quoth unholypet View Post
        Just their attendance, love, and calmed tongues >_>
        That does not seem too bloody likely, considering what the MIL and FIL have already said.

        Quoth Evil Queen View Post
        RetailWorkhorse, I think, can legally marry you guys.
        As can the Right Reverend Jester. No, seriously. I can.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #19
          Quoth Jester View Post
          As can the Right Reverend Jester. No, seriously. I can.
          If you'd be willing to get yourself here, free food and room for two nights, December 14th, at an unknown year? lol Free outfit, if you're not against black n purples.


          • #20
            Decide on a date and we'll talk. I have nothing against black and purple....I own much black myself.

            Keep in mind, I can promise you nothing, and have to date never performed a marriage ceremony....I just legally CAN, being a legally ordained minister. Of course, as I did that more as a lark than anything, I have zero experience in such matters. Just so you know.

            As I said, when you decide on the date, PM me. Ya never know. I might just do it!

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #21
              Quoth BarbieGirl View Post
              I would have a couple of trusted family or friends on guard duty. That way you don't have to worry about anyone causing a scene. They can at first politely tell them to stop and be quiet and if needs be they can escort the unruly family members out, and you get to enjoy your day stress free.
              I"ve actually been one of these folks at my sister in law's wedding. Me, the husband, my husband's younger brother, and his fiance were the bouncers. Because the groom was afraid his batshit ex would show up.

              When I say she was batshit, understand that I don't mean that in a fun way, nor am I really giving full credit to the magnitude of her fuckedupedness.

              I was disappointed that she didn't show. She's one of the very few people I genuinely hate. I was ready and willing (and frankly looking forward to) physically removing her from the property.


              • #22
                Kink, you rock. Can I invite you to my wedding (if I ever get married) to deal with my lovely sister? Please?

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #23
                  Sure Jester, anytime. If I'm resigned to it beforehand, a good Scene is hard to beat for getting the old endorphins hopping.

                  Maybe I'll get to do at your wedding what I didn't get to do at my SIL's.

                  And I do dearly love Florida.

