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As if I needed any more proof...

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  • As if I needed any more proof...

    ...that this suckhole of a town I'm trapped in is a total waste of space, now I find out that something new and unpleasant is opening in town in two days. Guess what it is?

    If you said "a tattoo parlour," congratulations! You win a cookie.

    I am LIVID about this. (Warning: If you are a tattoo fan, turn back now. I AM prejudiced in this area and I make no bones about it. See my Fratch thread for further details.) Bastards can't be arsed to let in any goddamned development or have any bloody worthwhile public services like a library, yet they'll let in a fucking TATTOO PARLOUR!! Tell me this isn't going to attract all sorts of scumbags. Sorry, but around here, that's the ONLY kind of people that would be sporting tattoos: your classic white trash. Like we need any more of that.

    Yes, I know that not everybody who has ink is a scuzzy shitbag. But like I said, the vast majority of ones I've seen with tattoos running around anyplace are people you wouldn't give the time of day to, much less anything else. And the idiots - whoever they are - in charge of running this joint make such a bloody fuss over "keeping that small-town flavor" (i.e., bland and boring and stagnant), piss and moan about the Mall-Wart Revolutions gobbling up other areas, yet they turn around and pull shit like this. Way to completely fail at town management, fucking morons!

    I hope this place gets eaten by a Mall-Wart as soon as I manage to escape here. Serves 'em right!
    ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~

  • #2
    If it needs a disclaimer, it belongs in fratching. End of story.
    The report button - not just for decoration

