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Star Trek movie (no spoilers)

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  • Star Trek movie (no spoilers)

    I got to see this today. I was quite excited.

    Sadly, I was a little disappointed. There were some very good bits, but overall I was unerwhelmed.

    There was a standard Star Trek-movie plot involving a villian with a super-weapon.
    But that wasn't the heart of the movie - it was the characters, the original crew, the first mission that was important.

    The bad:

    And Kirk wasn't Kirk.
    We finally got to see Sulu in a swordfight, something Trekkies have been waiting for since 'The Naked Time'. But bizarely he seemed to have become a ninja.
    Both Scotty and Chekov have accents laid on so thick that it is annoying.
    And the souped-up on the outside but all pipes and valves on the inside Enterprise seems to have gotten left-over Star Wars weapons.
    There was one classic academy scene that was played for laughs when it really shouldn't have been.

    The Good:
    Spock and Bones McCoy had some great moments. And Spock was definitely Spock. Zachary Quinto was superb.
    When Leonard Nimoy showed up, the whole thing stepped up a notch.
    Christopher Pike was great.
    There were some nice references to Star Trek lore.
    And the plot very clearly said, things have changed. This isn't going to be a remake or rerun.

    Remembering Star Trek the Motion Picture, I have to say I hope this does well enough that they follow it up with some really good movies.

    Now will someone tell me what is JJ Abrahms' obsession with floating balls of red liquid?
    "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.

  • #2
    haven't seen it yet but from the previews ... mccoy looked really in character. yay eomer!


    • #3
      I actually think I'm going to like the new Kirk better than the old Kirk... at least when it came to the last couple of movies that Shatner was in... he just started getting annoying.

      And let's be honest, the new McCoy is McCoy... he's not an actor playing McCoy, he IS McCoy (assuming he keeps up the same acting the whole movie the same as in the trailers).

      And I can't criticize accents... I LOVE accents (and I'd be a hypocrite if I did say I don't like accents since my voice isn't exactly the easiest to understand).
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
        I actually think I'm going to like the new Kirk better than the old Kirk...
        Your just saying that because of the Kirk Smile. He made you swoon. Thought you had standards...
        Military Spouse Support.
        Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


        • #5
          The theater near me is starting to show it tomorrow instead of Friday. I've already bought my tickets, so after I get out of class tomorrow night I'm going to pick up my friend and we're gonna head over to the theater for the 11:10 showing.

          I have to say, I'm looking forward to this film. I'm a big Trek fan, and at first I was hesitant about this film. A film with the TOS crew, without it being the normal actors? Unthinkable! But after reading the reviews it's been getting, and seeing a few clips from it, I'm excited about seeing it. Karl Urban not only resembles McCoy a bit, but he pulls of the character really well. And I can see Kirk when looking at Pine's face. As long as it feels like Trek, the actors pull off their characters, and it's all-in-all a good, entertaining film, I'll be happy.
          DS Andy Cartwright: Everyone and their mums is packin’ round here!
          Nicholas Angel: Like who?
          DS Andy Wainwright: Farmers.
          Nicholas Angel: Who else?
          DS Andy Cartwright: Farmers’ mums.


          • #6
            Honestly, I got the feeling when I was watching the trailers that they weren't even trying to appeal to old-school trek fans. My dad's a Trekkie, and I think this is the least excited he's ever been when a new Trek movie came out, whereas I'm more of a Star Wars/Underworld/insert-other-action-movie-here fan, and this is the first one I've legitimately wanted to see.

            It really strikes me that they aren't trying to make a traditional Trek experience for the people who liked the subtlety, pacing, and intrigue that defined the original Trek series so much as they're trying to take the old characters so many people loved and re-work them for the more action-oriented mainstream sci-fi fans, and in that sense most of your negatives (Enterprise weapons, etc.) could reasonably be argued as things they did right.
            "Darling, you are a bitch. I'm joining the Navy." -Cinema Guy 4/30/2009


            • #7
              I think you are probably right, Shards. It is definitely aimed more towards the popcorn movie audience than Trekkies.

              I am a Trekkie and found it lacking in many respects (and it has to be said, enthralling in some places).

              As a scifi action movie, it didn't impress me at all.

              That said, I really hope a lot of people enjoy it and it restarts the franchise.
              "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


              • #8
                Quoth Plaidman View Post
                Your just saying that because of the Kirk Smile. He made you swoon. Thought you had standards...
                I'm pleading the 5th to that one
                If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                • #9
                  I'm going to see this on Sunday. Can't wait!

                  Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post

                  And let's be honest, the new McCoy is McCoy... he's not an actor playing McCoy, he IS McCoy (assuming he keeps up the same acting the whole movie the same as in the trailers).
                  I saw a few clips from the movie via Joe Loves Crappy Movies, and one featured McCoy. He was... OMG, he was SO McCoy. I couldn't believe it. Even his manner of speaking was exactly like McCoy. He must have watched and rewatched every single McCoy scene ever filmed about 50 times to get that kind of accuracy.

                  That alone has made me SUPER excited.
                  "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


                  • #10
                    Just got back from the first showing in town, and I loved it. It is not true to the original, and if that's all you're looking for, save yourself some money and save some poor kid who likes space battles from hearing another whining purist and don't see this.

                    They do, however, explain very well why it isn't true to the original crew. And in response to CG's complaints, allow me to offer counter-points:

                    Kirk was not Shatner Kirk because he had an entirely different backstory for a very good reason that I cannot give away without spoilers. Don't like it, don't see the film.

                    New Sulu was trained in a much more acrobatic form of fighting than original sulu, and his performance reflected as such. Don't like it, don't see it.

                    If you liked old Scottie, there is virtually no difference in accent. They make entertaining jokes out of Chekov's accent.

                    The weapons fit the new feel of the movie very well, and led to much more interesting space-battles.

                    I'm not familiar with which scene you claim they bastardized, but I found the comedy that was placed in the various scenes to be well written and well delivered.

                    Let me say this again: THIS IS NOT THE ORIGINAL STAR TREK. If you want that, go watch your DVD set of them. This is a new continuity, and it explains why it is separate from the old continuity. If you refuse to accept that it can be good in it's own right, save your money.

                    Sorry if I seem bitter, but I was sitting next to such a purist that he couldn't even shut up about the accelerator suits in the fucking GI Joe pre-view before it for the entire movie. Yes, I wish him harm.
                    "Darling, you are a bitch. I'm joining the Navy." -Cinema Guy 4/30/2009


                    • #11
                      Quoth Shards View Post
                      Sorry if I seem bitter, but I was sitting next to such a purist that he couldn't even shut up about the accelerator suits in the fucking GI Joe pre-view before it for the entire movie. Yes, I wish him harm.
                      I think we may have been sitting in front of you. The guy behind me kept making comments all through the movie - enough to about drive me nuts. I paid my money to see a movie, not listen to someone's commentary. If I want commentary, I'll go watch MST3K.
                      That is so full of suck Dyson doesn't know how they did it - shankyknitter

