...Home is supposed to be where I can come home, shut out the world, and relax. .. WELL I CAN'T. I am constantly stressed when I am home now, which is making me take it out on everyone else.
You see... our new neighbors (he is awesome, she is not) just won't leave me alone. She comes over all the time, unannounced and uninvited.
My Beau and I are very private people. We don't really go out too much, and we don't have people over very often. I mean, if someone is coming to visit they give me a weeks notice or it doesn't happen. I am very much an introvert once I enter my home. The only people I usually see are the people I work with, everyone else (family included) is lucky if they see or hear from me every other week.
Yet every day... she comes knocking. "Can I borrow a movie" "Can I have some candy" "Can I borrow some money" "Can I see the kitty/ferret" UGH! It wasn't so bad at first... it was like once a week...and I can handle that... but it is seriously EVERY FUCKING DAY now. It's gotten so bad I turn all my lights off when I am home and tip toe around... because as soon as she hears a noise she is knocking on my door. I shouldn't have to tip toe around my OWN HOME!
And she doesn't say something like "Can I come in?" Oh gods no! As soon as the door is open even a crack she is IN my apartment. Which is a BIG No no on my list, you do not come in with out my say so. Even our Apartment MANAGER doesn't come in with out my say so.
And what's more... My cat HATES her.. she is terrified of her. Yet this lady insists on picking her up. It is to the point where Art (kitty) hides every time she hears her walking down the hall way. Even my Fat Ferret who loves EVERYTHING doesn't like her.
But she is nice... even though she is annoyingly needy... and she just wants someone to visit with... but I am close to the end of my rope here. I don't want there to be bad blood between me and her, since we are 2 of something like 7 people living in our building, I want to get along... but I don't know if I can.
She is stressing me out majorly and making me feel trapped in my house....
I just can't think of a nice way to tell her to "leave me the fuck alone"
...I feel stuck... and annoyed... and frustrated....*cries* I need my 'space' to de-stress and get balanced every day... and I don't have it anymore... it is making me neurotic and a bit depressed. I'm thinking about skipping out and staying with my mom for a weekend or will be harder on gas. But at least mum gives me space.
but I am rambling now... I go sleep... night.
...Home is supposed to be where I can come home, shut out the world, and relax. .. WELL I CAN'T. I am constantly stressed when I am home now, which is making me take it out on everyone else.
You see... our new neighbors (he is awesome, she is not) just won't leave me alone. She comes over all the time, unannounced and uninvited.
My Beau and I are very private people. We don't really go out too much, and we don't have people over very often. I mean, if someone is coming to visit they give me a weeks notice or it doesn't happen. I am very much an introvert once I enter my home. The only people I usually see are the people I work with, everyone else (family included) is lucky if they see or hear from me every other week.
Yet every day... she comes knocking. "Can I borrow a movie" "Can I have some candy" "Can I borrow some money" "Can I see the kitty/ferret" UGH! It wasn't so bad at first... it was like once a week...and I can handle that... but it is seriously EVERY FUCKING DAY now. It's gotten so bad I turn all my lights off when I am home and tip toe around... because as soon as she hears a noise she is knocking on my door. I shouldn't have to tip toe around my OWN HOME!
And she doesn't say something like "Can I come in?" Oh gods no! As soon as the door is open even a crack she is IN my apartment. Which is a BIG No no on my list, you do not come in with out my say so. Even our Apartment MANAGER doesn't come in with out my say so.
And what's more... My cat HATES her.. she is terrified of her. Yet this lady insists on picking her up. It is to the point where Art (kitty) hides every time she hears her walking down the hall way. Even my Fat Ferret who loves EVERYTHING doesn't like her.
But she is nice... even though she is annoyingly needy... and she just wants someone to visit with... but I am close to the end of my rope here. I don't want there to be bad blood between me and her, since we are 2 of something like 7 people living in our building, I want to get along... but I don't know if I can.
She is stressing me out majorly and making me feel trapped in my house....
I just can't think of a nice way to tell her to "leave me the fuck alone"
...I feel stuck... and annoyed... and frustrated....*cries* I need my 'space' to de-stress and get balanced every day... and I don't have it anymore... it is making me neurotic and a bit depressed. I'm thinking about skipping out and staying with my mom for a weekend or will be harder on gas. But at least mum gives me space.
but I am rambling now... I go sleep... night.