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General annoyance

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  • General annoyance

    Got a message this morning that my friend's account on another forum I frequent had their account hacked. I find it very frustrating and stupid because the account was hacked to "steal" intangible items. The only thing that was really lost was all the time that went into collecting said items the end don't amount to anything.

    my frustration is why hack over this. oh wait i know because some people can't get the fact that some things aren't really worth stealing if you can't even use it beyond the computer perhaps? I say this because this site is geared towards people 13 and up so yeah....I can understand the logic there...barely

    had to put my two cents in because i've done all i can and reported it along with my friend. he's said he'll either try and save his account or just shut it down as he isn't using it much anyways. (yes its a free site, thus no real tangible things such as money were lost)

  • #2
    That sucks. Sure it's not real money, but if, for instance, my EQ account were to have been hacked, I would have cried like a little girl. I put 5 years of my life into those toons, they are my babies. I don't know if this is similar, but someone's time and effort went into these things, it is wrong on so many levels to steal them. My heart goes out to your friend.

    (For the record, I have played many games since EQ, and put much time and love into all my characters, but that one meant the most to me in terms of time and emotional investment.)
    "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


    • #3
      yes. it is frustrating. i mean not to belittle the whole thing but thats how i've tried to think of it mostly to not get so angry about it. Yes I'd be just as upset if my account were taken. We're currently waiting on a reply from their help center as sadly it can take up to a week. The help center is new and the site is working on getting more staff for it. Its still a relatively new site in some ways.

