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weird mommy cat

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  • weird mommy cat

    So I just noticed how fast the dog food was disappearing so fast.The mommy manx cat sneaks into the kitchen during the day and eats it.WHY!!!!
    I've had lots of dogs eat cat food ,but never the other way around?
    Anyone knows why she does this?
    Last edited by candyshopgirl; 06-08-2009, 05:22 PM.

  • #2
    Some of my families have done it when they were out of food, hungry, or they were getting even with the dogs for doing it to them (or as it would appear when they do it).

    They probably just do it because it's food (it's not like cats or dogs know what is dog food or cat food, only that one is "forbidden" to them and not what they're given).


    • #3
      When you say she's a mommy cat, do you mean she just had a litter of kittens recently? If so, she may be eating more food than she used to to support the little ones. Make sure she gets plenty of kitten food (yes, mommy cats should be eating the kitten formula while they're still milk feeding the young) and try to keep her from eating any more of the dog food -- it doesn't have the right balance of fat/protein/etc that cats need, especially kittens!

      And if you DO have kittens, where are the pics?


      • #4
        My one cat (well kitten still, not sure her exact age, but when I got the litter the vet's guess was about 3 weeks old, that was in the middle of November) eats the dog's food all the time.. I have BIG dogs, that means BIG dog food.. I figure it's not hurting her, she eats the kitten food as well, and it amuses me to watch her chomping on the big kibble peices.

        Both of my cats would only drink out of the dogs' water dishes, that presented a bit of a problem when both the water dishes ended up in the crates with a big bucket outside of them. I ended up putting down my favorite mixing bowl one day out of desperation, and they love it

        Cats are weird..
        Everything is great when you're a kid, then you grow up and suddenly you're afraid of the monkey bars...


        • #5
          My cats ate Pablo's food sometimes...and vice versa. I figure he liked the cat food because it was little. We had to put their food up in the bay window so he couldn't get it.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

