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I know I'm a space cadet, but this is a new one, even for me!

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  • #16
    I'm notorious for putting things where I'm SURE I'll find them later.. and not finding them until I go there to find something else. It seems to run in the family. Whenever my grandmother loses anything in her house, you will hear her say "I know I put it where I knew I'd remember where it was. Now if only I could remember where that place is!"
    I've never yet left water so long it overflowed, but I have left a pot on to boil so long all of the water left it, and I finally remembered what I was doing when I smelled overheated metal.
    I also will cook, pull it aside to cool and absorb and thicken and whatnot, and forget about it for so long that it's stone cold when I get to it.
    "If looks could really kill, my occupation would be staring" Brand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light


    • #17
      Not a week goes by at work where, while setting up the bar for one of my many day shifts, I overflow one of the triple sinks while filling it. This week I was especially bad, on one day managing to overflow EACH ONE of the three sinks in the triple. That takes talent!

      Quoth wagegoth View Post
      I'm really good at taking food out of a throwaway package and throwing away the food instead.
      I have been known to occasionally pop a cap off a bottle of beer...and throw the bottle away, holding on to the cap.

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #18
        Quoth Jester View Post
        Not a week goes by at work where, while setting up the bar for one of my many day shifts, I overflow one of the triple sinks while filling it. This week I was especially bad, on one day managing to overflow EACH ONE of the three sinks in the triple. That takes talent!
        And as you've stated and proven time and again, you're nothing if not talented!

        It's ok, I had another moment while cutting up potatoes to make potato salad, I pulled out the knife, the cutting board, and the pot in which to boil them.

        anyone guess what I forgot to grab?

        Yeah, kind of helps to have to potatoes nearby rather than staring blankly at the cutting board for 2 minutes, wondering why in the hell nothing is getting done.

        Go me!!


        • #19
          Quoth TOLady View Post
          One of my favorite columnists relates a story of his famous Thanksgiving Turkey Soup.
          I meant to ask this earlier, but spaced it....can you tell us who the columnist was so we can look up the column, or (better yet) provide a link to said column? I am sure I am not alone when I say I would love to read it!

          Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
          And as you've stated and proven time and again, you're nothing if not talented!
          I am glad you added "and proven time and again." Otherwise I sound like an arrogant ass.

          Oh, wait. I AM an arrogant ass. Though I guess it's not really arrogance if you can back it up. And while I will certainly admit when I am clueless, stupid, incompetent, or just flat out suck at something, I will also sing my own praises when I am good at something.

          So thanks for noticing. (I assume that was a compliment, right?)

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #20
            I did something similar several years ago, but it was MUCH MUCH worse (to help you feel better )

            We were getting ready to head to the beach for Memorial day. Mom and Dad were at work, and I was home getting some of the stuff packed. The towels in the laundry room sink were positively rank, but I couldn't wash them because the washer was doing a load, and there wasn't enough time to finish that load then do another and get it in the dryer (laundry in the washer for 3 days = no more clean laundry).

            So...I plugged the drain, dumped in a little detergent, and turned the faucet on. I got distracted for 10 minutes or so, and then remembered the faucet. Now...when we moved into this house (it was 1991), there was linoleum EVERYWHERE. The only remaining linoleum was in the laundry room, but we just threw some carpet on it - no tack strips or padding - so it wouldn't LOOK like linoleum (this stuff was ugly).

            Back to the story... when I walked into the laundry room, the carpet was squishy. (There was also a bit of a threshold in the doorway - which wound up saving my butt.) After turning the water off and unplugging the sink, I looked down and realized that the carpet was FLOATING. Yup, I had flooded the laundry room (and it's a BIG laundry room - probably 6' X 10') and floated the carpet. I proceeded to haul the wet carpet outside - that stuff was HEAVY! - and use every single towel in the house to dry the floor.

            I got in a good deal of trouble, but I laugh about it now. Don't feel bad, we've all pulled a stupid or two before.
            Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

            Proverbs 22:6


            • #21
              Quoth Jester View Post
              I am glad you added "and proven time and again." Otherwise I sound like an arrogant ass.

              Oh, wait. I AM an arrogant ass. Though I guess it's not really arrogance if you can back it up. And while I will certainly admit when I am clueless, stupid, incompetent, or just flat out suck at something, I will also sing my own praises when I am good at something.

              So thanks for noticing. (I assume that was a compliment, right?)
              Well, a bit tongue in cheek and sarcastic as is my wont, but a compliment nonetheless.

              when stating "and proven time and again" I was referring to the few times I've asked advice and you responded, such as the list o' rums you sent me once. I've had the opportunity to sample a few which were available at my local Spec's. I did truly appreciate flavored rums until I sampled Brinley Vanilla and then Gold Mango. I believe I once told my brother I would do unspeakable things for Brinley Gold Mango, and he laughed at me. A lot. (Until I made him try it And thanks to your list, the ONLY rum he'll drink straight now is Atlantico, when before he was content to slurp Goslings. He curses me, and I suppose in a roundabout way, you as well for introducing him to it...)

              Do i find you an arrogant ass at times? Yes. But the few times I've posted asking advice, what you've provided has usually been spot on, and exceedingly helpful, not to mention refreshing in the delivery, without the sugar coating.

              wow, that was a rather long-winded way of answering "yes, it was a compliment", wasn't it....? Oops...

              I blame sleep deprivation. Really.

              And now I want rum, but can't afford it, at the moment. Damn...


              • #22
                Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                ...such as the list o' rums you sent me once. I've had the opportunity to sample a few which were available at my local Spec's. I did truly appreciate flavored rums until I sampled Brinley Vanilla and then Gold Mango.

                And thanks to your list, the ONLY rum he'll drink straight now is Atlantico, when before he was content to slurp Goslings.
                I'd be curious to hear what other rums you tried, and what you thought of them.

                And yes, Atlantico is truly lovely. Which Gosling's was he slurping? The Black Seal? The Gold? The Old Family? None of them, to me, stack up to Atlantico, and frankly, I find the Old Famiily rather repulsive.

                Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                Do i find you an arrogant ass at times? Yes.
                Hey, I AM an arrogant ass at times. I freely admit that.

                But thanks for the compliment!

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #23
                  One time I was up in Door County by my grandparents, and we were at some kind of festival in Sturgeon Bay, and I was eating a loaded caramel apple (caramel, whipped cream AND chopped-up nuts!) while walking along, and this tent pole totally came up out of nowhere and I ran smack into it.

                  Mom: "Irv, did you just walk into a tent pole?"
                  Irv: "Yeah."
                  A couple of people behind us: "Food's more important."

                  Oh, and I also ran into a tree. Not on a bike or skateboard, mind you. I ran. Into the tree. Screwed up knee, hairline-fractured my thumb, got some nice scratches on my face too.

                  Explains a lot, doesn't it?
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #24
                    I often get "distracted by shiny things" and forget what I'm doing. Luckily I haven't flooded anything recently. Hubby says Distracted by Shiny's will be my epitaph (and probably COD as well )

                    I do, however, have a certain talent for walking into things - constantly. Doors, tables, walls, stairs, etc....... they just leap out in front of me and *WHAP!!*

                    Oh - and I hope you didnt hurt yourself too bad when you slipped. I did laugh at that, but it was *with* you not *at* you.
                    "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
                    "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
                    "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

                    -Jasper Fforde


                    • #25
                      Quoth Jester View Post
                      I meant to ask this earlier, but spaced it....can you tell us who the columnist was so we can look up the column, or (better yet) provide a link to said column? I am sure I am not alone when I say I would love to read it!
                      I've just emailed him - Joe Fiorito at the Toronto Star - and I'm pretty sure he'll send me a link pretty soon.

                      It was a few years ago and I couldn't even find it on LexisNexis going back 2 years. Really nice guy so I should have a link or the full story shortly.


                      Just got an email from Joe. He's looking for the column, but says it wasn't he that dumped the soup, but a reader following his recipe (he puts the turkey soup recipe in every Thanksgiving issue of The Star each year - here's the link for the recipe BTW

                      Super nice guy - if he finds it, he'll said he'll drop by my local and join me for a pint or two (I offered to buy him a bevvie in exchange for his help).
                      Last edited by TOLady; 06-23-2009, 11:24 PM.
                      No... Just No! And I mean it this time!

