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I just need a long rant.

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  • I just need a long rant.

    So I just really broke down today. Talking tears. Temp thoughts that I won't act on.

    There is alot of bullshit I don't understand going on in my workplace, that I'll try to sum up and get why I'm confused and honestly, scared.

    After RA was promoted to Assissant Mangager, she was transfered to another store so that she can train to be a manager. This was several months ago. She was transfered to hellstore, which makes me break down in tears and shaking fear at the very idea every time I'm transfer. I'd rather be beaten to a pulp that deal with that store. It even cross my mind to do that, for the simple fact that the company would't be allowed for me to work there afterwards.

    Well, I guess one thing lead to another, and RA is now dating the manager of Hellstore. Naturally company can't allow this, and has to move RA. They think it be best if I transfer to Hellstore, and RA goes back to my store.

    I hated that idea, and didn't want it. I refused it. I can't be forced to move that store. I talked to Human Resources, and voiced how that store just really affects my own sanity. They told me that I was lied to, and didn't have to move to that store if I didn't want to. Yay me.

    But my area manager is displease. Wants me to move to another store. Any store of hers. Wants me out of my own store, with the manager I've been with for most of my many years at my company.

    I still refused it. I explained that real soon, the only place I could likely get on time for morning shfit is my own store, as after I move, my mom isn't going to give me rides anymore. The bus system of our town couldn't get me to any store on time for the morning shift, except my own since I just have to walk 15 blocks and catch the first train.

    But now, boom. RA now gets morning shift on weekend, meaning I don't have too. I also lose my bonus checks, since RA does weekend mornings. RA also gets to have the her work week the way she wants (With the exception of Weekends, which she has to work mornings). She gets the store she wants. Me, I'm treated like crap for wanting to keep my sanity.

    Despite the fact I know my manager would treat her better, my manager claims she wont.

    So far its working out great for everyone except me, escpalyl since my area manager wants to talk to me about transfering again.

    The biggest WTF I have is this.

    RA is dating the manager of Hellstore. I understand why they have to move her. I don't understand why she has to go to my store, where my manager, is Hellstores manager's SISTER.

    Hellstore Manager lives at My manager HOME.
    My manager and her family, have been trying to get Hellstore a Girlfriend for several years. But he always found fault with someone.

    You can't tell me that won't have some effect on how my manager would treat her. Not to mention favoritesm. I'm pretty sure its illegal.

    It seems the whole company is on my ass to move to another store, preferraly hellstore. A store that when I worked for a only a month was considering downing a 100 vivarian just so I can go into over sizerues and not work. Thankfully McGoddess came in and saved me.

    Even if it isn't hellstore, I can't afford a car, not to mention I don't have a car, and the location we were moving to was based on me getting to work on time through the train. I Can't get to any other store on time!.
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

  • #2
    You need to take this above their heads Dear. What they are doing is wrong very wrong. I don't know about illegal but it is wrong.


    • #3
      definitely go above them. This is so so so very very wrong. Hope everything works out!


      • #4
        *cracks knuckles* Ok. It's time to unleash the beast.

        Teehee...That's what he said...*ducks*
        "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

        I belly dance with tall Goblins!


        • #5
          Wow that sucks. I feel for you and the transport thing....I depend on buses and Max to get me places and can't work odd hours too early or too late cause the buses aren't running then.

          So which store is hellstore...what part of town is it in?

          Great YouTube channel check it out!

