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Calling all Knitters! (and hookers too lol)

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  • Calling all Knitters! (and hookers too lol)

    Since I recently ran into the fabulous JuniorMintz on a wonderful knit/crochet internet community/forum/Facebook for people who play with yarn, we wanted to put the call out here. I know there's a good number of us here!

    How long have you been knitting? How and/or why did you learn?
    So are you on Ravelry? What's your name there? (If you're not, you should reconsider )
    What's your favorite yarn? Favorite thing you've made?
    Tips or tricks or new skill gained?
    Anything else?

  • #2
    Oh....sorry I saw "hookers" and hit bad...sorry...
    "Beatings will continue until morale improves!"


    • #3
      I've been knitting a little longer than two years. I always wanted to learn and then was photographing an event at the nearby bookstore. The Yarn Harlot aka Stephanie Pearl-McPhee was amazing to listen to and I knew I was already a Knitter. Bought yarn and needles that night and taught myself via a book and and haven't looked back!

      I'm Rowan619 on Ravelry. I've been using the name for years, long before I knew it is a major yarn brand.

      I love Malabrigo yarn. So yummy soft and gorgeous colors. Although it does itch a little on my head/neck. (I itch for everything!)

      My favorite thing isn't quite finished - weaving in the ends right now. Will have photos up soon - it's my first top. Made it from yarn I bought on vacation and it took forever to find a pattern that was worthy. Unfortunately I soon realized I might not have enough so ordered another 2 skeins and had it shipped. Only used about 1/4 - 1/3 of one of the those but I'm glad I got it.

      I'm happy to have made a garment that isn't a hat or slippers. I do want to tackle socks soon but it's finding the time!

      Other WIP is a baby blanket for my cousin's little boy who came early this past Saturday. But she's 8 hours away so it's getting mailed and that gives me some time to finish. I need to make something for my sister's birthday in two weeks and then another baby blanket for my supervisor (Sept) and a baby hat for another coworker (early Sept). Then my mom's birthday end of September. And then comes the Holiday Crunch!


      • #4
        Quoth Diablo View Post
        Oh....sorry I saw "hookers" and hit bad...sorry...
        Got your attention, didn't it? lol


        • #5
          Actually no BS, my older sister is a crazy knitter...wait, is that the correct term? Anyhoo, basically half of my socks and sweaters growing up were from my sister making stuff for me and my two brothers. Knitting and Oboe were the only two things she does. She has tried to explain it to me many times... the smaller the number of the knitting needles, the thicker they are...right? Its been a while since me and her have conversed about it. It always reminded me of Buddhist Sand Art, in that its the same repeated action to make something unique and beautiful....
          "Beatings will continue until morale improves!"


          • #6
            Quoth Reyneth View Post
            How long have you been knitting? How and/or why did you learn?
            So are you on Ravelry? What's your name there? (If you're not, you should reconsider )
            What's your favorite yarn? Favorite thing you've made?
            Tips or tricks or new skill gained?
            Anything else?
            It will be 3 years this November. However, I don't do it much so mostly i just make different kinds of scarfs. I'm having trouble learning to rib. I just start messing up on row three and can't fix it. >.<

            I learned from a book. So I guess I taught myself

            I didn't even know Ravelry existed. I must check it out soon.

            Honestly I don't know. Alpaca is nice.

            Favorite thin I made= Ladder scarfs. I made two so far. IT's when you flip the pattern every 10 rows. It looks AWESOME

            Metal works the smoothest for needles, but it can be squeaky. But yarn slides the best on it.

            If I explain a weird pattern I got, can someone help me?
            Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

            Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
            Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


            • #7
              Quoth Diablo View Post
              Actually no BS, my older sister is a crazy knitter...wait, is that the correct term? Anyhoo, basically half of my socks and sweaters growing up were from my sister making stuff for me and my two brothers. Knitting and Oboe were the only two things she does. She has tried to explain it to me many times... the smaller the number of the knitting needles, the thicker they are...right?
              Other way 'round for the needles, but sizing conventions are different in the US vs Canada/Europe. The smallest needles I have (although have not used yet) are 00's about the width of toothpicks for making socks with really fine yarn.

              Very interesting - I was an oboist. I keep thinking about picking it back up.


              • #8
                My little sis taught me how to knit and I now find it pretty soothing. I prefer making baby items like blankets, sweaters, hats and such. I haven't tried making booties yet but I should try since a former coworker is having a baby in a few months. My son loves to try out the stuff I make. Sadly my last attempt to make him a sweater ended with the neck being to small to fit over his head and I don't know how to fix it. I also loooove making scarves with matching hats.
                I don't belong to any knitting groups or forums. Guess I'm lazy like that.
                "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


                • #9
                  My birthday top! Finished with about 3 hours to spare, lol


                  And for Ravelers -


                  • #10
                    Been knitting most of my life, off and on, long enough that I normally don't have to look at what I'm doing once I get the rhythm of it. Don't quite remember how I learned. I seem to remember my sister teaching me the knit stitch and then I took it from there. Primarily knit stockings and fingerless mitts for 18th century living history dress nowadays with patterns developed by friends, but did a lot of sweaters and tops for my daughter when she was little. Knitting with 00 double pointed needles took a little getting used to, but now the challenge is keeping the row count straight!

                    I do want to learn the European/English method of knitting. Seems much more efficient.

                    No membership on any knitters' lists, tho'.


                    • #11
                      I want to learn to knit for real. All I can do is the knifty knitter. So any recommendations for an easy way to learn? I think in this instance I might be a slightly more visual learner.
                      It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. -Office space


                      • #12
                        2 months, started knitting after reading a Heinlein book where the narrator includes knitting on a list of essential skills for people colonizing new planets.

                        Mostly it's just to keep my hands busy while I watch TV. I've made a bunch of practice squares and 2 scarves.

                        Quoth BarbieGirl View Post
                        any recommendations for an easy way to learn? I think in this instance I might be a slightly more visual learner.


                        • #13
                          I've been crocheting, on and on for about seven years. I never really had the confidence to do much of anything outside of scarfs up until 2006; I made a really long single crochet scarf (its about five feet long) and with the remainder of the skein I became adventurous and made myself a matching purse with the afghan stitch.

                          I put the hook and yarn away until last winter. I made another scarf with a hidden pocket for my hubby (that way he can put his ipod in there). I've done a pair of baby blankets and a shawl but still was too afraid to do anything fancy (like really nice stitches) until two weeks ago.

                          I ran into a youtube channel (I'll like the channel in a moment) and the woman who gives the instructions is really sweet, has a calming voice and because its on a video I don't have a hard time following like I did with the books. Everything I had done until now had been self-taught on a trial-by-error because no one else knew how to do anything with yarn.

                          I have finished another scarf, this one for myself. It is a gorgeous and simple shell pattern. I'm starting on another purse. It is going to be a popcorn stitch granny square in purple and pink for a friend's birthday. As soon as we get some more cash I'll get started on the husband's winter beanie and then I'll work on my slippers for this winter.

                          Here you go:


                          She's got some really amazing and simple patterns for beginners too. It was with her videos that I finally figured out the fancier stitches and how to work a foundation stitch (this has been a life saver when it comes to starting some different works).

                          As soon as I get my crochet works done, I'll sit down and work on learning how to knit.
                          Last edited by AnqeiicDemise; 06-19-2009, 03:41 AM. Reason: adding links!
                          "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


                          • #14
                            I'm working on a baby blanket, my first ever, I've only done scarves so far but I've only been knitting for less than a year. I always wanted to learn, but one of the doctors I work with actually taught me how to do it last fall-before then, I was stuck with my Knifty Knitter too (which admittedly was pretty fun too).

                            This is my first time using circular needles, and only my second time doing stripes and rib stitch, so we'll see how it goes.
                            "This is the first time I've seen you look ugly, and that makes me happy!"


                            • #15
                              Quoth JuniorMintz View Post
                              I'm working on a baby blanket, my first ever, I've only done scarves so far but I've only been knitting for less than a year.
                              I thoroughly suggest the Yarn Harlot's "Knitting Rules." She'll talk you right out of being intimidated by other things. I taught myself DPNs (Double Point Needles) after less than a year. Although I admit baby blankets scare me due to the sheer time it takes! (Check out my projects on Ravelry and you'll see why)

