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I'm not running from my problems (Long)

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  • I'm not running from my problems (Long)

    Note= There are places where it will say "Edit for Clarification". These are responses to specific questions asked, so they relate directly to the question and the text directly before. You can skip these as you are reading unless you think you need them.

    Okay so this is a secret. But I'm trying to transfer schools. The closer I get to the process being done the more people I tell, but only very few people who I'm close to know. I don't see the point in telling them I'm leaving if I end up staying. Also, my mom's family is really critical so I don't need to give them fodder.

    However, I'm starting to get a little stressed out, so I thought I'd blurt it all to you my fellow CSers. This is the WHOLE story, which only my parents and a few close friends know about.

    So this past year of school was pretty bad. There was a lot of social drama, class drama, and I was struggling. I wasn't dealing well with all of the stuff going on in my personal life, and it was affecting my school work. I thought I had pulled it off by the end of the year. A C- or two but no Ds so I thought I was good.

    Anyway, after getting home for the summer I went on a trip with my parents to check out Memorial University of Newfoundland. I don't feel bad about announcing this because I'm going to mention being in Newfoundland and they only have the one school with two campuses.

    Anyway, I was thinking of doing my BEd at MUN so I wanted the check out both campuses. They were really lovely. But I just fell in love with SWGC. Which is the smaller campus. I announced on the tour I would be transferring, and spent most of the end of the tour and the trip making sure my parents weren't mad at my decision. They weren't. In fact, with my father retiring in the fall they liked to prospect of me attending a school that was 1/3 the cost of my current school.

    Since Newfoundland only has the one school all the provincial and federal grants only have one school to go to in that province. That makes tuition much lower.

    So I get home, and then I head back off to school to do an intensive Italian course to get my language credit. While I'm at school I put in my application by Fed Ex on May 14 since it's already very late to be applying for a Fall Transfer.

    Right after I get my application put in to Memorial I get an e-mail from my current school. It's from the Emergency Text Messaging Service saying my phone is no longer subscribed because my student status has changed. So I check my status online and discover I'm in "Academic Dismissal" for my GPA from the last semester. You see it turns out that while a C- is a 1.7 I need to maintain a 2.0 to stay in good standing. Now, I haven't heard from the registrar's office yet. There have been no calls and no e-mails. This only makes me want the transfer more. So I call my parents and tell them. It was the single hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life.

    The dismissal is really just a 12 month suspension, so whether the transfer was through or not, I wasn't going to be back in September. On May 27, I get an e-mail from my current school indicating since I was only a tiny bit under the dismissal GPA, they will allow me to return full time in the fall. However, they want me to only do four credits, and one must be full year. There are no full year History Courses in my concentration, so I have to grab an English Credit. This puts me two credits behind on my major requirements. Having planned the last two years of my degree only to have room for one elective, this would cause me to have to take a sixth year instead of a fifth.

    EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION= Only my semester GPA was low. Also the school I'm transferring to takes stock of your grades from high school as well as your university grades. My grades from high school are great, the marks from my first five semesters at my current university is fine.

    High school didn't have much in the way of history and it took my first two years of school to realized I wanted to specialize in History. Which means that I had to cram four years of a major into three, including the fifth year.

    June 2 I receive an e-mail from MUN informing me my application has been received. They send me a breakdown of my information and ask if there are any mistakes. I have highlighted the mistakes in blue.

    Degree: Bachelor of Science(SWGC)
    Faculty/School: Sir Wilfred Grenfell College
    Major/Specialization: Historical Studies
    Campus: St. John's

    The campus should be SWGC, which is hilarious because it's written in two other spots.
    The Degree should be Bachelor of Arts (SWGC)

    EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION= They made a mistake in typing up the campus. They are not trying to make me go to the wrong campus. Sir Wilfred Grenfell is the school I want to attend.

    Anyway it is following this that people really start to pester about whether I have heard from MUN again, I keep yelling that I heard from them on June 2, and don't freak out. It is also at my time that two of my best friends at SWGC inform me that I will be living with them come September. Which I calms me down a lot, but since i haven't gotten my housing information yet nor my acceptance I worry about their planning. They actually have a really great plan, I'm just worried. Also, our fourth roommate changed her cell phone number right before summer. We don't know her father's number, so we can't get a hold of her. And she is never on the internet. I really don't want my living with her to be a surprise. That would be bad.

    So Italian is winding down now. But it's so much more intense. As a full credit it takes 8 months to complete and they do 10 chapters. We have to do the same amount of chapters in 7 weeks. So the last two weeks are double chapter weeks. Not to mention that next week I have a test, a class dinner, my oral, a vocabulary quiz and my final. Plus, all the homework for these chapters, and I might be a little behind on last week's work.

    So yesterday I get a call from Dad on my way to my waxer. There is a letter from MUN, my heart is beating like a hummingbird's wings. They are writing to inform me that I need to send my final transcript from my current school. I spend all day to day headhunting for whoever is responsible for my suffering. However, I only talk to the registrars that I'm friends with so that I don't freak out at them. According to my records, my transcripts were sent. I'm baffled.

    So I call MUN the woman who answers the phone greets me with a "What do you think you are doing?" She then quickly apologizes and informs me that she had just gotten off the phone with her son and thought I was him calling again. I tell her about my problem. She tells me exactly what the logical part of my brain had been screaming all day. They need my final transcript from my current school so they can transfer the credits. That would also include the credit I'm currently working on. I'm to have my transcript sent again once I complete my Italian class.

    I'm really antsy to know. Because I have to edit all of my financial aid of I'm switching schools. Plus, I need to pay to register to my current school for the fall if I'm not accepted to MUN.

    On top of all of this, I still need to find work for July and August. My dad is retiring soon so we need to be tight on cash. The power company broke our house. Though they are buying us new stuff to replace all the things that were destroyed. Like our computer, fridge, etc. My parents want me to help get my brother into upgrading, because despite being much smarter than I, the boy slacked his way through high school and doesn't have the marks even to get into a really low end school.

    EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION= Yes, the money forecast is bad. Hence why I'm trying to go to a less expensive school. I'm not sure why I'm supposed to clarify here.

    Oh, and my medication is giving me mood swings. I get to switch to new pills on the night of June 28th, which consequently is the day I go home for the rest of the summer.

    EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION= The medication I am on until the end of the month is giving me mood swings. So my doctor is changing my medication. This medication is not a psychiatric medication. I don't really want to discuss it's purpose, but basically a side effect of the pills can be mood swings, in which case you should talk to your doctor about switching medication. I will be starting new pills at the end of the month. I hope that makes sense

    Oh and the people that know are divided into three groups.
    1) I'm so happy for you, you need this change. And we really want you in NFLD
    2) Well, I want you to be happy, but I'll miss you like crazy
    3) I really don't understand why you're leaving. It won't do you any good. And did you think about ME in all your planning

    Anyway, I just had to get that all out. I just feel like screaming, but I can't. STRESS!

    Moreover, I kind of feel a little alone in all this.
    Last edited by hinakiba777; 06-19-2009, 09:01 PM.
    Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

    Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
    Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.

  • #2
    OK take a deep breath. hold and count back form seven then let it out.
    I understand the frustration i do, right now i am 7 creditsfrom getting my second Associates my first AA and am one year away from transfering to 4 year. (Next Semester im taking a science class [i think dont know just need 6 credits] that has tried to kill me 3 times now, i hate it. I may wait to take in the summer)
    and in a year im going ot be dealing with trying to transfer to the U and i have no idea which one i want to go to (my mom and dad both think im just going to transfer to ASU but im actually thinking NAU because A mesa is killing me and i know i cant afford to live in Tempe for ASU, B Tuscan is hot and well all i know thats there is from tombstone and bars and C i like cold) if you freak out ill freak so stop it! lets be calm together.


    • #3
      I'm here too. I'll support you Hina-chan.

      if they'll let me in the Air Force, thing'sll definitely work for you...


      • #4
        I've been trying to phrase this response so that no one gets offended and bans me from the board. I hope that this is acceptable.

        I'm really hurt that no one offered anything except sliceanddice. Maybe you thought I just needed to put that rant out and that I didn't want anyone's support. But that would be wrong. I'm totally alone here. I mean totally alone.

        My family is back home. And my friends are all gone home. There is no one here. No one to talk to. And I'm SCARED. I have never been so scared in my life. And as i said, this transfer is kind of a secret so there a very few people in my life that know about it. Some people I don't want to scare, other aren't worth telling.

        I thought you all were worth telling.

        I've been crying all night. In my room and in the quad, because I'm so scared and alone. No one noticed. No one heard. When I walked in after spending almost an hour bawling outside, I had to walk by my friend who was working the desk. She just smiled brightly and asked if the weather outside was nice.

        I know it's not as exciting as getting married, or as sad as losing a love one. But I had honestly hoped for something.

        I don't know. That's all I wanted to say.
        Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

        Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
        Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


        • #5
          Here's some good wishes from me. I know academia can be a real pain.

          Hope everything works out.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            I hope I'm not too late to offer you support and good wishes.

            Things will get better.

            I don't know what to tell you about some threads going ignored....they just do at times. And yes, it can be very frustrating.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Here's a vid for all us ignored posters

              huggles, Hina-chan



              • #8
                Quoth hinakiba777 View Post
                I'm really hurt that no one offered anything except sliceanddice. Maybe you thought I just needed to put that rant out and that I didn't want anyone's support. But that would be wrong. I'm totally alone here. I mean totally alone.

                I thought you all were worth telling.
                And in deference to your feelings and situation, I'm going to phrase this as politely as possible.

                That's unfair. Yes, you're having a tough time, and that's horrible, but there's lots of people on this board having troubles of various sizes, and they don't lash out when they don't get a pre-determined number of responses within 24 hrs. Maybe the board was just lightly travelled. Maybe the title just didn't broadcast what was going on with you. Maybe people skipped it because they're uncomfortable with comforting people over the internet. But lashing out simply because people here didn't respond as quickly as you'd like (especially considering you posted late at night) is unfair to this community. This is a caring bunch, and I doubt there's a person on this board who doesn't hurt when others on here hurt.

                Yes, it helps to share, and we encourage that. This place can be an absolutely amazing support network. But also keep in mind it is a message board, and thus communication isn't instantaneous. As you can see, with the passage of another *partial* day you received well-wishes from Irv and Blas, despite the risk of ire from not responding sooner. I know you feel alone, but remember a little patience for us poor shlubs who might not be there instantaneously. Keep your chin up. You're worth it, and we are too.
                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                • #9
                  First I'd like to thank Irv and Blas for the support. It's never too late for kind words.

                  To anyone else, I'm kind of emotional right now. If my post about feeling alone offended, it was not the intention. I just hate literally being this alone.

                  BJ- I made my post based on two things. One, how upset I was at that time. Two, the number of people who had looked at the thread. But i know being impatient doesn't get me anywhere. I'm sorry.
                  Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

                  Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
                  Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


                  • #10

                    I read your story, but I'm having a hard time understanding it all.

                    Can I recap and have you edit it?

                    First problem:
                    Your grades currently may not let you go to the school you want to

                    The school you're trying to transfer to keeps typing the wrong campus/location for you

                    The money forecast is not so pretty in your household

                    Moodswings and general purpose wonkyness

                    I've been through college. Twice . I've also been in college when my anti depressants stopped working and I almost did something permanent.
                    I've been through a lot of the things you are experiencing - just not all at the same time together.

                    When I look at the list of issues, the common FIX/solve for it is TIME. The first one - you need to up grades. So, take some more classes and up the grades. That takes time.
                    2nd one - LISTEN. Schools = bureaucracy. Forever and always. It takes time, and sometimes an act of Gord to get the paperwork corrected in all 12000 places it needs to be. This one will work out, with time. It's not perfect today. But it's an easy fix; just be prepared to do it MULTIPLE TIMES. (school = bureaucracy)

                    3rd - You try going to school, working for 8/hour! I'm up to my chest in student loans, and it's not pretty. I had to, since I couldn't find a job out in world that would let me goto school and live. I had to pay rent, food, phone, internet, cc, school tuition....but time. TIME will help you here.

                    4th- go to your doctor.

                    But really - shit ain't all happening like you expect it (thats one of my biggest problems) and it's all coming down in weird affects.

                    You can fix it. But only with time and patience. Shit doesn't always work as you predict it. So - "Can I fix this?" "Yes." "How?" "Slowly and carefully"

                    Hugs, and hey - I"m 30something and just got the AS degree when I was 31. What's your rush?

                    In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                    She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                    • #11
                      I'm a major, major advocate for being a full-time student with a part-time job at most. Get in, get out, and get done and stay focused on your school as much as possible. I realize that isn't always realistic, and I'm not familiar with how grants/federal loans work in Canadalandia.

                      In terms of paperwork, Cutenoob is right. Patience and persistence are key.

                      One thing I've learned about family drama the last few can't let yourself stress about your parents' problems. Focus on you first.

                      As far as moving goes...some people will be supportive, some won't. Hang on the first, screw the rest. A lot of people back home still whine to me, "When are you moving baaaaack??". I'm not. End of story.
                      "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                      Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                      Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                      • #12
                        Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
                        I'm a major, major advocate for being a full-time student with a part-time job at most. Get in, get out, and get done and stay focused on your school as much as possible. I realize that isn't always realistic, and I'm not familiar with how grants/federal loans work in Canadalandia.
                        The way the loans work is that i have to claim my income during the school year. And i usually only work like eight or ten hours a week.

                        I am supposed to work full time in the summer, if I'm not taking classes. That is from May until the end of August. They cut you some slack if you can't work the whole time, but you need a damn good reason. Like "I'm working a grant job what only has a ten week contract". If you only work part-time during the summer they make you fill out every place you applied to and when. They also goes for not working. I'm pretty freaked out.

                        Also, I'm just saying the rules in Nova Scotia. The other provinces might do it differently.
                        Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

                        Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
                        Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


                        • #13
                          *offers hugs*

                          I don't have any advice, really. I wish that there was more emotional support there, but it doesn't seem like there is.
                          1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
                 (A blog about everything and nothing)


                          • #14
                            Just saw the thread, must have missed it the last time I did a run over new threads...

                            As for that, good luck with what your doing. The world isn't on your shoulders so don't take it on your shoulders. And if someone can be callous enough to say you should have thought about them, then forget them.


                            • #15
                              Its been a few days since I've been to the board, but I figured you could use that and some /hugs.

