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Its just good music

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  • Its just good music

    So I've been playing a lot of bluegrass music at work this week. I dunno it reminds me of my grandpa(hes been gone 17 years) and I've been thinking about him lately.He was an amazing bluegrass musican,he taught himself to play 6 different instruments.Including slide guitar,which my hubby says is hard to learn.Anyways you know theres always go to be a SC in my stories.As I said I've been playing a lot of bluegrass this week and I tell you what the looks and cat butt faces I've gotten this week. They come up to pay and just stand there and roll their eyes and some even make snide remarks.I think part of it is that this week is student orientation and we get a lot of snot asses that think we are all a bunch of hicks here.And believe I know this because they are not shy about their feelings.

  • #2
    I don't particularly like bluegrass, but I've never been uptight enough to complain about music in a store (I might if it was hardcore gangsta rap with lots of profanity, or something, but just because I don't like the genre...). I'm rarely in a store long enough to notice the music anyway. But we play music in my bookstore- quite a bit of it bluegrass because of where we are located- and you wouldn't believe the numbers of people who whine about it and complain. Seriously, just tune it out. Not so hard. And it seems like the store where you work is not one where people linger, but pop in and out for convenience items, so what's their problem?

    Maybe you should regale them with a story about your grandpa so they feel bad.


    • #3
      Bluegrass is an AMAZING form of music. I'm sure the snide commenters have no clue about any form of music that actually requires, you know, talent to play.


      • #4
        Saw a Bluegrass festival in TN about 15 years ago.

        Made me a fan on the spot - amazing playing, great harmonies.

        IMHO, it's a very under-rated form of music.

        I have tried to play a banjo and failed very bad at it.


        I *LOVE* Hayseed Dixie.
        "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
        I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


        • #5
          Bluegrass is one of my favorite genres. There's a bluegrass festival near me that I try to go to every year - its just wonderful.
          The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.


          • #6
            I just bought a bottleneck (the thing you put on your fingers to play slide guitar with). Haven't tried it at all, but I will have fun.
            1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
   (A blog about everything and nothing)


            • #7
              The old glass aspirin bottles make for a great slide. cf. Duane Allaman playing Layla as an example.

              <me wishes fingers still worked well enough to play Layla.>

              "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
              I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


              • #8
                Gangsta rap would be about the only thing that would annoy me in a store as well. Or perhaps really heavy death metal. You know, that's just a guy deep throating a microphone while someone else punches a set of drums with a live chicken.

                But bluegrass? -.-


                • #9
                  Quoth AnaKhouri View Post
                  Seriously, just tune it out. Not so hard.
                  It is incredibly hard for me to tune out music. Unless I'm very preoccupied with something else, I notice the music around me, and even when I am preoccupied I often notice it subconsciously.

                  It's not uncommon for me to have a song stuck in my head and realize it was playing someplace I was recently, even if I didn't think about it at the time.

                  This being true, it makes it very hard for me to spend any amount of time in a place that is playing music I violently dislike. Luckily for me, there is very little music I truly hate.

                  One time I nearly had to leave work early because the in store radio station got tuned to a station that played, well, lets just say a type of music that should not be played in a grocery store, and the person who could change it wasn't in yet. I could not just tune it out. I was within fifteen minutes of telling the manager that I had to leave when the person with the key came and could change the station.

                  Of course, my solution is to limit the amount of time I spend in places with music I dislike.
                  The High Priest is an Illusion!


                  • #10
                    Hey at least with bluegrass you're playing some kind of music that's different and interesting. I'm going to go in insane with the BORING pc music they play in the lobby of my building Thank heavens I only have to listen to it on my way in and out....I play my own stuff at my desk
                    Great YouTube channel check it out!


                    • #11
                      If you've been listening to bluegrass for any length of time, I would assume that you already know who Alison Krauss is, but have you ever heard of Nickel Creek?

                      I saw Alison Krauss live several years ago and her voice is just as beautiful live as it is recorded.

                      Nickel Creek is a fun group. They've quit recording together for the time being, but I'm hoping they get back together. They've been together since they were kids. They're not straight up bluegrass, but they're definitely influenced by it. Plus you gotta love a group that will tweak a Britney Spears song like this.....Toxic

                      Check out Chris Thile's dancing.

