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Geocities to close

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  • Geocities to close

    Thought I should post this here. Yahoo is finally killing off the free Geocities pages. From what I understand, this is going to happen over the summer. Until now, they haven't said when it's going to happen. Right now, I'm in the process of moving my MG stuff to a new (yet unknown location). What can I say, other than it's been a good run the past 11 years.
    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

  • #2
    I already lost stuff when they 'lost' my webpage.

    So no big loss to me, anyone remember when you could go to the 'neighborhood' and click on random pages?


    • #3
      <---- Was unaware Geocities was still around to begin with. -.-


      • #4
        Apparently, there's a few organizations making a big push to archive everything they can load before the shutdown. I guess back in the day, a lot of experts would make a page, put up some information that's not really available elsewhere on the net, and eventually, the page was abandoned for one reason or another. So they're trying to save the knowledge before it's lost to the aether.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          Quoth Aethian View Post
          So no big loss to me, anyone remember when you could go to the 'neighborhood' and click on random pages?
          Back when they had the free website where you had to browse for a community, and actually pick a "street address" for your website (like "8504 tech lane" or something like that)?


          • #6
            Quoth JLRodgers View Post
            Back when they had the free website where you had to browse for a community, and actually pick a "street address" for your website (like "8504 tech lane" or something like that)?
            Yup...I feel old now...


            • #7
              I remember that too! Wow.

              I guess it's getting too costly to run Geocities.
              1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
     (A blog about everything and nothing)


              • #8
                Especially with all the abandoned pages around.

                Tho you'd think they'd just have a big clearout, and then keep it going; there are lots of places like Freewebs that still manage it.
                People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                My DeviantArt.


                • #9
                  Oh geez. I better go and look at my old bookmarks and see if anything from geocities still exists. Don't want to lose some things.

                  Wow. I remember when I was thirteen or so and I made my first "webpage" on geocities. I forget which neighborhood it was in though.


                  • #10
                    I was in the Sci-Fi neighborhood and had spot 11.


                    • #11
                      Quoth protege View Post
                      Thought I should post this here. Yahoo is finally killing off the free Geocities pages. From what I understand, this is going to happen over the summer. Until now, they haven't said when it's going to happen. Right now, I'm in the process of moving my MG stuff to a new (yet unknown location). What can I say, other than it's been a good run the past 11 years.
                      Domain - GoDaddy or Moniker (Moniker is better with security but doesn't have as userfriendly as a UI as GD does, and they're a little more expensive (not much, though) especialy with all the discount codes out there with GD.

                      Hosting - HostMonster, inexpensive and not bad.

                      I think there are some companies out there that also give you hosting and a domain for one flat rate.
                      Quote Dalesys:
                      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                      • #12
                        I'm disappointed that I can't use Geocities any longer since that was probably the only place that I could make a page that allowed me the "freedom" to place things where I wanted to put it.

                        Then again, I'm glad because it took two years for the idiots to understand the fact that I could see my site clearly but couldn't get into the Geocities home page. >.>
                        Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


                        • #13
                          There's still stuff like Freewebs around; I've seen a lot of kids with Freewebs pages so it can't be that hard to set up. XD Think Tripod is around too, still.
                          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                          My DeviantArt.


                          • #14
                            Quoth JLRodgers View Post
                            Back when they had the free website where you had to browse for a community, and actually pick a "street address" for your website (like "8504 tech lane" or something like that)?
                            IIRC, I had MotorCity/Downs/9116 for quite awhile. For now though, the railroad and MG pages will be going into a hibernation of sorts. I was hoping to use the page provided by Verizon (my ISP), but their Actually "sucks" would be an improvement. I actually prefer to do it free-form, but very few services offer that. Soooo until I find one, or set up my own server, things are temporarily shut down.
                            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                            • #15
                              I had one of those addresses (can't remember what.... it was in some tech-based community I think)... but then something happened when it was lost (probably when they did a cleanup), but then it didn't matter because I was already at a different place anyway.

