"Are you sitting down?"
That is what my niece Princess asked me. When I asked why, she then changed it to a command.
"Make sure you are sitting down."
Uh oh. This CAN'T be good!
As I was laying in bed watching tv, I didn't move, other than to turn the tv off.
JESTER: "What IS it?"
Of course, expecting a straight answer from an 18 year old girl is like expecting a straight answer from a politician. Though your odds might be better with the politician.
But after a bit, she finally told me that the other day, she was in a car crash. Clearly she was okay, but...."how bad was it, Princess?"
PRINCESS: "I'm pretty sure my car's totaled."
"Why do you say that?"
PRINCESS: "The radiator was smoking."
"Have you contacted your insurance company?"
PRINCESS: "Yes, but my mom only had liability on my car, not collision."
"Greeeaaaatt.... So...now what?"
Basically, she was calling from Homestead (lowest point of the mainland), and had gone up there with a friend to look at cars. As in buying a new one. Oookkaaaay.....I could kind of see this coming, but I asked her anyway how I could help her.
Well, due to her being 18 and having no credit, she needed a co-signer. Her mom's credit sucks and she has 3 loans out (apparently), so no go there. I asked about her father. He's not home at the moment.
So she is basically calling me to ask me not only to co-sign for a car for her, but to make such a decision on the spot, before she has even gotten a hold of her father.
I have questionable to horrible credit, I have a loan out, and I really don't like the idea of putting my financial future in the hands of an 18 year old who's been driving less than a year and has already been in more accidents than I have, a driver of 20+ years. Especially when she has parents.
Will I do anything for my niece? Within reason, yes. I don't think this was within reason. Especially since, when I told her I would have to think about it, she stopped acting like an adult (contacting the insurance company and hunting for a new car very quickly seems adultlike to me) and started acting like a child, snapping at me, "Never mind! Forget I even asked you!" *click*
And people wonder why I don't want kids..........
That is what my niece Princess asked me. When I asked why, she then changed it to a command.
"Make sure you are sitting down."
Uh oh. This CAN'T be good!
As I was laying in bed watching tv, I didn't move, other than to turn the tv off.
JESTER: "What IS it?"
Of course, expecting a straight answer from an 18 year old girl is like expecting a straight answer from a politician. Though your odds might be better with the politician.
But after a bit, she finally told me that the other day, she was in a car crash. Clearly she was okay, but...."how bad was it, Princess?"
PRINCESS: "I'm pretty sure my car's totaled."

PRINCESS: "The radiator was smoking."

PRINCESS: "Yes, but my mom only had liability on my car, not collision."

Basically, she was calling from Homestead (lowest point of the mainland), and had gone up there with a friend to look at cars. As in buying a new one. Oookkaaaay.....I could kind of see this coming, but I asked her anyway how I could help her.
Well, due to her being 18 and having no credit, she needed a co-signer. Her mom's credit sucks and she has 3 loans out (apparently), so no go there. I asked about her father. He's not home at the moment.
So she is basically calling me to ask me not only to co-sign for a car for her, but to make such a decision on the spot, before she has even gotten a hold of her father.
I have questionable to horrible credit, I have a loan out, and I really don't like the idea of putting my financial future in the hands of an 18 year old who's been driving less than a year and has already been in more accidents than I have, a driver of 20+ years. Especially when she has parents.
Will I do anything for my niece? Within reason, yes. I don't think this was within reason. Especially since, when I told her I would have to think about it, she stopped acting like an adult (contacting the insurance company and hunting for a new car very quickly seems adultlike to me) and started acting like a child, snapping at me, "Never mind! Forget I even asked you!" *click*
And people wonder why I don't want kids..........