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I'm such a bitch...

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  • I'm such a bitch...

    One of my online classes requires participation in a weekly discussion. I have issues with this particular aspect of most classes in college because no one really has an original opinion. You have the few, say, 4 or 5 students, who actually make an effort at posting, trying to be thoughtful, and hopefully stimulate an actual discussion with each other.

    And then there are the others. The ones who only want to get their credit for posting, and thus, generally respond to any random topic, by writing "I agree." Or some variation thereof.

    Well, this prof mandated each post must be at least 3 sentences, so people cant' get away with just blindly agreeing. Of course, this has led to people posting "I agree completely with your opinion!" Followed by two sentences parroting back the main idea of the original post.

    So, today, the topic was the Total Gym system, and whether it really is all you need to get fit and lean, based on all you know about anaerobic and aerobic exercise (the class is a seminar type class, on public health issues and obesity.)

    I wrote a really long post, basically saying no, it isn't all you need, you have to balance out exercise and diet, etc, etc. On top of that, the machine touts itself as only 6-20 minutes a day. It was pretty lengthy and thought out, and I made NO mention of using the machine at all myself, just that it was an interesting, if expensive concept. So what happens, I get this tard replying to my post with the following:

    Quoth he who didn't read my post
    I agree. The total gym would be something that I would rotate within the week. Perhaps, 2-3 times a week then the remaining 2-3 days do more aerobic as well as switching your routine around.
    Well, as it hasn't been the best week at all, I decided to respond to his blatant attempt to just earn credit by responding to my post.

    Quoth ME!!
    I actually never said anything about rotating the machine into a workout routine at all, only that it's a good idea in theory. And that it would NOT be something you could use alone to be fit and lean.

    So, I'm sorry, but I'm a little confused as to what, exactly, you're writing you agree with in my post?
    Wonder if anyone will respond that they agree with me on that one, too?

  • #2
    OOOOOOOOooooooooooo...burn.! lol.

    Ill bet they dont post back b/c they already look like a jackass.


    • #3
      We had random discussions online for my criminal justice class as a way of getting some participation credit for those who don't like speaking out in class. I was actually pretty surprised. I know he said short responses wouldn't be worth anything, but everyone went above and beyond on it. Long, well thought out responses and rebuttals. Though there was some morons who never posted at all, losing EASY credit.
      "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


      • #4
        Well, no answer yet to my request for clarification.

        Although, he just may not have read it, having done his requisite 3 posts and then called it a day, since he's officially earned his credit. Beh. People like him annoy me.


        • #5
          Lupo, I feel your pain.

          I'm taking all my classes right now online. The class this semester had a bunch of high school students sign up for it, since it was Sociology 101. Happily, I don't have to read and comment on other people's posts, because they would post in purple, green, red, and/or italics. Ugh. I just checked the other day, and most of the high school students have dropped out. Yea!

          Spring semester, one of my instructors required us to comment a minimum number of times on other people's comments. So much stupid. My brain hurt. I would put it off until it was the deadline, because I just couldn't face it.
          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


          • #6
            Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
            And then there are the others. The ones who only want to get their credit for posting, and thus, generally respond to any random topic, by writing "I agree." Or some variation thereof.

            my husband had that except the Professor was VERY opinionated and tended to try and cram her ideas down your throat-she graded based on post content. Since I was job seeking at the time and hubs was working full-time and a full time student.

            Well I was his research assistant.(I'd spend a couple hours looking up what he asked me to-giving him a list of 20-30 sources to go through)

            All the other students just agreed with the prof. my husband disagreed and had the facts to back it up-he got the highest grade in the class for not just agreeing with the prof and having his own opinions.
            Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes

