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New Squatter

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  • New Squatter

    Most cats in this neighborhood are outside cats. Not a lot of traffic and lots of backyards. My cat is, too. Used to be 2 or 3 cats that hang around my backyard. Lots of trees and bushes, so it's great for cats, but Tiger chases them away.

    Yesterday, there was a new face in my backyard. Smaller than Tiger, adolescent I'd guess. Male, judging by the testicles. Really pretty cat. Gray and white with mint green eyes and a leetle pink nosey. He had a white stripe going down his spine and branching off down one leg, so I call him Stripes.

    I figure he belongs to someone, since he's real friendly when you get close. I just saw him in the front bushes. He dashed of a little but I guess recognized my voice, since he stopped and let me pet him some more.
    "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper