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Nasty BUGS! ><

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  • Nasty BUGS! ><

    Ugh! I was used to small bugs up in Wisconsin...we get spiders, and flies, and mosquitoes, and moths up there. We never had a bug problem at my parents' house or the apartment that I lived in. But since I've moved in with my boyfriend in Texas, we've been having bug problems!

    First, they were in our dishwasher (GROSS!) I don't run the dishwasher as much as he used to before I moved in, 'cuz I typically just do the dishes every night by hand so they don't pile up. He hardly ever did dishes by hand, so he'd run the dishwasher at least 1-2 times a week. Well, the first time I ran the dishwasher after I moved down here was about 2 weeks after I'd gotten here. We ran it overnight and the next morning when I opened it up, there were at least 6 black bugs scuttling around the inside of the door and along the frame. They weren't too big, about 1/2" long and they disappeared inside the cracks between the washer frame and the wood cabinets around it. One of the guys in our apartment office said they're water bugs and that they come up during the drying process of the dishwasher, especially if you don't use your dishwasher very often. He called an exterminator for us, who sprayed around the dishwasher twice and we haven't seen them since, but I still do NOT want to use the dishwasher at all, except maybe to just run it empty once a week to prevent them from coming back.

    Now this last week we've had, what I think, is cockroaches! Oh man. I'd never seen a cockroach before in my life and we've had three of them in the last week. The first one we saw running around the living room, one of the cats was chasing it. It was quite alive and active, till my boyfriend killed it. The second one I uncovered when I picked up my shoe next to the front door the other day and it was laying on the floor underneath it. It appeared sick or hurt 'cuz it was moving but not much, even when my boyfriend started spraying it with the raid. The third one I just found when I opened the cabinet under the sink, grabbed a bag of rolls of paper towel, and the next thing I knew it was on the floor next to me. It was dead. It must've been on or in the bag I grabbed. These suckers are BIG, much bigger than the ones in the dishwasher, and they're more red/brown in color, and have super-long antennae. They freak me the HELL out. I didn't think I minded bugs too much till I started seeing these things. I can't even go in the kitchen right now, even though the thing is dead, I don't want to touch it. Boyfriend said he will take care of it as soon as he gets home. I've had to grab the cats twice now to keep them from investigating.

    Does anyone have any advice, either on how to prevent this from happening, or from being such a wuss about it? I feel bad 'cuz I just can NOT deal with these things (as far as picking them up/disposing of them). Boyfriend says it's not a problem. I just freak out when I see them.

  • #2
    You can try to go to your local hardware store and get this stuff called boric acid. it is a white powder that you put down in areas that they like to hide.
    What it does it takes the waxy coating off of their legs and if they ingest it it kills them. That is the best stuff becasue it is natural. If you try using bug sprays and other chemicals on them they become immune to it.

    Believe me when i say i have sprayed those suckers with every chemical and they just don;t die. One night i encountered one in my driveway when i came home. I sprayed it with wd40 (just like roach spray), roach and ant killer, wasp spray and a gardern bug fogger. it would not die. lol well until i slapped it with something.

    Where my grandmother used to live she had them until she put that stuff down and they had never come back after that.

    I will suggest that you put it in areas where the cats can't get to it. Like behind the stove and in the cabinet under the sink. Usually they hang around water sources. They most likely will show up in your bathroom too.
    "Beam me up Scotty there is no intelligent life down here."

