Bare with me, I'm about 1/4 the way through a bottle of rum at the moment.
So today started out pretty shit and kinda stayed that way, my mother woke me up this morning to tell me that she couldn't get one of our horses up, when I went out there she was lying flat out and when I got closer I saw that her leg was at a slightly strange angle, when I went to move it I saw that it was hugely swolen and I felt a grinding as I moved it, when the vet got there he confirmed what I though, she'd broken her leg, for those of you that don't know much or anything about horses, the only thing to do then is to put them down, there is nothing else you can do. So today, instead of having a quiet day cleaning out my car I got to spend it organising to have her buried and trying to keep my mother sane. Timpani was the best horse my mother has bred, she's been in my family since she was born 31 years agothis really was like losing a member of the family, hell, she'd been part of it for longer than I have, I can't remember a time when she wasn't around.
So here's to a horse that was once South Australias best stock horse, who holds a record that cannot be beaten, because after she won everything, there were so many complaints that they changed the rules so no horse could ever do it again, you will be missed you senile old nag.
So today started out pretty shit and kinda stayed that way, my mother woke me up this morning to tell me that she couldn't get one of our horses up, when I went out there she was lying flat out and when I got closer I saw that her leg was at a slightly strange angle, when I went to move it I saw that it was hugely swolen and I felt a grinding as I moved it, when the vet got there he confirmed what I though, she'd broken her leg, for those of you that don't know much or anything about horses, the only thing to do then is to put them down, there is nothing else you can do. So today, instead of having a quiet day cleaning out my car I got to spend it organising to have her buried and trying to keep my mother sane. Timpani was the best horse my mother has bred, she's been in my family since she was born 31 years agothis really was like losing a member of the family, hell, she'd been part of it for longer than I have, I can't remember a time when she wasn't around.
So here's to a horse that was once South Australias best stock horse, who holds a record that cannot be beaten, because after she won everything, there were so many complaints that they changed the rules so no horse could ever do it again, you will be missed you senile old nag.
