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OMG!! It's hot! May I rant a little?

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  • #31
    Quoth Pagan View Post
    You think it's hot here? Go down to Las Cruces, they're usually 5-10 degrees F hotter than Albuquerque. Better yet, go to Phoenix.

    Just be glad you weren't in southern NM/far west TX in the summer of '94.
    Or in Phoenix the summer of '90. June 26, 1990, the mercury in Phoenix hit 122F. In the shade. And if you know anything about Phoenix, you know we don't have any fucking shade. Even for a heatlover like me, that was a bit toasty.

    I was very amused when my (Florida-born and raised) friend Photo Dude sent me a text this last June 15 telling me that it hit 100F in Phoenix that day. Dude, it's PHOENIX. If that had been mid-April and it hit 100 (which it did this April), that would have been news. The only news about it being 100 in mid-June is that it ONLY hit 100 that day. That's considered a cool day for mid-June in Phoenix, my friend.

    Silly Floridians.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #32
      How about being here during the summer when it gets past 100 degrees WITH a shitload of humidity!

      You go outside and it feels like the air is forming hands to strangle you with. Just horrible. And the thermometer doesn't even get below 80 at night because there's so much moisture in the air to trap the heat.

      And when you get past 30 it wears you down even faster.


      • #33
        Quoth blas87 View Post
        That's it, I've fucking had it!

        We set a new record low in January, one once again in either March or April, a record low in June, and now ANOTHER in July.

        This last Friday, it did not hit 60 degrees, that's right, 60 degrees, until late afternoon....and by evening, it was back down to the 50s.

        Saturday night, we hit a record was barely over 40 degrees that night!

        What next, highs in the 30s in September and snow? Most likely. Fuck Wisconsin.
        just remember Blas that this is Wisconsin where you can get a sunburn AND frostbite on the same July day.

        Hell I had to ACTUALLY turn the heater on my water bed back on for like 3 weeks this summer.

        and as to the snow in Sept. you may not be that far off with the way the weather is going lately

        I WANT WARM DAMN IT!!!!!!!!
        I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
        -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

        "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

