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can I "esplode" now? (sorry long)

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  • can I "esplode" now? (sorry long)

    for reference my 2 YO niece has learned the word "esplode" as she cannot pronounce explode yet. cute if not spot on. And as of late I do not have anywhere else to vent but here...that is all for Background

    Apparently having become pregnant means i get chores every day. Fine with me. That is until it became expected I do ALL the daily chores and now i'm not allowed outside. At first I thought fine, hubby is overreacting/paranoid/worried as with how busy i keep I'm still getting some excercise and taking it slow.
    Now the only time I get to leave the house is when its time to go shopping or doctors appointments. WTH i ask for a little help and hubby either doesn't get it done or does it so half arsed or bad that I end up having to clean up after him or do it myself anyways. Alot of these things I ask for help with is because I cannot do them anymore for a while. No problem there Dad In Law helps me with what he can when he gets home. But even then I stopped asking due to guilt over it.

    I'm basically alone all day. Hubby works nights gets home and does his short routine then goes to bed. Everyone else I know is at work thus unreachable unless its an emergency. Understandable. So if I talk to anyone its online and its maybe 10 15 minutes tops. All this I can take in stride as I just want to get through the day.

    Today my doctors office calls, its the glucose (spelling) test results. I have been asked to come in as soon as I can to retake it due to the fact that the levels were low enough that it was a wonder I wasn't drooling and stuttering. Shocked me too. Maybe I'm over reacting, maybe not as I don't know what that means beyond low energy and lact of being able to properly function. Perhaps thats why I've been super depressed?
    It would make sense since for the past few days I've done nothing beyond sleeping in, staying in bed or just staying in my room. If I go outside its to get the mail only to hear about being tattled on by the neighbors when hubby gets home. I stopped talking to just about everyone but mom when she calls on occasion.

    So many more thoughts to point out but I'll stop. can I "esplode"?

  • #2
    Your neighbors tattle on you to your husband when you go outside to get the mail? What, is your mailbox 3 miles away and you have to walk there to get it? If my SO was getting on my case for walking outside when I was pregnant, we'd be having some serious words. And if my neighbors were trying to be "helpful" by ratting on me, I'd be having some even more serious words with them. Like stay the fuck out of my business and life as it's none of their concern.

    Your husband sounds way, way over-protective from your single post. Is there any particular reason for this? Is yours a "high risk" pregnancy or has there been a history of complications, either for you or either of your families? I could sort of understand it more then, but still, it is NOT healthy to sit inside the house/apartment all day every day (for most people, anyway.) I work from home and we only have one car at the moment, which is my boyfriend's. There are several days during the week in which I don't get out much. However, on the weekends, we make sure to go out at least for lunch or to a movie or get together with friends, usually on both days, and sometimes we go out just for a drive or to get an ice cream cone during the week, just so I can get out of the apartment for a while.

    *offers hugs and homemade German chocolate cake*


    • #3
      thank you for the hugs and cake :-)
      our neighbors.....lets just say they're another story all together.
      Yes I am a high risk. Yet the last time i was at my doctors she repeatedly said everything looks fine and I am OK.


      • #4
        Whenever you go outside announce it loud enough for your neighbours to hear.

        "I'm going outside now, make sure to tell my husband later because I know you can't mind your f****ng business."
        Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
        Me: I expect competence from my coworkers.


        • #5
          Was he like this at all before you got pregnant? Is he just being overprotective? I think you and hubs should have a sit down together with the doctor and have her go over things that you can and can't do safely. Maybe it'll ease his mind a bit. Maybe ask her beforehand to stress that being stuck in the house with nothing but housework to do (and no help from him) isn't good for you, either. But then if he's so worried about you why is he making you do all the chores in the first place? I don't want to speculate, not knowing you or your husband, but looking at your post just on the surface, his getting mad because you leave the house, even to get the mail, and apparently having neighbors spying on you (does he ask them about your movements while he's not there or do they volunteer this information*?) strikes me as a red flag that would make me very uncomfortable. Obviously I can't read your tone here, but the phrase "not allowed outside" makes me worry about you.

          *If they are volunteering...actually scratch that - either way, tell them to go themselves.
          Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 07-29-2009, 10:36 PM.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            I just might do that gremcint
            No, he became a bit worse when I first became pregnant in march.
            Turns out the neighbors catch him conversing at work and think "oh let me rev things up and get into something thats none of my business"
            Same said neighbors work at the same place hubby does but different department. All that is ok to do has been laid out by the dr. due to myself being a bit over worried this being our third attempt I can completely understand his fears. My tone i suppose is stressed, mixed with fear and just plain hormones.

            Forgot to metion that I did step on his toes this morning about how things are going and that if he doesn't knock it off I can go stay with mom for a whole month with no questions asked. (posting between chores)


            • #7
              I agree your husband needs to go to an appointment with you and the doctor needs to lay out, in his presence, everything you are allowed to do/not do. After that it is a matter of trust. He doesn't want anything to happen to the baby, and he has to trust that you would never do anything to harm the baby either.

              It seems a skewed situation that he thinks all the chores should fall on you though- bending, lifting, kneeling, squatting- household chores are tough. I would not feel guilty asking for help with anything you need- from your father-in-law or your husband. They have to understand that you would not ask for help if you didn't truly need it.

              Oh yeah- and tell your nosy neighbors to fuck off.


              • #8
                I would add that stress on the mother puts stress on the baby and that is not good. Too much stress can cause more problems than if he'd just let you do your thing (while being cautious, of course.)


                • #9
                  waiting on reply from the dr office since i retook the glucose test. fun times.
                  husband has been sat down and for almost an HOUR explained in detail that he needs to knock it off (put in laymans terms) and give me a break. The whole stress on me = stress on baby was thrown in there as well.

                  So now I don't have to worry so much. Thank you for the replies.
                  Now how to tell my neighbors to kindly go eff themselves or find something better to do like their jobs.


                  • #10
                    Wear a tshirt with HUGE font of MYOB YALLS on it.

                    I hope this pregnancy works out for you, I'm pg too and it's ....a learning experience! I'm hoping Egbert comes out healthy and happy, but dreading it at the same time (yow, how am I gonna sleep?) etc.


                    In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                    She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                    • #11
                      agreed, dealing with low blood sugar and lack of appetite and doing all i can to get said blood sugar to normal. considering ordering a shirt that says "I only LOOK sweet and innocent" heh. that or "I don't discriminate I loathe everyone" heh.
                      and Cutebnoob may I offer advice? its ok to be afriad. just don't worry too much and find something constructive to do or something that takes your mind off of worrying for a whle.

