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How to get a VERY thick lawn!!!! (Gross but worth it!)

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  • How to get a VERY thick lawn!!!! (Gross but worth it!)

    My grass in my backyard is very thick and very healthy. It's been growing like crazy, especially since we've had a very wet summer. But I think I know why. A year and a half ago when we had four dogs, there were tons of messes to clean up in the yard. But instead of finding a place to put it I just decided to dig up a patch in various parts of my yard and bury it and replace the patch. Been doing that for almost two years now. Now my grass in my backyard literally grows at the rate of about a eighth of an inch a day! Two to three times as fast as the grass in front of my house.

    So if you guys are looking for a good fertilizer you know where to get it.

  • #2
    It's the pigeon poop!!!!!!

    At least at my house.
    I have 2 pigeon coops in my back yard, both have aviaries attached to them. When it rains the pigeon poop gets washed out of the aviaries into the grass. I have to mow the lawn within 20ft of the coops twice a week. The grass literally grows about 1 1/2" a day there.

    Some of the poop from inside the coops goes into my garden........ you should see my zucchini.... one zucchini can feed a family of 4 for two days

    the rest of it goes into my husband's uncles field, he farms organic vegetables for local stores and farmers markets.

    Now uncle's organic farmer friends are starting to ask for poop. Suuure, I say, just help me build another coop. The local bird rehabbers are on my back about taking in more un-releasable, handicapped ones anyways.

    I'm tellin' you, the pigeon poop is the shit.


    • #3
      manure has always been used for fertilization. i don't know if dog manure is safe to use for plants that are goign to be eatne though

