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Update/Advice Needed....

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  • Update/Advice Needed....

    Everyone remember the bikini contest?


    That radio station is now gone. Last Friday night, the station got pulled with no advanced warning or alert, and they filled the air space with Christmas music until they set up the new station on Tuesday, which is a radio station run by a computer playing music. No DJs, no contests, no nothing. No warning that that radio station was getting too expensive and going under, no warning about was just gone.....

    That same day they pulled the station, I'd been told that interviews would be starting next (this) week.

    Well, since that station got pulled...the contest is still going on, but it's been taken to ANOTHER radio station from that same company, one of their classic rock stations. Not that I have an issue with classic rock, but I did not want to be the winner for THAT radio station.

    They have been trying to call me and I've been nervous and refusing to answer. Not only did I wake up one day and realize that I could never pay the taxes on all the prizes, but after all that's happened with my favorite radio station, I don't want it anymore. I want out.

    What to do what to do?
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    If you really don't want to do it anymore, answer your phone and politely decline. "I'm sorry but the reason I was doing this was to show support for *Radio Station* and since they are no longer on the air I no longer wish to participate."

    Just let them know strait out so they don't have to keep trying to contact you.
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


    • #3
      Second Red Dazes. If you're worried about it, decline the offer.
      I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


      • #4
        What everybody else said.

        If it's any consolation, you'll always be our rock chick.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Thank you guys.

          I feel sort of bad, I know I shouldn't, because what they did was really underhanded and sudden, and part of me feels that they don't deserve an explanation until it's all overwith, like they did with the radio station. No explanation until they already got the new one going.

          But at the same time, I don't want to stoop to that level, and be like the many people who are just sending them immature, vulgar hatemail.

          I just hope that waiver I signed didn't get me stuck to that contest. AFAIK, it only said that they had permission to use my name and pictures all over their websites and anything their company does business with. Well yay, ONE whole picture of me. Go for it. It's not my best side, anyway :P
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            You're a winner in our book, blas.
            "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


            • #7
              How long did the radio station know they were going under?

              Also, I agree with Red_Dazes as well, just politely decline next time they call. I understand not wanting to be the winner of a particular radio station, it's the same if you won a contest on a TV station (say Fox) then to be told "oh, you're a winner for CBS now" If it's not a station you actively support or listen to/watch, winning doesn't hold exactly the same feeling as it did before.


              • #8
                I'm sorry to hear that things went kablooie for you on this. I agree with everyone else. Just let them know that you are no longer interested in participating in the contest since they moved it to anohter station. That should be all you need since you were still in the contestant phase, there shouldn't be a contract in place.


                • #9
                  Quoth blas87 View Post
                  Well, since that station got pulled...the contest is still going on, but it's been taken to ANOTHER radio station from that same company, one of their classic rock stations. Not that I have an issue with classic rock, but I did not want to be the winner for THAT radio station.

                  They have been trying to call me and I've been nervous and refusing to answer. Not only did I wake up one day and realize that I could never pay the taxes on all the prizes, but after all that's happened with my favorite radio station, I don't want it anymore. I want out.

                  What to do what to do?
                  I agree with the others politely decline to continue to participate.

                  With regard to the tax situation, you only need to pay if you actually received something woth over $600 (the minimum to 1099 you). As for the use of your likeness, double check the contract--was it with the company or the station? Depending on the corporate ownership structure, if the contract was with the station as separte entity, you may be off the hook, technically.

                  Yes, you may PM me with specific tax queries.
                  I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

                  Who is John Galt?
                  -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


                  • #10
                    Supposedly, it had been going down the drain for quite some time and they were going to pull it, but I guess they felt no need to inform the general public about it.

                    By the way, I signed a waiver with the company, not the radio station.

                    I talked with my boyfriend and some coworkers, and while they understand how I feel about this, they also think I should at least go through with it as far as I can go, just to at least get something out of it, because I do deserve something. I wanted it so bad for a while there, and I tried my best and gave it all I had......I can't just throw it away and walk away empty handed.

                    So maybe if they call back, I'll give it a go. I really don't have any intention of winning, but something is better than nothing.

                    Also, the prizes so far are just under $10,000.....I would very much so be taxed on it...another reason I don't want to win any longer. But even a gas discount or tickets to a rock show would be fine with me.....even another bar tab would be great.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

