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    Earlier today I was on the phone with Nurse Betty's Mom. She and I get along fantastically--Nurse Betty's been going through a rough patch, and her mom and I have been doing what we can to help her out, and supporting each other in so doing. Now SOMEHOW (and honestly, I'm not sure how), the conversation turned to politics. Current politics. Without going into details (the political issue is not, in this case, the issue), suffice it to say that NB's mom and I are not aligned along the same political axis. The conversation remained polite, even pleasant, but I realized (and said aloud) that no good could come of the two of us discussing the particular topic that somehow found its way into the convo. I politely attempted to excuse myself....several times. But, much like some people won't seem to let you go when you're talking to them on the phone, she wouldn't stop, even though she agreed that this was probably not the best thing for us to be discussing. I only got drawn into specifics a couple of times (I am a political animal, and political science was my minor in college, so it's hard for me to abstain from such discussion), but each time remembered myself and again pointed out that we would have to agree to disagree, but that no good could result from us getting into a political debate.

    Finally I got off the phone with her. the future, when this comes up again--and I have no doubt it will--what would be the best way to deal with it? I have no problem discussing politics with people who disagree with my views, and doing so politely. Our conversation never turned unpleasant. Awkward, but not unpleasant. This is the kind of woman I could see bumping into at a political event, on the other side of the issue, and us exchanging warm pleasantries while people were screaming around us, and then having her invite me to her house for some cake. So I am not worried about this causing any huge problems or anything.

    But it is still something that is probably not the best thing to discuss with your SO's parents. So, any suggestions for future awkward moments? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    I'd suggest finding a way to make a new tangent in the conversation. Sure, chat about it a bit, but then lead it into something else. Or just say, "I don't want to discuss that right now, let's find something else."
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