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Your PSA for the day - Possible movie spoilers

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  • Your PSA for the day - Possible movie spoilers

    I may not post anymore but if I can spare just one person the expense and misery, my life shall not have been lived in vain.

    DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT waste your money on the movie The Ugly Truth.

    I just saw that tonight with my SIL (she wanted to see it, not me - most "romantic comedies" are steaming piles of shit that don't interest me) and it was HORRIBLE. A sexist misogynist piece of crap that had me literally cringing in my seat for the nearly 2 hours I was there. God I wish I could get my 7.50 back. Money doesn't come so easily to me these days so every penny is important, and I didn't fucking pay to watch revolting stereotypes be reinforced in the miasma of cultural bullshit.

    How do I hate this movie? Let me count the ways...! (WARNING: SPOILERS.)

    - Screwing over Katherine Heigl's character massively. Because we all know that successful professional women who live alone and own cats are total losers. Christ, she wasn't even "dowdy" and they still had to make her out to be an "unsexy" "psycho" "frump."

    - Making Gerard Butler's character the winner, despite the clear fact that he is a raging ASSHOLE and does not deserve so much as the time of day, let alone trumping Heigl's character's authority *and* "getting the girl" at the end.

    - (WARNING: The following may be triggering to some) Throwing in a rape joke near the ending of the movie. This one guy who's going onto a news camera is all giggles and grins and says proudly, "I've had sex with over 100 women, 90 of them conscious!" As if RAPING SOMEBODY is something to be fucking proud of! And people in the audience were fucking LAUGHING at this scene! Oh god, I want to smite something...! (To the other characters' credit, as soon as the guy said that they were pulling him off-camera, but still! That the moviemakers even put that in there to begin with is fucking horrid!)

    There were a very, very few redeeming points to this movie, the biggest of which was the soundtrack, heh. Heigl's character at one point realized she was living out a fake persona to attract one guy she did want (and unfortunately, he wasn't much of a prize either, but compared to Butler's character he was an improvement - sad innit?), but then the point got ruined when, predictably, the script made her go for the asshole guy.

    God, I wish I could get my fucking money back. Almost TWO HOURS of my life that I'll never get back! I could have been napping, or clipping my toenails.
    ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~

  • #2
    Quoth Amethyst Hunter View Post
    but compared to Butler's character he was an improvement - sad innit?), but then the point got ruined when, predictably, the script made her go for the asshole guy.
    Well, that's not a spoiler. I figured that part out the first time I saw the trailer...
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Oh, yeah, I knew Heigl's character and Butler's character would wind up together in the end, "After all of this searching what I really wanted was standing right in front of me!" Bleeecccchhhh! I hate romantic comedies for that reason - they're so damn predictable and unrealistic. All of these gorgeous women going, "Waaaahhhh! I can't get a man! I can't survive without a man! How can I go to ridiculous lengths to get a man?" Oh, yeah, Katherine Heigl, I'm sure you have such a hard time getting laid. Puh-leaze

      Of course, even if the above weren't true, I'd still refuse to see it because Katherine Heigl is a one-trick actress (always plays the same type; one level 'acting', if she's even acting) and Gerard Butler....he made Phantom of the Opera, quite possibly the most overdone and overwrought melodramatic musical of this generation, even cheesier. He bumped that melodrama knob right past 11 and on up to 12. Well, that and the fact that he can't sing, but whatevs. "Okay, Webber, let us cast this random, good looking actor, and we'll let you pick out the pretty ingenue of your choice to ogle, okay?"
      "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

      Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
      Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


      • #4
        Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
        "After all of this searching what I really wanted was standing right in front of me!"
        Heh. Actually, that does happen occasionally. My current girlfriend and I are living proof. We got together romantically for the first time in April of this year....but we've been friends since August of 1987.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          Actually, I found that movie hilarious, and I'm an ambitious career oriented woman who will (one day) be living with me kitty.

          I think I found it so funny because I know so many guys who act just like Butler's character, and they are always *surprise surprise* the single ones who can't figure out why they never have a girlfriend!

          I especially laughed at the part about "Don't criticize men, we never advance beyond toilet training."

          It really helps that one of my fav ex Days Of Our Lives actors was in the movie too....Eric Winter, yum yum yum!!!
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Quoth Amethyst Hunter View Post
            - Screwing over Katherine Heigl's character massively. Because we all know that successful professional women who live alone and own cats are total losers. Christ, she wasn't even "dowdy" and they still had to make her out to be an "unsexy" "psycho" "frump."
            So this is sexist?

            Quoth Amethyst Hunter View Post
            - Making Gerard Butler's character the winner, despite the clear fact that he is a raging ASSHOLE and does not deserve so much as the time of day, let alone trumping Heigl's character's authority *and* "getting the girl" at the end.

            - (WARNING: The following may be triggering to some) Throwing in a rape joke near the ending of the movie. This one guy who's going onto a news camera is all giggles and grins and says proudly, "I've had sex with over 100 women, 90 of them conscious!" As if RAPING SOMEBODY is something to be fucking proud of! And people in the audience were fucking LAUGHING at this scene! Oh god, I want to smite something...! (To the other characters' credit, as soon as the guy said that they were pulling him off-camera, but still! That the moviemakers even put that in there to begin with is fucking horrid!)
            and this isn't?
            Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
            Me: I expect competence from my coworkers.


            • #7
              Quoth gremcint View Post
              So this is sexist? and this isn't?
              Please. Save the nitpicks for Fratching.
              ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


              • #8
                Quoth Amethyst Hunter View Post
                Please. Save the nitpicks for Fratching.
                And please use the report button.

                This is a discussion about a movie, plain and simple.

                Save all that other 'controversy' for fratching.
                Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

