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Dear potential employers (or why I loathe job hunting)

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  • Dear potential employers (or why I loathe job hunting)

    God, I hate job hunting.

    I lost my job after Comic Con and am currently hunting for another one. This is not a fun experience, and I would please like to address all my potential future employers or those I come into contact with in that context.

    1) Thank you so much to all the companies out there that have now completely gotten rid of the paper application process and now moved to completely online. Instead of giving me a chance to come in, introduce myself, and fill out an application and turn in a resume, I now have to completely guess what keywords your online system is flagged to look for before it decides to forward an application on to where a human might actually read it. I also deeply appreciate the fact that you only have space on the automated form for the last three jobs you've had - when the jobs are all temp contract work, I don't have the ability to show that I am qualified for the job because prior to March of this year I managed a furniture showroom for 5 years. I also like that 50 point questionaire that you give me, thereby determining if I am a serial killer or someone who might decide to go off the deep end and go postal while at work one day.

    2) When you tell me that you'll call me by 5:00 pm the next day to let me know if I got the job or not, and promise to call either way, do not get pissed off if I call at 4:55pm the next day because I haven't heard from you. I'm sorry if it's percieved as being a pain in the ass - if you expect me to be truthful when it comes to my employment history and the fact you're running a background and credit check, then don't get pissed when I call to follow up. It's called being proactive. I have no clue when that became such a detriment to finding a job, but I'm willing to bet it's related to the amount of time you all spend pissing and moaning that you can't find quality help.

    3) I stated multiple times in my resume online where it's visible to see that I do not want to do commission only work nor anything relating to insurance. This is placed prominantly before my contact information, and therefore if you call me offering me a commission only job or one working in insurance or a combination of the two, I will assume that you are insulting my intelligence because
    a) You are assuming I can't get hired elsewhere and will be begging you to take me
    b) You assumed I would be interested in working for a company who's PR department has absolutely no sense of reading comprehension
    and react accordingly. I know right off the bat it won't work out because intelligence scares you and I guarantee within two weeks I'd have your position or one higher than yours.

    4) No, I am not interested in working for your check cashing business run from overseas.

    5) Do not look at me like a deer in the headlights when I turn in an online application, then happen to be in the area the next two days and come in to introduce myself and hand in a paper copy of my resume. I know not many people do it anymore (my last job, I was the only one out of 70+ to do so and get hired) but you do not need to look at me or react as if I'm going to rob the place. Perhaps I set off a red flag as a psychopath on the 50 question questionaire online that warrants your reaction. You do not need to threaten to call the cops on me for tresspassing.

    6) Do not be insulted when you ask me if I have applied to other companies and I tell you that yes, I have. When I tell you that this is the job I want, as I am being proactive with getting said job, don't insult me by saying I must not want it because I applied elsewhere. I could call out your hipocracy saying as to how your company was one who spammed my email inbox with a standard message that gets sent to EVERYONE WHO REGISTERS ON THE SITE but that would require actual thinking which would threaten the disconnect you blissfully have with the real world.

    7) Do not be upset with me if I'm 5 minutes early for the interview and dare to tell me I'm not punctual. I guarantee you the first sentence in the employee handbook or the first thing you'd say to me if you were my boss was "We expect you to be here 15 minutes early before your shift starts." To consider the fact I treat the interview the same way as something that is negative is moronic.

    8) I know I'm overqualified for the position. I wouldn't be trying for a part time minimum wage job unless I knew that. I'm sorry you feel threatened by the fact that I have far more experience than you do, but you can either bring on another mouth breather and watch your company struggle or take advantage of the fact that I have that experience and will be able to do wonders for your company.

    9) Don't lecture me on the importance of being on time when you're 20 minutes late for the interview with no excuse.

    10) I'm a white male. I understand that I belong to the most hated demographic that many people blame for everything wrong with the world. I cannot change this, much the same way you cannot change your sex or race (and be sure to let everyone know it either outside or inside the office). If you look down on me for being white or male, or expect me to engage in such banter because I am such, do not be suprised if I walk out of the interview. This includes feminists who use the term "the male of the species." Just seriously knock it off.

    11) You have no business asking me about my political views, my religious views, or my sexual orientation. As long as I'm not putting "HOPE" stickers all over my cubicle like the receptionist is or getting into debates, it's my own damned views, thank you very much. Wether I'm straight or gay, you'll never know since I don't engage with flirtatious behavior at work nor do I "dip the company pen in the company ink" to use the vernacular. In fact, the only question that you might possibly be justified in asking me pertaining to religion is if I expect sunday mornings or any other similar time off each week to participate in any religious services. If I say "yes", this isn't an invitation to go digging into my beliefs or what church I go to. If I say "no" then it's even more innapropriate for you to ask me why not.

    12) When you ask me to describe a situation where I acted with integrity, and then respond that it sounds rehearsed, OF COURSE IT SOUNDS REHEARSED YOU IDIOTS. You ALL use the same damned questionnaire or the same questions you read about in a magazine about what to ask new hires. There are NO curveballs to people that are prepared to answer questions in this market. Would you have preferred I just sat there and drooled for two minutes?

    Urge to kill, fading...
    "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."

  • #2
    You have just summarized most of the problems I've been having in the teaching field. Why did things get so stupid?
    My NaNo page

    My author blog


    • #3
      Quoth Kusanagi View Post
      11) You have no business asking me about my political views, my religious views, or my sexual orientation. As long as I'm not putting "HOPE" stickers all over my cubicle like the receptionist is or getting into debates, it's my own damned views, thank you very much. Wether I'm straight or gay, you'll never know since I don't engage with flirtatious behavior at work nor do I "dip the company pen in the company ink" to use the vernacular. In fact, the only question that you might possibly be justified in asking me pertaining to religion is if I expect sunday mornings or any other similar time off each week to participate in any religious services. If I say "yes", this isn't an invitation to go digging into my beliefs or what church I go to. If I say "no" then it's even more innapropriate for you to ask me why not.
      At my old job, when I interviewed applicants, we were not allowed to ask any kind of question like that; if the person wasn't hired, we could get in trouble for discrimination. We weren't even allowed to ask age, except to ask if a young person was over 18.


      • #4
        Quoth Kusanagi View Post
        God, I hate job hunting.

        8) I know I'm overqualified for the position. I wouldn't be trying for a part time minimum wage job unless I knew that. I'm sorry you feel threatened by the fact that I have far more experience than you do, but you can either bring on another mouth breather and watch your company struggle or take advantage of the fact that I have that experience and will be able to do wonders for your company.

        Urge to kill, fading...
        had that happen more than once.

        from 4 years ago
        yeah jerk face manager:try being out of work for a year and see if you do nto get a case of the desperates. Yes I KNOW I am applying to be a clerk at a gas station. yeah I KNOW my last salary was 60K per year. YEAH I KNOW this is a lowly clerks position. ya I KNOW I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO GET A PROFESSIONAL POSITION FOR THE PAST YEAR. I gotta swallow my pride and go back into something I really did NOT want to go back into but I GOT BILLS TO PAY now that my unemployment has run out.

        ya know the IT market just is not what it used to be for a person of my experience level so I gotta do something to bring in some cash.
        I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
        -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

        "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


        • #5
          Fark, this is so true. Can we spam their inboxes with this little message? Please?
          I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


          • #6
            Quoth Kusanagi View Post
            I also deeply appreciate the fact that you only have space on the automated form for the last three jobs you've had - when the jobs are all temp contract work, I don't have the ability to show that I am qualified for the job because prior to March of this year I managed a furniture showroom for 5 years.
            Oh Kus, my young friend. Don't you know you're supposed to lie?

            More seriously, feel free to omit those temp jobs. I would. They are almost certainly irrelevant to what you are applying for. Of course, if you feel you absolutely cannot lie for whatever reason, lump them together as one job under "temp work." Especially effective if you got all three temp jobs through the same temp agency. That way you are both being honest AND showing why you are an intelligent, qualified candidate for their position.

            Just a thought.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              Quoth Jester View Post
              Oh Kus, my young friend. Don't you know you're supposed to lie?

              More seriously, feel free to omit those temp jobs.
              You don't even have to lie. I tailor my resumes to fit the job, and only list jobs that pertain to the field. Temp jobs only get listed if they were really applicable to the position. They will, normally, ask about the unresolved time in the work history, but by then you will be dealing with real flesh and brain matter who have at least a dim reason for talking to you, and can explain about things like, "I needed food."
              The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
              "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
              Hoc spatio locantur.


              • #8
                Sweety, do what Jester says :P
                lump them together as one job under "temp work."
                This way, you'll look like you had A JOB for A SINGLE COMPANY for an extended amount of time

                Jan 09- July 09
                Weird Temp Co
                List your skillz here
                List the stuff here

                when asked about Weird Temp Co, say that you're a valued employee who was on call often and was called back to jobs because of the quality work you've done.

                Are you collecting unemployment at all? Food stamps? Any kind of govt assistance? I hope so.

                Please take your behind down to the closest work/job hunt office run by the state. Have a staff person nitpick your resume. Chat about what kind of jobs you used to do, what you want to do, and brainstorm about branching out to related jobs. IE: Nurse. Used to be nurse. Now no job. Could do office coding, med office asst., could do phlebotomy, could do...lots of medical things related..but doesn't have to be A NURSE. See where I'm going? Tangents.

                Keep hacking, deary. Even if it's for a night stocker job, it's good to be employed.

                In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                • #9
                  Fortunately I'm on food stamps, unemployment is pending
                  "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


                  • #10
                    Jester is right. I, too, have had several temp jobs over the past year. They are important in that they show that I have been (somewhat) steadily employed--no big job gaps. Be prepared, though, to answer questions on when and for how long you did the job. You don't need it on the resume but when they call for phone preview or when you're in a face to face, you will be asked to account for your time.

                    Here's basically what mine looks like:

                    Bank Job

                    Handled cash transactions. Provided customer service. and so on and so forth.....

                    Temporary Worker

                    *Temp Agency 3*
                    --Worked for Bank . Helped set up procedure for new project, did data entry. Assisted another department with filing and archiving project.

                    *Temp Agency2*
                    --Worked for a cold storage warehouse. Answered phones, made appointments, entered receipts into computer, filed documents, and prepared paperwork for outgoing shipments.

                    *Temp Agency 1*
                    --Nursery Wholesaler--Answered phones, created spreadsheets, entered orders, filed documents.
                    --Call Center--Assisted customers, documented cases clearly and concisely.

                    Retail Job

                    --Cashier. Dealt with customers, handled complaints,

                    (etc. you get the idea)
                    My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


                    • #11
                      Quoth Cutenoob View Post
                      Sweety, do what Jester says :P

                      This way, you'll look like you had A JOB for A SINGLE COMPANY for an extended amount of time

                      Jan 09- July 09
                      Weird Temp Co
                      List your skillz here
                      List the stuff here

                      when asked about Weird Temp Co, say that you're a valued employee who was on call often and was called back to jobs because of the quality work you've done.
                      That's what I do. I don't list the individual jobs (namely because there have been so many [several of which were one-day-assignments] I cannot remember them all!), I list the temp agency I got the jobs through.

                      And I can relate totally on the job hunting frustration. I even posted about my experiences on my LiveJournal (see my sig line for the link; it's the most recent post).

                      Best of luck to everyone here who is still seeking a decent job.
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!


                      • #12
                        I love how my cover letter stating "I presently work a late night shift and don't get home until 1:30 am, please no calls before 11am" translates into "Please call me at 8:02 am"


                        • #13
                          Hey Kus, if you're looking for work, there's a Kohl's close by me that's hiring right now. I'll PM you the info if you want to make a trip to South Florida.
                          I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                          Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                          Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                          • #14
                            The Koh's here in San Diego are hiring 400 new employees since they're opening up 3 new stores.

                            If it's anything like the last Kohls I worked at it means 200 of them will be fired two weeks after opening the store. :P
                            "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


                            • #15
                              To add to your complaint about everything being online now and nobody accepting paper applications anymore:

                              Could you please either put contact information and/or a base salary on your CareerBuilder postings?

                              Base Pay: N/A
                              Contact Information: N/A

                              They have got to be shitting me!

